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How to Get Back Your Old Email View on Your iPhone After Apple's Horrendous Update primary transactions updates promotions
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How to Get Back Your Old Email View on Your iPhone After Apple’s Horrendous Update

You may have noticed that starting with iOS 18.3, that your email is all messed up. And by all messed up we mean that it seems Apple is trying to copy Gmail’s wildly unpopular tabs (folders) “feature”. So now Apple, by default, when your iPhone or iPad updates to 18.3 or later, sorts your email into four tabs, Primary, Transactions, Updates, and Promotions. Like we said, copying Gmail’s tabs, even though people time and again go back to Gmail’s default inbox. And even though wanted mail is shunted into the Promotions tabs on both Gmail and now iOS mail, where it rots. Here’s how to undo it.

Those You've Sent a Money Request Emails from Paypal are SCAMS
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Those “You’ve Sent a Money Request” Emails from Paypal are SCAMS

By now you’ve probably received one or more of those notifications that seemingly legitimately claim that you have requested money from someone through your Paypal account. The subject is something like “You’ve sent a money request”, and the email goes on to say something like (actual example) “You requested $299.99 USD from Apple Chandler Fashion Center. YOUR NOTE TO Apple Chandler Fashion Center. Didn’t made this order? Call-I(833) 552-7II8”.

How to Cancel a TinyURL Account
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How to Cancel a TinyURL Account

How crazy is it that it is so hard to figure out how and where to cancel a TinyURL account? Why bury how to deactivate your TinyURL account? They used to be one of the good guys, right? And maybe they still are, in general, but between the “” email address on their email marketing (never a good thing), their “” not working, and the where and how to cancel your TinyURL account being completely inobvious, well, we have to wonder.

Audible Now Being Included in Amazon Music Does NOT Mean That You Can Cancel Your Audible Account! Read This First!
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Audible Now Being Included in Amazon Music Does NOT Mean That You Can Cancel Your Audible Account! Read This First!

If you received the email from Amazon telling you that Audible is now included in your Amazon Music Unlimited account, you may be confused as to what that really means. Does it mean that you can cancel your Audible account payment, and only pay for Amazon Music Unlimited, and still maintain your Audible account with out the double payment? NO, it does not mean that!
Read on.

people you have blocked on X Twiiter will now be able to see your posts
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X Twitter Is Allowing People You’ve Blocked to See Your Public Posts

X (formerly Twitter) has announced that people whom you have blocked will now be able to see your public posts. While they won’t be able to interact with your posts, blocking someone on X now basically says “Let this person stalk me on X but not interact with me on X.”

Paypal sharing your shopping information with merchants
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Paypal is Going to Share Your Shopping Info with Their Merchants Unless You Opt Out – Here’s How to Opt Out

Paypal has announced (quietly) that they will begin sharing your personal shopping information with merchants, including your products, preferences, sizes, and styles. To opt-out of this egregious invasion of your privacy you must opt-out before November 27, 2024,

Do NOT Put Your Gift Recipient's Email Address in an Online Order or It May Associate YOUR Credit Card with Them!
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Do NOT Put Your Gift Recipient’s Email Address in an Online Order or It May Associate YOUR Credit Card with Them!

If you are ordering a gift for someone online, and most especially if that website uses the Shop app from Shopify, do not, Not, NOT put their email address as the email address associated with the order, as when you complete the order Shop “helpfully” will add YOUR credit card to THEIR Shop account associated with their email address!

How to Turn Off and Disable Read Receipts in Facebook Messenger - Finally
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How to Turn Off and Disable Read Receipts in Facebook Messenger – Finally!

It’s no secret that one of bigger safety issues on Facebook has been the inability to turn off read receipts in Facebook Messenger; there has been no way to stop someone from knowing if you’ve read their FB Messenger message. So abusers, stalkers, bullies, and other bad actors have always been able to know whether you saw a message that they sent you, because the ‘read’ flag was automatically set to “read” as soon as you opened the message. Now, with very little, if any, fanfare, Facebook has rolled out a way to stop someone from knowing that you have read their message.

How to Scan a QR Code with Your Phone When the QR Code is ON Your Phone
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How to Scan a QR Code with Your Phone When the QR Code is ON Your Phone

When somebody texts you a QR code to your phone, are you tempted to say “Hey dummy, how am I supposed to scan this QR code with my phone when the QR code is ON my phone?”? It can be really frustrating. This happens often in the context of someone texting you the info for you to send them a payment, such as through Venmo. However, it may be that they know this trick to scanning a QR code with your phone when the QR code is on your phone.

How to Disable and Get Rid of That F*cking AI Overview in Google Search
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How to Disable and Get Rid of That F*cking AI Overview in Google Search

If you’re wondering how to disable and get rid of that AI Overview that is now being displayed at the top of searches on Google, you are definitely not alone. Here’s how.

How to Dictate Emoji to Insert Emojis with Dictation on iPhone and Android
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How to Dictate Emoji to Insert Emojis with Dictation on iPhone and Android

Did you know that you can dictate emoji on your iPhone or Android phone? This does away with the frustration of dictating an awesome message and then having to interrupt yourself to turn off the dictation, open the keyboard, go to the emoji section and select the emoji. And it’s actually really easy!

How to Add New Custom Tapback Emojis to the iPhone Tapbacks
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How to Add New Custom Tapback Emojis to the iPhone Tapbacks

So you’re having a chat conversation and your friend tells you something that makes you want to send a hug, but your tapback options don’t include the emoji for that. Here’s how to add new, custom tapback options to your iPhone! (Note that Apple has said that they are including the option to change and add custom emojis to tapbacks in iOS 18, so we’re including those directions for if/when that happens.)

How to Tell if You are Chatting with an AI Bot or Online Scammer on Social Media or a Dating Site
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How to Tell if You’re Chatting with an AI Bot or Online Scammer on Social Media or a Dating Site

While scammers on dating apps and social media have been around since, well, social media, with the rise of AI and AI bots and other bots the flood of scams has risen to tsunami levels. Here’s how to tell if you are chatting with a scammer or AI bot on social media or a dating site.

How to Obtain a Personal Background Check for Renting in Colorado and Save Money
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How to Obtain a Personal Background Check for Renting in Colorado and Save Money

If you live in Colorado or are planning to move there, you can get your own personal background check to provide to landlords, rental agents, and property management companies. This can save you money by avoiding the background check fee for each rental application.

Cellular Not Working on Your Apple Watch? Here's How to Test Cellular Calling and Texting on Your Apple Watch
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Cellular Not Working on Your Apple Watch? Here’s How to Test Cellular Calling and Texting on Your Apple Watch

If no matter what you do it seems as if the direct-dial cellular line on your Apple Watch is not able to make calls or texts using your Apple Watch’s dedicated cellular line, here’s how to test whether your Apple Watch is actually hooked up to its cellular connection.