Sneezy the Penn State Squirrel and Her Squirrel Whisperer go Viral

sneezy the penn state squirrel
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Not since Basher, the photobombing squirrel, has such a tiny animal made such a splash on the Internet. Until now. Sneezy, the Penn State squirrel, whose friend Mary Krupa dresses her (or him) up with hats and props, now has a Facebook page with nearly 20,000 “likes”.

Basher the Photobombing Squirrel
basher the squirrel photobomb

Although Sneezy and the other squirrels with whom Krupa interacts are wild, living in a tree across from the Old Main building on Penn State campus, Krupa has managed to get them so used to her that they will climb up on her lap when she sits down near their tree, earning for herself the nickname “The Squirrel Whisperer”.

As Krupa acknowledges during an [destination content has been removed at other end :~( ], “Yeah, I mean, putting hats on squirrels is not exactly normal behavior.”

Normal or not, her interaction with the squirrels, and the pictures of Sneezy (or a Sneezy body double) in her hats have got people rushing to Sneezy the Squirrel’s Facebook page.

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And not just hats. Krupa says that Sneezy is now down with props, leading to tableux of Sneezy at a grill on the 4th of July, and, more recently, Sneezy having high tea.

Says Krupa, “I started realizing that she’ll do props now, too. I borrowed a little doll tea set from my aunt. And I put a little peanut butter on the cup. And I have a nice picture of her. She’s having a fancy English tea.”

You can check out Sneezy in all her finery on Facebook.

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