Gary Brolsma and his Numa Numa dance are not just some flash-in-the pan fat kid doing a lip sync and a dance. They are oh, so much more. Yes, among other things, Gary Brolsma and his Numa Numa dance have been spreading cheer and bop around the Internet world with an astonishing speed and vigour usually reserved for bad news, gloom and doom. You go, Gary! (And for the record, I don’t think that you’re fat – and those who are saying that you are should be ashamed of themselves!)
In the past eight days, the Numa Numa dance, and Gary Brolsma, have garnered the second-highest visits ever on this site, eclipsed only by Paris Hilton’s hacked Sidekick! Wow. And for those of you surfing in on a “fat kid lip sync” search, well, shame on you.
And this is my chance to stand before you, humble and corrected. In our first reporting of Gary Brolsma’s Numa Numa dance, I had reviewed a second generation version of the video, which had been altered to have unrelated images inserted into the video, interspersed with the video of Gary performing his Numa Numa chair dance. In fact, I even hypothesized that the great draw of the Numa Numa dance was how similar it was to “All Your Base are Belong to Us”, another video featuring seemingly random images flashed on the screen.
But no, I have now seen the original video – all Gary, all the time – and its draw is pure bop and joy. A catchy song – despite it being in a language you probably won’t understand – and a person just rocking out and chair dancing away (admit it, you’re a closet chair-dancer too).
So, to see the original video, see here (thanks to Andrew for the link!) And if you’d like to see the original Romanian lyrics, along with an English translation, see [Page no longer available – we have linked to the version instead].
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The Internet Patrol is completely free, and we don't subject you to ads or annoying video pop-ups. But it does cost us out of our pocket to keep the site going (going on 20 years now!) So your tips via CashApp, Venmo, or Paypal are appreciated!
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Please can u give me the phone number for gary bolsma the guy from the numa numa song so i can contact him. Also that song is the best from many years and there are many people listening to it. So i wanted to ask another thing, can he make a new song and send an an e-mail to
lol that is freakin hillarius it made my friend phillip have a heartatack I love numa numa miahee miahoo miahaa miahahaaaaaaaaaaa
my boobs are hugh!
This is making my frends anoyed but i like it
P.S down with fat kids
why do people call you fat youir not fat at all? im confuzed . if you have an answer plz plz plz e mail me !!!!!!!! id love to talk to you !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
ok this is my last one if you evrr decide to chat i think it showes my e mail but just in case see told you i talk to much well good bye again lol
i love all of your videos lol i like the piks on the original video thats funny your awseome i talk to much lol who cares unless you do then ill stop talking and i type very slow i think your hot lol im going to go play runescape now again lol talk to yall later bye Gary
– Clara
hey again im so bored im going to play runescape (p.s if you ever decide to play runescape or u already do my screen name is you RE 1)
I’m a Christian and I LLLLLLLLLLLOVVVVVVVVVVVVEEEEEEEEEE the Numa Numa song mostly because ofwhat it means:
Hello [on a cellphone], greetings, it’s me, an outlaw,
I ask you, my love, to accept happiness.
Hello, hello, it’s me, Picasso,
I sent you a beep [cellphone signal], and I’m brave [or strong],
But you should know that I’m not asking for anything from you.
You want to leave but you don’t want don’t want to take me, don’t want don’t want to take me, don’t want don’t want don’t want to take me.
Your face and the love from the linden trees,
And I remember your eyes.
I call you [over the phone], to tell you what I feel right now,
Hello, my love, it’s me, your happiness.
Hello, hello, it’s me again, Picasso,
I sent you a beep [cellphone signal] and I’m brave [or strong],
But you should know that I’m not asking for anything from you.
You want to leave but you don’t want don’t want to take me, don’t want don’t want to take me, don’t want don’t want don’t want to take me.
Your face and the love from the linden trees,
And I remember your eyes.
You want to leave but you don’t want don’t want to take me, don’t want don’t want to take me, don’t want don’t want don’t want to take me.
Your face and the love from the linden trees,
And I remember your eyes.
