In what has been seen by some as an unusual move, but may be a sign of times to come, the Army Times has posted on its website video footage of a terrorist sniper attack in Iraq which resulted in the wounding of an American soldier.
According to the Army Times, Pfc. Stephen Tschiderer, of Mendon, N.Y., was saved by his body armour, and then tracked down one of the snipers, who had been wounded, by a trail of blood. After securing the terrorist with handcuffs, the Army Times story goes, Tschiderer administered first aid to the injured sniper.
In addition to an account of the incident, the Army Times has posted footage of the attack. While this is interesting on some level, it also moves me to remind our readers that you can find anything – anything at all – on the Internet. Whether you want or intend to or not. And so can your children.
I myself recently followed some links to a completely benign website. However, as it turned out, the website owner, a very patriotic fellow, had a section on his homepage dedicated to reminding his visitors about 9/11 and its aftermath – including a picture of a smiling terrorist holding up the decapitated head of an American prisoner.
A graphic image which I had actively and with great deliberation avoided during all the time the incident had been in the news specifically because I did not want to see it.
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The point here is not that the image should not have been there, but that it was on an otherwise completely unrelated site. Thank goodness there were no children around when I went to that site. So remember when you are doing your own surfing, you can’t be sure unless you’re sure.
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You’d better get used to graphic images of death and injury in the media and on the web. There will be more and more of this sort of material around as the “war against terror” continues. If the US, UK and their allies continue to invade countries just because they disagree with the countries’ leaders and imprison and torture people without trial then we can expect to see atrocities on our streets too – not just in the media.
Here in the UK we now have a war metality as we are suffering in the aftermath of following the USA into Iraq – an illegal war which has killed thousands of civilians. One unavoidable consequence of war are the graphic images we see on the web and television.
You almost did the story an injustice when you lead with the line “the wounding of an American soldier”. PFC Tschiderer sustained a bruise from the shot, thanks to the proper wearing of his body armor. The Army Times is happy to show a video of what started out as a terrorist training video, but resulted in an heroic tale of one soldier doing things the right way in the face of imminent danger.
Aunty, please don’t let your instinct to “mother” your readers overrule your objectivity.