Amazon Will Start Charging Prime Customers $3 per Month to Keep Ads Out of Movies and TV Shows

Amazon to charge Prime customers $3 per month to keep ads out of movies and tv shows
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Amazon’s announcement that they are going to start charging Prime customers an additional $3 per month to keep ads out of movies and TV shows has sparked outrage. Of course while most would argue that this move is unfair and takes advantage of loyal subscribers, some Amazon apologists believe it is a justifiable decision for a company that claims to constantly strive to provide the best user experience. (What do you think?)

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Still, the announcement of ads into Amazon’s streaming content, for which they already pay, has left many Prime customers outraged and questioning the company’s motives. After all, Prime subscribers initially signed up for an ad-free experience which was included in their Prime subscription. So they understandably feel that now Amazon is taking advantage of their loyalty by charging an additional fee to remove something that was previously included in their subscription. A subscription, we might add, the cost of which has also been raised substantially in the past few years.

On the other hand, defenders of Amazon’s decision argue that the company constantly strives to improve its services and provide valuable content. They believe that the introduction of ads is a necessary measure to offset rising costs and maintain the quality of their streaming platform. From this perspective, the $3 monthly fee seems justifiable as it allows Amazon to offer a seamless and uninterrupted streaming experience.

Of course, we don’t agree with this view. Amazon is a multi-billion dollar conglomeration, and at the end of the day this is all about keeping their stockholders happy. And it’s not the first of their programs to be used in this way; earlier this year Amazon discontinued their Amazon Smile charitable giving program.

Prime customers, who have been accustomed to ad-free viewing, are now faced with the choice of either accepting ads or paying an extra $3 per month. Many argue that this fee is exorbitant and completely contradicts the value proposition of Prime. Customers wonder if the benefits they receive from their subscription, such as fast shipping and access to exclusive deals, are enough to justify the additional charge for ad-free streaming.

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While there are those others who believe that the $3 monthly fee is a small price to pay for uninterrupted enjoyment of movies and TV shows, they are in the minority. They they point to the convenience and quality that Amazon’s streaming service provides. Well, yes, but even if you accept that premise, the point is that these are things that were already included when you signed up for Amazon Prime. Now they are taking it away, unless you cough up that extra $3 per month.

So, will you pay up, and have your Amazon Prime fee raised by $3 per month ($36 per year), or will you just put up with the ads? Or will you do something else entirelay; will this be the push you needed to cancel your Amazon Prime account?

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