Gary is awsome!! This song is in Romanian. To find a translation google search numa numa, go to the second site from the top. Once you get in go to watch this movie, it is a very long load but worth it. Once it is done loading go to with subtitles, and enjoy.
Yo Gary!!! If you read this man…we want you to know that we love you you man!!!Be proud of yerself….Rock on!!
wow. gary rox! his lip syncing talents rock just as hard!!!i play the video every day at least 15 times and i NEVER get sick of it! rock on gary!!!:)
i agree, this video is hilarious.
as a romanian myself, i find it great to watch how, although he doesn’t know what he’s saying, he’s putting a hell of an effort in lip-sync-ing
oh man i literally pissed my self watching this with my friends during history oh man nice job gary you get a 5 star rating on this video.oh man
Gary, Nice lip sync job… you are truely creative. You should go ahead and take the benifits as being an internet star. It was great that you shared that with us.
Thanks Man!!!
some fat and awquard kid who Bcomes famous 4 being fat and awquard
I love the numa numa song!!
Ok i love this vid me and my friends we were in comp class and couldnt stop laughing even the teacher saw it and couldnt stop laughing. I was in charge of the slide show at our family reunion and i slipt that in there and everybody cracked up i just want to say if you are reading this “Gary” my whole family loves you and we are laughing with you and not at you. and does anyone knows him foward this to him we would all love to meet him.
gary u da man!!!
can i download this form somewhere?
U ROCK OUT LOUD GARY……. if that is ur real name… U SHOULD LIP SYNC MORE SONGS!
ya i agree with moochi cow
you convince me to come on the big screen and try to make it big time
hahaha very nice Gary can you sing any other songs??
Thats some gunny S##T Gary is making us Europeans popular!
Great stuff
That cracked my whole family up. Make some more!
go to newgrounds and search for it there. there are some subtitles there and u can tell what he is saying. the subtitles are kinda crappy but it will get u through the video. GARY U ARE F***ING AWESOME!!!!!
Gary is the coolest person!!! I’d totally love to meet him. I can’t help but smile every time I watch him sing and dance to that hilarious song. Love it.
did enyone ever think that there could be a sibliminal message in the actual song
Dear Aunty: Love your site and the strong stand you have taken against spam and all the assorted nasties that have invaded the internet planet. It sometimes is necessary for a bit of delightful diversion to distract our collective minds from the dismaying events in the cruel, heartless world of internet spamming…but wait…does Aunty really need to dismount from her pinnacle of strength to support such mindless drivel as geek tattoo exhibitionism and Numua Numa butt bouncing? For shame Aunty. I hope that your demographic extends beyond the hyper-puberty set and would really like to see you supersize your attacks upon the evil empires that are sucking the life out of open-access internet communication and worry-free convenience. I really like you so much better as an armed-to-the-teeth traffic cop than a sideshow barker. Ouch! Sorry!!
Gary, you are my hero.
We have been searching the internet for an hour ans still can’t find a translation for the Numa Numa song. Please write to us if you find the english translation!! thanx!
Man Gary, that video is the best! I showed it to my mom, and now she can’t get that song out od her head!! :) I mean, because of ur song, i got kicked out of computer class because i was showing it to my friends, but I’m glad. Well, it sure made me laugh! I watch it almost everyday
Gary, no shame in that video – you just look like you are just having the best time ever! Yes we all have done that before – just never got it posted on the net.
Bravo et merci !
C’est de la bonne humeur assurée.
Tu es genial.
Bravo GARY !!! tu ne devrais pas etre dépressif car tout le monde t’aime !!!
8. THIS IS SO F*CKING AWESOME! YOU RULE GARY!!!!!!!! Is there anyway we can contact him?
I guess all of us love that video because we all have done the same thing when alone, and above all because Gary is super. GARY YOU ARE GREAT !!
Just one of the funniest think ever produced on the net…I underline funny and not one bit ridiculous…
If anyone could provide the email Gary’s email address…
Go Gary Go!!!!!!
>talking in 3rd person is annoying
Oh yes, Aunty agrees. Aunty doesn’t like it at all.
talking in 3rd person is annoying
That is the best video ever!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
the english and romanian lyrics are also available from Haiducci’s own website