Paypal Re-Updates User Agreement to Address Robocall Concerns

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As we wrote about at the beginning of July, Paypal had rolled out a new user agreement, or Terms of Service (TOS), that included your agreeing to their robocalling or autodialing you, not just for account updates and fraud alerts, but for marketing as well.

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There ensued a hue and cry (you can see what we had to say about it here).

This week Paypal sent out a notice saying that they had further updated the new user agreement to say that they would not use the robocalling or autodialing for marketing without the express written consent of the user (although who would knowingly give express written consent to be robodialed is beyond us).

“We will not use autodialed or prerecorded calls or texts to contact our customers for marketing purposes without prior express written consent.”

Here is the full text of the notification from Paypal about the changes:

The Internet Patrol is completely free, and we don't subject you to ads or annoying video pop-ups. But it does cost us out of our pocket to keep the site going (going on 20 years now!) So your tips via CashApp, Venmo, or Paypal are VERY appreciated! Receipts will come from ISIPP.

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Dear {},

We value our relationship with you and work hard to communicate clearly. Recently, however, we did not live up to our own standards.

Earlier this year, we sent you an email about updates that we planned to make to our User Agreement on July 1, 2015. The User Agreement is a document we share to help you understand your relationship with PayPal and the obligations we both have.

Unfortunately, some of the language in this update caused confusion and concern with some of our customers about how we may contact you.

To clear up any confusion, we have modified the terms of Section 1.10 of our User Agreement. The new language is intended to make it clear that PayPal primarily uses autodialed or prerecorded calls and texts to:

    Help detect, investigate and protect our customers from fraud

    Provide notices to our customers regarding their accounts or account activity

    Collect a debt owed to us

In addition, the new Section 1.10(a) and 1.10(b) makes it clear that:

    We will not use autodialed or prerecorded calls or texts to contact our customers for marketing purposes without prior express written consent.

    Customers can continue to enjoy our products and services without needing to consent to receive autodialed or prerecorded calls or texts.

We respect our customers’ communications preferences and recognize that their consent is required for certain autodialed and prerecorded calls and texts. Customers may revoke consent to receive these communications by contacting PayPal customer support and informing us of their preferences.

If you are interested, you can read this updated section of the User Agreement below and by clicking on the links at the bottom of this message.

We apologize for any confusion we may have caused. Should you have any additional questions, please don’t hesitate to reach out to our customer service team.


Louise Pentland
Senior Vice President, General Counsel and Company Secretary

Here is the new language of Section 1.10(a) and 1.10(b) in our User Agreement:

1.10(a) Contacting You. In order to contact you more efficiently, we may at times contact you using autodialed or prerecorded message calls or text messages at the telephone number(s) you have provided us. We may place such calls or texts to (i) provide notices regarding your Account or Account activity, (ii) investigate or prevent fraud, or (iii) collect a debt owed to us. You agree that we and our service providers may contact you using autodialed or prerecorded message calls and text messages to carry out the purposes we have identified above. We may share your phone number(s) with service providers with whom we contract to assist us in pursuing these interests, but will not share your phone number(s) with third parties for their own purposes without your consent. Standard telephone minute and text charges may apply. We and our service providers will not use autodialed or prerecorded message calls or texts to contact you for marketing purposes at the telephone number(s) you designate unless we receive your prior express written consent.

1.10(b) Your Choices. You do not have to consent to receive autodialed or prerecorded message calls or texts in order to use and enjoy PayPal’s products and services. Where PayPal is required to obtain your consent for such communications, you may choose to revoke your consent by contacting customer support at 1-844-629-9108 and informing us of your preferences.

You also can review the new Section 1.10(a) and 1.10(b) in our User Agreement here.

You can review our entire User Agreement here.

The Internet Patrol is completely free, and we don't subject you to ads or annoying video pop-ups. But it does cost us out of our pocket to keep the site going (going on 20 years now!) So your tips via CashApp, Venmo, or Paypal are appreciated!
Receipts will come from ISIPP.

CashApp us Square Cash app link

Venmo us Venmo link

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