Get a Jump Start on Your New Years Resolution to Get in Shape with the Fitness Buddy Exercise App

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New Years Eve is fast approaching, which means that it won’t be long before remorseful holiday indulgers make their New Years resolutions to get in shape. The Fitness Buddy app is an excellent way to help you achieve your goals of getting fit and is designed to be your own virtual personal trainer.

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The Fitness Buddy app is full of all different types of exercises (over 1,700) from which users can choose to create a personalized workout that targets all of the users’ problem areas.

Some exercises include equipment such as barbells, balance balls and kettle balls, while others are free of equipment for the user who doesn’t have equipment, or who wants a truly portable workout, where the only equipment they need is their smart phone. Each exercise offers pictures to demonstrate body position, and step-by-step instructions to guide the user through how to best perform the exercise for optimum results.

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The app also includes over 1,000 HD videos if you like to workout along with others. You can even search exercises by muscle groups to isolate and target a specific group. If you don’t know where to begin in building your own workout routine, you can choose from over 75 workout routines that have already been compiled for you.

The app allows users to track their progress and set goals so that they have something towards which to work.

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