Online Personal Dating Services Use Fake Ads and Date Bait, Claims Lawsuit and Yahoo Personals Lawsuit

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Online personal dating services and Yahoo Personals have both been sued, in separate and unrelated actions, over claims of fraud and “date bait”. The law suit and the Yahoo Personals law suit both stem from claims that the online personal dating services bolstered their inventory of available singles with fake personals listings.

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The lawsuit also contends that went so far as using employees as “date bait” – sending employees out on dates, and had them write romantic email to customers in the hopes of retaining them as paying customers.

Scott Leviant, the Los Angeles attorney who filed the lawsuit against explained that “This is a grossly fraudulent practice that is engaged in,” adding that “promotes the policies of integrity to protect members, and yet they themselves, we allege, are misleading their entire customer base.”

The lawsuit was filed on behalf of Matthew Evans, who claims that he went out on a date with a woman who later confessed to him that she was actually a employee. Evans contends that set up the date to retain Evans as a customer, and so that he would tell others about the great woman he met through declined to discuss the pending lawsuit, other than to protest that it “absolutely does not” employ people to purposely mislead customers or to post fake personals.

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Yahoo declined to comment at all regarding the Yahoo Personals lawsuit.

Both the law suit, and the Yahoo Personals law law suit are seeking class action status.

So, have you been taken in by this?

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148 thoughts on “Online Personal Dating Services Use Fake Ads and Date Bait, Claims Lawsuit and Yahoo Personals Lawsuit

  1. I have came across a few sites where basically all the women on there are from the same town or the same two towns and are usually located 100+ miles away or nowhere near your location or area and usually always are listed in centralized metropolitan areas or in an area where the population is not that big.
    I believe sites like that to be mainly fake or hyped profiles even though the women appear to be regular everyday women you would come across in real life, I do not trust dating sites that most if not all profiles are from the same place or the same two places.
    It is the same with sites that have the automatic chat popup’s that constantly show up and you cant reply to when you visit the site and your not a paid member, Also the sites that do not allow you to see profiles unless you are a paid member.
    My rule is, If you cant chat with members or see the profiles without paying and they all seem to be in one or two areas it’s either a fake site or a scam or the profiles are just there for the hype and you wont get any real responses from the members….

  2. Has anyone here had experience with a site called I get all kinds of erotic mash notes from women but haven’t been able to get a real phone number or name. A lot of men rightly post messages accusing this or that women of being a b.s. artist, especially the ones who for some strange reason live in about a half-dozen different cities. The photos are often explicit; the reality is pretty b.s.

  3. Now my ad that appears on my Yahoo mail page has the trick of snapping to full screen with no X for Exit. All I can do is sit back, stare at it and wish that consumer regulation enforcement were better funded.

  4. I personally have been targeted 2x by individuals on yahoo andthe bummer was I likeed yahoo it was disappointing that nothing was done about it . After spending hours on my own researching on dateing scams and” phishing” scams I decided2 that any site that asks for creditcard#’s mustalso be a scam…

  5. It’s a shame all fake dating sites cant be banned! There are some that are completely fake, the people runnjng them are liars and stealing from people! Even more disgusting in times of economic hardship! Somehow the message should be spread!

  6. Date.Com is just as bad. Fake profiles and pictures. And old inactive profiles that Date.Com won’t delete so you will think there are a lot more people then there are.The Attorney General needs to crack down hard on these dating sites.

  7. I joined Match, pid for 6 months and within 10 days realized that the matches were faked. I was getting emails in one “voice’ then the same person completely changed the way he responded. Others were inappropriate in ways that did not match their profile age or education. MATCH.COM IS A SCAM

  8. I have an idea. Im an average guy middle aged, dirty blonde (or light brown hair living in Anderson, SC. Someday soon I would love to start a family

  9. This is only a question because I dont have any foundation to prove otherwise but my credit card has a very good limit and just a couple days ago Mate1 decided to shut me out of the dating site and require a different credit card. It makes me wonder from my experience and the experiences from others trying to get out of their sites that the sites are trying not only to swindle us by trying to keep us on them but also to commit credit card fraud. When a site has your cc then it can do anything with it including sell the information.

  10. So, after looking at all of these comments, I realized that I am thankful that so many people are honest. I “joined” several of these websites years ago and “NEVER SAW ANY RESULTS” THEY WERE ALL BULLSHIT. I would hope that the FCC would crack down on them like everyone else for “FALSE ADVERTISING”, but it is probably unlikely, because the US Govt. Just doesn’t seem to give a shit anymore unless you have big money. I hope everyone who reads these stays the hell away from these crappy websites that take advantage of people just looking for someone to be happy with.

