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Want to Know What Happens to Your Facebook Page when You Die? This

Wonder what happens to your Facebook page (technically your Facebook timeline) if you die? (Well, ok, when you die.) In part it will depend on whether or not you have designated a ‘legacy contact’ in your Facebook account. Want to make sure your account is deleted when you die? We tell you how to do that, too.

facebook messages twilight zone
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If You’re Not Checking Your Facebook Filtered Folder You’re Missing Messages

Did you know that you have a second Facebook Messenger message folder that you may not even be aware of! This other folder is the ‘Filtered’ folder, and it’s where Facebook puts messages that it thinks are spam. The problem is, lots of messages that aren’t spam end up in that spam folder too, and you get no notification of these messages! This is true whether you are using the Facebook Messenger app, or reading Facebook message through the Facebook website – but you can only find the Filtered folder when on the website (not through Messenger). Bonus info: How to delete all Facebook message at once (or at least get rid of them more easily).

facebook she is gone ads
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About All Those She’s Gone Ads on Facebook

If you are on Facebook you can’t avoid them. The “She’s gone” ads, suggesting that celebrities like Sally Fields, Betty White, Meryl Streep, Sandra Bullock, Susan Sarandon, and Kris Jenner, have died (they haven’t), with the weird domain names, are everywhere. Click on them, and each and every one of them leads not to news that they have died (surprise, surprise) but a website selling Beauty and Truth (oh, the irony) brand youth serum.

facebook new reactions to posts
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Move Over Like – Facebook Rolls Out Love, Haha, Wow, Sad and Angry as New Reaction Emoticons for Posts

Puzzled by the new messages in your Facebook notifications that say that so-and-so “reacted to your post”? Overnight, Facebook rolled out their new post reactions emoticons – new emojis to demonstrate how you feel about someone’s post. Now, instead of just “Liking” someone’s post, you can Like, Love, Haha, Wow, Sad or Angry it. Yes, nevermind that not all of those are verbs.

facebook messages shortcut on home screen
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How to Turn Off or Reject Incoming Calls in Facebook Messenger – Sort Of

Countless people are trying to figure out how to turn off incoming Facebook Messenger calls, or at least reject Freecall (the “feature” that allows people to call you through Facebook Messenger) calls. The bottom line is you can’t(!) BUT, there are things that you can do to make it seem, on your end, as if you have turned those annoying Freecall calls off.

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How to Report Scammy Facebook Ads on Facebook

We’ve all seen them – there are all sorts of ads for scams on Facebook, and all sorts of scammy ads and false advertising on Facebook (such as the ones suggesting a famous actress such as Betty White or Judi Dench has died). In fact, for many of us, not a day goes by that we don’t see some ridiculous ad on Facebook and think “How can Facebook let them get away with that ad?” In part it’s because Facebook relies on people reporting scammy ads to Facebook. So here’s how to report ads on Facebook.

how to delete facebook shop from your page
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How to Remove a Shop from Your Facebook Page (with Screenshots)

Facebook is always coming up with innovative (read “intrusive”) ways to help (read as “push”) business owners to make more money (read as “for Facebook”). Owners of Facebook pages can now feature a shop, where they can sell stuff. What they can’t do, easily, is remove the shop. Here’s how to delete a Facebook shop from your page.

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UK Passes Law Making Domestic Violence over Social Media a Crime

The United Kingdom has passed a law that recognizes ‘domestic violence over social media’, and makes it a punishable offense. According to the new law, threatening or even monitoring someone via social media counts as domestic violence. So how do they distinguish between the average act of ‘following’ someone on Facebook or Twitter, and monitoring? Good question.

facebook breakup tools ditch your ex without unfriending
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Facebook Offers New Feature: Ditch Your Ex without Unfriending Them

Facebook is testing a new feature to make it less awkward when you break up with someone who is also on Facebook, allowing you to “see less of them” while not actually unfriending them. After all, as the song goes, breaking up is hard (enough) to do, without having to also unfriend your ex. So if you are not the sort who gets a perverse satisfaction out of hitting ‘unfriend’ so that your ex knows that you have unfriended them, read on.

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How Private are Facebook Private Closed Groups Really? Not Very it Turns Out

You know that old adage, that something is only as strong as its weakest link? Well, private Facebook groups are only as private as the admins keep them. Which means that all it takes is for one admin to accidentally (or intentionally) make the group public for a period of time, during which people who aren’t members of the closed Facebook group can see both the members, and what they posted. So how safe is it to rely on the private, closed status of a Facebook group? Not very, it turns out.

how to remove facebook messenger sidebar
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How to Remove the Messenger Sidebar on Facebook

If you use Facebook you have probably seen the newest Messenger sidebar: a top to bottom right-hand column with the faces (profile pictures) of your friends who are on Facebook messenger. And, there’s a good chance you’ve tried to figure out how to remove or disable the Messenger sidebar, only to be frustrated by your efforts. So here is how to hide the Messenger sidebar column from Facebook.

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How to Improve Your Facebook Experience 1000% with this Simple Free Facebook Tool

Want a tabbed timeline on Facebook? Or to learn how to hide posts you don’t care about on Facebook? How to have ‘enter’ insert a new line in a comment instead of posting it? How to hover over a thumbnail image on your timeline and see the big picture? Or how to get rid of those damned bait and switch sponsored ads on Facebook? Read on.

facebook underaged sign up
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Facebook Sued, Settles, for Allowing Underaged Girl to Open Account

Countless parents wring their hands over trying to keep their underage children off Facebook, something which Facebook itself seems mostly unable to do, and unable to do at all if the child lies about their age when signing up. But one parent has done more than wring his hands: he sued Facebook.

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New Facebook Patent Lets Lenders Determine Whether to Give you a Loan based on Your Facebook Friends

With a new patent issued this week, Facebook is now able to give lenders access to information about who is in your social circle, and when you apply for a loan the lender will look at your Facebook friends’ credit ratings to determine whether or not to give you a loan! That’s right, approval for your loan will be based on your Facebook friends’ credit worthiness.

#theemptychair #emptychair the empty chair
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What the #TheEmptyChair Hashtag is All About

Wondering what is the #TheEmptyChair and the #EmptyChair hashtag all about? You would be forgiven if you were thinking that it was a reference to the prophet Elijah, but it’s not. It’s referring to the women who don’t come forward after being sexually assaulted, and so are faceless, nameless, and uncounted.