Category: Mobile Phones and Smartphones
Massive T-Mobile Data Breach of User Personal Information Includes Social Security Numbers
A massive security breach at T-Mobile has exposed the personal private data of nearly 50million T-Mobile customers and prospects, including social security numbers and drivers license numbers. And it doesn’t matter whether you are a current, past, or even prospective customer of T-Mobile, your data has been compromised. By “prospective” we mean someone who has applied for an account with T-Mobile even if they never actually signed up. And that is because the T-Mobile data breach includes those social security numbers which are, of course, required for just about every service that is going to extend credit to you.
How to Completely and Permanently Delete an App from Your iPhone
If you’re reading this because you’re wondering how to permanently and completely remove an app from your iPhone, it’s likely that you’ve had the following experience: you deleted the app from your iPhone (you know that you did!), and yet during your next app update there it is, back on your phone, as if reanimated from the dead! If you’re wondering why that darned app keeps coming back, here’s what may be going on.
Have You Read Your iPhone’s RF Exposure Disclosure?
If you care about RF exposure from your iPhone, did you know that there is an iPhone RF exposure disclosure right on board on your iPhone?
5 Rising Social Media Platforms to Watch-If You Are Business Minded
Smart entrepreneurs and marketers use social media to promote their products and services, as they have realized these social hangouts are ideal for connecting with customers. And as new platforms keep coming up all the time, it is important for savvy entrepreneurs and marketers to keep an eye out for…
With Google Photos Ending Unlimited Storage, Here Is How to Check How Much Space You Have Left
If you are a user of Google Photos, then by now you probably know that Google Photos’ unlimited storage is ending in June 2021 (approximately six months from now). This will end the sweet era of unlimited storage most Google Photos users were accustomed to. As of the 1st of…
Save Money with Our List of the Best Free Streaming Services
Now, with millions of people stuck indoors and thus using streaming services more often, while also experiencing financial constraints due to the coronavirus pandemic, people need to save every penny that they can while still staying engaged and entertained. One of the ways you can save money is by ditching…
How To Save Online Articles To Read Later
You spot some interesting content as you browse the Internet but you do not have the time to go through it as you are busy working on something else. So, what do you do to avoid burying the content among dozens of browser tabs you already have open, and make…
Google Pay: What it is, and how to use it
Here’s our “plain-english, foolproof, layperson’s guide to setting up, sending, and receiving money using Google Pay, that is not financial advice”. Couldn’t think of a catchier name, but hey – it gets the job done.
YouMail Acquires Phonetag (Formerly Simulscribe)
If you found “YOUMAIL” in your statement, and have no idea who YouMail is, or why they are charging you, you’re not alone. Here’s the info.
The 5 Best Note-taking Apps Ever
Inspiration, just like Lady Luck, is known to swing around when least expected. So, where do you put down your ideas and thoughts before they get crowded out by the day’s events? When you are on the go and someone suggests a movie you should watch, how do you ensure…
Google Lens and How To Use It To Identify Things In Your Daily Life
Hey! We have a secret to share with you. Did you know your Android and iPhone devices have the ability to pack a little known but powerful and futuristic feature that can help to bridge your world and the world of technology on your device? This feature is one of…
The Pros and Cons of Using the Chrome Password Manager
When you use Google Chrome and enter a password on a site that requires you to sign up or sign in, you normally get a notification asking you to choose to save the password or not. That, right there, is Google Password Manager, commonly known as Chrome Password Manager, sending…
5 Cool Google Messages Features that are Helping People Stay Connected
Google Messages is messaging developed by Google for Android devices. It enables users to chat, and send MMSs and SMSs.The app has great features that are coming in handy for enhancing interactions with family and friends as the pandemic continues to bite. Here are 5 cool Google Messages features that…
The NSA is Telling Mobile Users to Turn Off Find My Phone, WiFi, and Bluetooth. Here’s Why
The National Security Agency (NSA) is recommending that people who are concerned about privacy turn off Wi-Fi, Find-My-Phone, and Bluetooth whenever they do not need to use those services. Yes, this is the same NSA about whom we have written in the past, including for being spanked by the court…
How IoT is Taking Over the Healthcare Industry
The Internet of Things, commonly known as the IoT, is changing how things work in many fields. This is especially true in the healthcare industry where the IoT is gradually taking over many things from humans. Basically, IoT comprises many devices linked together via the Internet to perform certain tasks….