  11. I joined and after a while, a very pretty girl “winked” at me and I replied to her. We went out on a few dates but after comparing notes, she told me that she never winked at me first, that I was the one that started the communication with her. She also said that she had been getting winks from other members in the same way. We both realized that was sending fake “winks” to it’s customers to make them more interested in being a long term paying customer. I think this is fruad and I would love to join in a lawsuit regarding this. I thought that was an honest dating web site but from what I have come to realize, it is doing some things “behind the scenes” to manipulate its customers into paying more money.

  12. well it seems that these sites have been known to be fradulent, been sued, but still online. Why are they allowed to be and is anyyone going to be reinbursed?

  13. This is an aggravated fraud site full of fake dating prospects and with an history of repeat billing. I just found out that my cancellation in writing in March was never honoured. I now have all charges in dispute with my creditcard company. Frankly, but for the credit card theft, I’ve tried my best to forget about this outfit. You will find its URL folks off shore, by the way.

  14. Hi all date site users, I have had bad experience with amature match to.
    Same pattern as others. On time to renew lots of sexy offers come to entice to rejoin again and some people writing who obviously have not read my profile. This site is obviously dodgy. I emailed them to see if I could put any contact details in a message and they said no. So many messages that I sent to prospective ladies would have just been deleted at their end.It seems to me they probably monitor every thing to see who they can manipulate and ripp off. I to have asked for my profile to be cancelled but it wasn’t.
    What a sorry lot of people they must be preying on other people’s trust. It seems that the world is full of unscrupulous people whose souls must be unsettled and I worry about their future. Imagine getting to the end of your life and looking back to find that you have spent many years just being a rip off merchant. And we know what goes round eventually comes round to bite you. I have seen the folly of trying to find a genuine partner on an internet dating site. I hope others will be warned and try better ways.

  15. I have yet to read any positive feedback about All over the internet are horrible tales of the abuse, slander and idiots that live on there. Being a gold member for over 2 years, I never went on a date or had any attractive women contact me. I got kicked off the site for no reason. I spoke my mind and for that I was banned – even after they took my money.

  16. I’ve had the same problem. I get an email from someone interesting. I subscribe, I write, I get nothing in reply. I got suspicious, and wrote to a woman through the link in her profile, rather than as a reply to an email. The woman confirmed that she did not send me an email. I’m glad I found this. At least I know they’re being sued.

  17. I was just the victim of date baiting perpetrated by in which I was first spammed by a fake member about being a member myself. I couldn’t find my profile but the site looked promising so I joined for free. After joining I was contacted by 4 attractive females claiming to be from Cobourg. I had to upgrade in order to contact them back only to find out that every single one was fake. They were likely not even real people and I was date baited by a script with photos and fake profiles. That lesson cost me 100 bucks and I have contacted mastercard about reversing the charge.

  18. I can tell you from personal experience that these sites are fake. I use to use Yahoo personals when it was a free site. I had several dates from site. Not all where the best mind you but some great dates from it. Now when they started charging, then they became a scam site.

  19. Sites like match, amateurmatch, hotornot use companies based in India to provide them with faked profiles. Those companies harvest photos and personal info from websites like craigslist. Craigslist has a very high number of fake listings (80% +) and their only purpose is to get photos, emails and personal info in order to sell them to dating websites.

  20. I created a profile on Yahoo Personals but hadn’t subscribed yet because I wanted to see if there was anybody I was interested in first. After a day or two I started getting messages from woman who had not even shown up in the list of other members that that had viewed my profile??? How is this even possible if these are legitimate contacts??? Funny enough I’m 45 years old and all the woman contacting me are under 30 years of age, gorgeous, and have nothing in common with me. My profile was also “saved” by another member but if I wanted to see who it was I had to pay for the subscription. My conclusion, it’s total crap and a scam to get you to sign up for the privilege of reading the messages from fake contacts. What a bunch of total losers!! Yahoo should be ashamed of themselves to allow this sort of business practice!!

  21. I just joined and I wish I read all your comments first, ’cause I feel I’ve been duped.I quickly became suspicious when the pretty female would advertise herself one time as hair colour blonde but clearly in the photo she was black haired. Then another advertised herself as black hair colured and clearly in her photo she was blonde. Can’t even get something as simple as that right!!I noticed quickly fake profiles in Yahoo dating some months back too, when two different people , clearly different photos had exactly the same profile!! I wrote and complained to Yahoo but they blamed fake people getting into their dating!! LOL I hope these b……. get the pants sued off them for taking advantage of the human frailty of looking for love and exploiting our natural human drives. Have these people no conscience!!

