Epic Rap Battles of History Videos Provide Fun Online History Channel

epic rap battles of history
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Here are some fun history song videos: Epic Rap Battles of History. While history music lovers may quibble about whether or not rap is music (is that argument still going on?), there is no doubt that these history education rap videos are catchy and fun, which makes for stickiness when it comes to history lessons. And what could be more fun than pitting historical characters against each other in a rap battle?

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With such matches as Rasputin vs Stalin, Nikola Tesla vs Thomas Edison, and Mozart vs Skrillex, how can you go wrong? With Epic Rap Battles of History (or ERB, for short), no period in history is safe. In fact, they even go all the way back to the beginning, with Adam vs. Eve.

mozart vs skrillex

Founded by comedians Peter Shukoff (“Nice Peter”) and Lloyd Ahlquist (“EpicLLOYD”), ERB posts episodes to YouTube, where it is in its third season, with more than 10million viewers.

Be warned, that some of the epic rap battles are NSFW (not safe for work). The Cleopatra vs Marilyn Monroe one, for example, is full of naughty words.

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cleopatra vs marilyn monroe epic rap battle

But they are all funny, and, yes, educational. (We would be remiss if we did not mention another very well done series of ‘history set to music videos’, History for Music Lovers.)

You can see all of the Epic Rap Battles of History here.

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