How to Use Your Amazon Echo as a Bluetooth Speaker

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Did you know that you can pair your Amazon Echo with your smartphone, tablet, or computer, and use your Echo as a bluetooth speaker? In fact, it couldn’t be easier to pair your Echo to use as a bluetooth speaker! It will take you longer to read this short article on how to do it than it will to do it! Here’s how.

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First, make sure that bluetooth is turned on on your source device (the device from which you want to stream music or other audio to your Echo).

Then, say “Alexa, pair.”

how to pair the amazon echo as a bluetooth speaker

Your Echo will respond with something like:

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“Ready to pair. Go to the bluetooth settings on your mobile device and choose Echo-13Q.”

(Your Echo may have a different number.)

So, go to the bluetooth settings on your mobile device or computer:

Bluetooth Settings on Phone
iphone ready to pair with echo


Bluetooth Settings on Computer
bluetooth settings on computer


Once connected, your Echo will announce “Connected to Bluetooth.”

Computer Connected to Echo as a Bluetooth Speaker
amazon echo connected as bluetooth speaker


And that’s all there is to it! Now just start up your music or other audio, and it will play through your Echo!

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