  22. Amatuer Match is a TOTAL scam. A male friend of my kept getting tons of e-mails from all of these women, so he finally joins……..29.00

    EVERY single one of these women said to join them in the chat room, or on Yahoo chat, ICQ or some other chat format.

    So I asked him, why do you think they all need and want to move to a different format??? And why do all the msg’s sound so much alike???

    Well he wrote back to a bunch of these women and since they were so interested in “chatting” he gave them his cell number – hmmm did he hear from a single one of them???

    NOPE……..he should have known better, this site is really a sex site in disguise of a dating site.

    I personally have used dating sites for about 10 years in between some wonderful long term relationships.

    Some of us just don’t want to do the bar scene.

    I used Matchmaker, it was pretty good until it got bought out. Match had local people, but a lot of shills.

    Yahoo wasn’t too bad, but shills too – but I met and had a relationship with someone for over 2 years from this site. And I dated and talked to MANY who were real……but again many were not.

    SinglesNet was horrible and the platform doesn’t work well……..but again I dated and met quite a few men here before meeting one that I am still in a relationship with.

    At the same time I was on Plenty of Fish and of all the sites I think it is the BEST.

    As far as I could tell I didn’t find a single bogus profile on there, e-mailed many privately, called and dated quite a few from this site.

    I hope I never have to go back, but if I did Plenty of Fish is where I would go.


  23. Very interesting discussion. I found it while running a search to confirm my suspicions about Amateur Match. And I’m glad I did! I’ve been involved w/online dating for almost two years, treating it almost like another FT job. So I can speak from experience, having met hundreds of women online and of these, close to 100 in person. With a good profile and email pitch, it does work. And the vast majority have been from No, I don’t work for that site. But I’ve found it to be very legit. unlike most others out there.

  24. I was on Match for years and uncovered so many deceptive practices you’d never even think were possible. They do everything they can think of to get you to reapply when you cancel and when you’re in a relationship they try to break it up so you stay on. Its horribel what they do to people.

  25. Match com also uses other fraudulent tactics. I signed up and paid online for one month and within hours of paying. Match com disabled my login. Which I believe is a fraudulent tactic they use to prevent members from logging into Match com to change payment settings to disable automatic debits from members bank cards.

    It could also be because they offer three days free trial. Which seems fair, but then they disable login so that you cannot access your account and obviously the login will be disabled for more than three days.

    Their contact form is a pile of bull crap. So now they will recieve a registered recorded letter to their billing department from my lawyer.

    I belive their tactics come under Postal and Wire Fraud.

  26. Afroromance is the worst dating site, also known as interracial dating. I was on there for a while, they are numerous fake profiles on there. Many photos are of models or celebrities (come on photos of Johnny Depp, Daryl Hall or John Abraham?)or they could be of other regular people, but it is not the person behind that pic. Be very careful especially when it seems to good to be true! For one, he seems like the perfect guy, 2) he has just one photo up of a handsome guy and can never produce another, sometimes he might have 2 pics) 3)he keeps putting off meeting. 4)Or if anyone ask for sexy pictures or talks about sex right away.

    I joined afro to see what online dating is all about since I never did it before. This one particular guy kept chasing after me, even though I was not interested in him. For almost 3 mths he kept after me, until I finally got to see is hilarious side and suddenly I took noticed & I became interested and we clicked. (Unbelieveable, never thought that a connection can be formed online). To make a long story short, he kept putting of meeting, he could never come up with any extra pics, he somehow always had excuses of why he could not, claimed he was a big business man. Anyway, I came to realize he has multiple fake profiles on Afroromance with different photos. I confronted him and of course never got a straight answer. The whole thing got worse by him being abusive by saying racial slurs. So many bad things happened I cannot say them all here. It was horrible. I advise the dating site and they did absolutely nothing. They basically said to move on. In addition to that, I also told the dating site, that they are way too many fake profiles on their site, how can they not see them? Since then I have found over 20 fake profiles on that site in addition to the others the jerk has, some I did advise the site and some I did not even bother.

    People, I honestly think it is best to always have your guard up. Never keep chatting online for a long period of time, if the other person keeps making excuses, move on. Anyone, can be whoever they want to be once they get online.

