Slow Internet speed and what you can do about it
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Slow Internet Speed and What You Can Do About It

With rules on restrictions of movement still in place, most people are now opting to use the Internet to conduct their daily business. This has come with new and unforeseen challenges, some of which were previously considered non-issues but are now proving tough nuts to crack. Top on the list…

How to create a strong password
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How to Create a Strong Password

Every week there are reports of new data breaches, where massive amounts of personal information are leaked and exposed. Many of these data breaches revolve around unscrupulous people getting access to personal accounts as a result of weak or compromised passwords. Basically, a password acts like a gate or a…

How to look good in video calling apps
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How to Look Good in Video Calling Apps

As people continue to hunker at home and move business and personal interactions online, video calling has emerged as the perfect way of keeping in touch. However, video calls have come with certain challenges, and looking good during these virtual meetings tops the list. So, how do you make sure…

Dark mode
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Browsing in Dark Mode: Why You Might Need to Turn Off The Light to Save Your Eyesight

On average, we spend about 11 hours on mobile devices daily. This is according to a study conducted by the Nielsen research group in 2018. After so many hours staring at the white background of almost every webpage and app, you are likely to start experiencing discomfort in the eyes…

Email: The subject line is most important part of your email
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Why the Subject Line is the Most Important Part of Your Email

The sheer number of emails sent and received nowadays means that inboxes are constantly filling up with little time to read all the mail. With so much activity in our inboxes, the only way to get your email read and acted upon is by making sure it stands out. Your…

Switching on/off lights using IoT
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Technologies that Will Shape Your Internet Use in the Future

Technology, especially the Internet is changing how we do things. Soon, the capabilities displayed by Tony Stark could be child’s play as technological advancements progress in leaps and bounds. In the near future, you will likely open and close apps, capture memorable moments, and surf the internet by just thinking…

You need to protect your digital footprint
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How to Protect Your Digital Footprint from Prying Relatives and Friends

Whenever you sit down at your computer or grab your phone to chat with friends, search the internet, watch videos on YouTube, order something online, log in to websites, post, or comment on social media, you leave a trail of your activities. This trail is commonly known as a digital…

How to set up your smartphone as a webcam
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How to Set up Your Smartphone as a Webcam

You are ready to rock in your home office, but then you realize that you need a webcam to interact with your clients, colleagues, family and friends. Unfortunately, all the best webcams are out of stock because almost everyone is working from home and just like you, they suddenly realized…

pink tech
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Is Pink Tech Really a Problem or Just Not a Solution?

Every once in a while the issues around so-called ‘pink tech’ are revisited. Pink tech is basically when a piece of technology – say a smartphone or a laptop, etc. – is brought out in a pink color, to appeal to girls and women. The issue, says critics of pink tech, is that rather than attending to the actual technology needs of women, they are simply bringing out the same old tech in a new color. We’re not so sure.

apple watch tracks steps
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How to Use the Apple Watch as a Pedometer Without Your iPhone and No Extra Apps

Does the Apple Watch natively record your steps without the iPhone? Yes! Your Apple Watch has a pedometer function, and automatically counts steps without the iPhone – in fact you don’t even need to take your iPhone with you for the step tracking and step counting function to work! That’s right, you can leave your iPhone at home and your Apple Watch will count your steps for you!

tesla autopilot crash
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As Second Tesla Autopilot Crash Revealed, Musk says “Not Material”

The Detroit Free Press is reporting on a second Tesla autopilot crash. The crash, which was nonfatal, occurred last week in Pennsylvania. The more widely reported, fatal Tesla crash that happened in Florida on May 7th, killing Joshua Brown of Canton, Ohio, also involved the use of the autopilot feature.

smart tampon worlds longest tampon string
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The Smart Tampon Proves the Internet of Things has Gone Too Far

In a clear indication that the Internet of Things has gone too far, a brand new startup called TrackMyFlow (yes, really) is marketing a smart tampon (yes really) and ‘tampon monitor’ that lets you know when your tampon is about to overfloweth (something that any woman anywhere does not need an external gadget to tell her). Track My Flow provides both a smart monitor, and the my.Flow app, along with the smart tampons (with crazy-long strings – more on that later), and they promise that they are “working hard to provide a solution to menstruation mortification.” (And if those words made you squirm, you may want to stop reading here.)

echo dot as echo extension
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Amazon Echo Dot Setup and How to Use the Echo Dot as an Extension of Your Echo

People are starting to receive their preordered Amazon Echo Dots. The difference between the Echo Dot and the Echo Tap is basically that the Echo Tap is a wireless, portable Echo that is not voice-activated, while the Echo Dot is an Echo without a full speaker (the Echo Dot does have a small on-board speaker), that is voice-activated, and that you connect to either a wired or wireless bluetooth speaker of your own. But you can also use the Echo Dot as an extension for your Echo! (By the way, if your Echo Dot is hanging during wifi setup, we cover that too.)

netreset automatically reset router or modem
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How to Automatically Reset Your Router or Modem Once a Day

The problem: every so often you need to reboot your router or modem, or both, and invariably, it’s at the most inconvenient time. The solution: a timer that automatically turns your router or modem off and back on once every 24 hours. That is the beauty of the NetReset automatic power cycler!

wireless bluetooth selfie remote gpel pebble
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Bluetooth Selfie Remote to Take Selfies

We recently had an opportunity to review this wireless bluetooth selfie remote for iPhone and Android, and its selfie remote app, and it’s a great addition to your selfie-taking bag of tricks! And it does so much more than just selfie remote shutter control – you can switch between front and back cameras, zoom in and out, turn the flash on and off, even switch between photo and video! Of course, a selfie stick also allows you to hold your phone, with the remote, you need to prop it up somewhere or use a tripod. The best combination is one of each!