How to Turn Off Facebook Event Reminder Notifications

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You may have noticed that Facebook has ‘helpfully’ given you a new ‘feature’: Facebook event reminder notifications. Even for events which you have not accepted, and have no intention of attending!

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This seems to be Facebook’s way of now forcing you to respond to every single damned event invite. Where you used to be able to simply ignore them, now, if you don’t decline the event, you will be reminded of it.


Pop-up Facebook Event Reminder

facebook event reminder popup web

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Facebook Event Reminder Notification in Account

facebook event reminder notification


Facebook Event Reminder Notification in Mobile

facebook event reminder notifications mobile


This wouldn’t be such a bad thing, perhaps, if it weren’t for the fact that people can invite you to events on Facebook without your permission (much like people can add you to Facebook groups without your permission).

It wouldn’t even be such a bad thing if Facebook offered a seting to turn these notifications off.

But they don’t!

So, here is what to do to turn off the Facebook reminder notifications of events which you have not even ‘joined’ (i.e. have not accepted the invitation, or in other words have not RSVPed ‘yes’).

While logged in to Facebook on your computer, go to your Facebook upcoming events page. Yes, even if you have never accepted a single event invitation on Facebook, you have an upcoming events page even if you have just been invited.

Now, “Decline” or indicate “Not Going” to all of those events that you were trying to ignore.

turn off notifications of facebook events


If you are on your mobile, in the Facebook mobile app, you will need to decline events individually by going to the event page (by clicking on its notification in your notifications area) and decline the event.

decline facebook event mobile app

Unfortunately, until Facebook gets the idea that people don’t like this, this is likely to continue to be the only way to stop those notifications. Much like so much else about Facebook, you – the user – are a commodity. It is the people trying to get your attention who pay the bills.

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7 thoughts on “How to Turn Off Facebook Event Reminder Notifications

  1. I am wanting my events to go into my personal calendar on my computer. Do you know how i do that? I am fine that it shows on FB but not in my personal calendar.

  2. Can the person who I’m messaging see that I set an event reminder? And if so how do I delete it? HELP

  3. Useless article. Most people already know to do that. Doesn’t stop the damn notifications that my friends are attending events.

  4. On the FB mobile app, go to the event page, click on “More” to the right of Going/Maybe/Can’t Go, and Notification Settings is one of the options there. You can choose “Off” on that Event Notifications page.

  5. As of today, I discovered that hitting X on the notification reminder brings up a dialogue allowing me to turn off daily event notifications. This might do it.

  6. Still doesn’t stop the ones for events you have replied to. I know I have an event. This “feature” is so annoying!

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