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A Message from Anne: My Big Bad Accident and Why You Should Wear Your Seatbelt

Yesterday I was in an accident. In fact, it was a pretty bad accident. The thing is, there was nothing I could have done to anticipate, let alone stop it.

mannequin challenge paul mccartney
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What is the new viral Mannequin Challenge? We explain #MannequinChallenge 2016!

The new viral sensation taking the Internet by storm is the Mannequin Challenge (hashtag #MannequinChallenge). Like its viral Internet video meme predecessor from 2013, the Harlem Shake, it involves people being videoed in a certain situation, and then posting the video.

miracle messages
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Miracle Messages Uses Social Media to Reunite Homeless with their Loved Ones

Using social media and the Internet to reunite homeless people with their family and other loved ones? Brilliant! That’s what Miracle Messages is doing, and their stated goal is to reunite 1% of the world’s homeless population with loved ones.

melania trump website
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What the Melania Trump Website Looked Like and Said Before it was Taken Down

Melania Trump’s website was taken down yesterday, over questions about her claim to have obtained a college degree in design and architecture from the University of Slovenia. now forwards to the primary Donald Trump website. But because everything on the Internet persists, and because Mrs. Trump is a public figure, we can show you exactly what that site looked like, and what it said. Here’s what Mrs. Trump website looked like, and what it said, before it was taken down.

gig enconomy
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Smartphones + Mobile Apps + Adaptive Workforce = Gig Economy

Are you part of the new so-called ‘gig economy’? If you don’t know what the gig economy is, probably not, but even if not, you almost certainly know someone who is. According to recent statistics, 16% of the American workforce is working in the gig economy – that’s nearly 1 in 5 people. And at least one pundit factors smartphones and mobile apps into why the gig economy is growing.

social media broken heart prenup
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Should You Have a Social Media Prenup and Are They Enforceable?

In case you haven’t heard, social media prenups are a thing now. (What is a social media prenup? It’s a prenuptial agreement spelling out what you can – and more importantly what you can’t – post about the other person on social media, such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, etc..)

online reputation management
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Is it Really Possible to Manage Your Online Reputation?

“Your reputation precedes you,” has never been truer than today, especially for businesses, given the Internet and online reputation. And most especially because the Internet persists. With millions of people taking to Yelp, Google Reviews, Amazon reviews, and more, it’s not surprising that businesses are worrying more than ever about online reputation management, and paying for online reputation management tools.

google driverless car hits bus accident
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Google Driverless Car Hits Bus

Last week a Google driverless car pulled right into a bus. It is the first time, at least on record, that a Google autonomous car has caused an accident, but not the first time that a Google driverless car has been in an accident.

do people prefer text or video at work
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Survey Finds People Prefer Text to Video – for Some Things – Which do You Prefer?

Everybody knows that video is king on the Internet – or is it? If you’re an Internet publisher, which is better: text or video? A survey that was commissioned by the Internet Patrol, and done by the excellent technology research firm, Osterman Research, has found that, for some things, people prefer text (in fact, vastly prefer text) to having to watch a video to get the same information.

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Wondering What a Pancake Braid Is or What Pancaking Braids Is? We Explain

If you’ve been seeing the term “pancaking” all over the Internet, you may be wondering what it is. No, it’s not some new sex position; rather it’s probably referring to braid pancaking, or a pancake braid. But, that probably doesn’t really clear it up for you, does it? So here is what it means when someone says that they are pancaking braids, and what a pancake braid is.

finstagram finsta fake instagram
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Do You have a Finstagram (Fake Instagram) Account?

Fake + Instagram = Finstagram. A Finstagram account (or, as the in kids call it, their ‘finsta’) is a second, fake Instagram account that people use to post those pictures that they don’t really want publicly associated with them. You know, embarrasing photos, slutty videos, you get the idea.

dont sext
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Massive High School Sexting Ring of 100-plus High Schoolers and Middle Schoolers Busted in Colorado

Dozens of high school and middle school students in Cañon City, Colorado are facing the possibility of felony child pornography charges (and having to register as sex offenders for the rest of their lives) in one of the largest underage sexting scandals to date.

aclu mobile justice
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ACLU Mobile Justice App Records Police Actions as They Happen

The American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) has released Mobile Justice apps for eight states and counting. The Mobile Justice app, which records police brutality or encounters as they happen, and automatically uploads them to the ACLU, is available for California, Colorado, Michigan, Mississippi, Missouri, Nebraska, North Carolina and Oregon with more on the way.

pizza rat
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Pizza Rat an Internet Sensation

First we had Basher the photobombing squirrel, and Sneezy the Penn State squirrel, but the newest rodent darling of the Internet is a rat. The video of the rat running down the subway stairs with an entire slice of pizza, has gone beyond viral, catapulting both Pizza Rat, and his videographer, comedian Matt Little, into the pantheon of Internet rodent fame.

interrobang exclamation point combined with question mark
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The What, How, and Why of the Interrobang Punctuation Mark

Even if you don’t know what the interrobang is, you have either used an interrobang, or hinted at an interrobang, or wished that you had an interrobang. You’ve definitely either seen an actual interrobang, or the suggestion of one. Here is the history of the interrobang, and how to get and use the interrobang in everyday writing, texting, and other written communications.