    Afroromance is not only about many fakes, but the administrators could care less. Each time I reported a fake profile, they attitude was always nochalant. Online dating sucks. I say get up off your butts and meet people the old-fashion way. Get from behind the computers. If, and I say if, u want to do online dating, go with the big sites.

    Me, personally, my experience with online dating has been a nightmare. I would never meet anyone from online, or further more date anyone from online. Plus, if you do decide to date someone from online, how do you actually know he is still not online? From articles that I read, it seems that is a big future problem when it comes to dating someone whom u have meet online.

    Good luck to all. Always do your homework when it comes to looking for the “red flags!”

  27. The comment about is total bullcrap because I am a member of that site and I paid for a 3 month Premium membership, and I have to say I’ve got my money’s worth. I’m not going to go into personal detail but the site cracks down on these so called “scammers” every single day. I’ve reported a few members before because I thought they were “too good to be true” and the staff was nice enough to cancel those fake accounts right away. You will not find that sort of customer service anywhere on the net these days. Most sites like to pretend the problem doesn’t even exist. Well I’m a firm believer in dating sites now, you just have to be a little cautious when it comes to getting personal.

  28. What if the employee on the date was actually compatible with the guy she went out with?

  29. I can totally relate to what you are saying. I myself have an add running on I consider myself good looking, financially secure, etc. and all I have received so far from this site are scammer E mails, from men operating out of Nigeria. There is a Yahoo group that deals with all this called Very educational!

  30. is the worst one. There are a ton of fakes on there. Let me share my story. I am considered good looking by many people and have a good job. I mean I am not Tom Cruise or anything but I have always done fine with women, but I just couldn’t seem to find the right one. I figured I would try online dating because I am looking for a woman of substance. The first few weeks I had a decent amount of profile views, some winks, etc. I started winking back, emailing some women, etc and got very few responses. I even received a few thanks, but no thanks responses. After a few weeks, I started getting few profile views. What I suspect happened in hindsight was there were a few legit people who actually looked at my profile, but because match is so big, there are tons more males than females on that site. Discouraged I signed up for a couple of smaller dating sites and all of a sudden I was getting a ton of emails and interest and had several dates with legit women. Most did not work out, but the question is how is it no one has any interest on match but on the other sites a lot of women at least expressed interest. That spoke volumes about match and the fake ads, etc to me.

    Also a buddy of mine, who is considered very handsome joined match when I did and got absolutely no response from much of anyone. The mistake he made was he mentioned in the first line of his profile (At the time you could read the first few sentences without even looking at the profile) and mentioned he was divorced and had custody of his young child. You would think that would be seen as a positive but it worked against him. One woman did email and said she actually saw that as a turn off. I found that interesting.

  31. Just a little update, I replied to one of these fake adds just to see what would happen and after just one E mail exchange I received this reply:

    I went to bed last night with a vision of you next to me. I slept like a baby all night, because I was not feeling alone. When I awoke this morning to see if it was real or if it was a dream, realty hit me that it was only a dream. Very soon, I know that you will be right next me, and that I will not have to dream of it again because you will be right there so we can hold, hug and squeeze each other tight. Baby, I long to be there with you so I can help build you and support you, so that we can accomplish a whole lot together as husband and wife. and we can live happily ever after…

    i miss you so much…

    Now does this not say it all?

  32. Just a little update, I replied to one of these fake adds just to see what would happen and after just one E mail exchange I received this reply:

    I went to bed last night with a vision of you next to me. I slept like a baby all night, because I was not feeling alone. When I awoke this morning to see if it was real or if it was a dream, realty hit me that it was only a dream. Very soon, I know that you will be right next me, and that I will not have to dream of it again because you will be right there so we can hold, hug and squeeze each other tight. Baby, I long to be there with you so I can help build you and support you, so that we can accomplish a whole lot together as husband and wife. and we can live happily ever after…

    i miss you so much…

    No ist this does not say it all?

  33. I have been a subscriber to and received a number of “winks” from men in different states with pictures that are obviously fake. They look like models and are looking for women 25 to 65. Very odd. Just be warned. I answered one of them just out to see what would happen and got a response from a man, that very obviously did not master the english language even though his profile stated that he has a graduate degree. The next E mail I received was filled with I love you’s and we had not even talked yet. How stupid do they think I am?

  34. Don’t think that just because a site is free that they don’t pad their memberships either. Remember that they make their money from advertisers which determine to advertise based on number of viewers. I’m convinced I’ve encountered “padded” profiles on the free sites as well.

  35. There are lots of dating web sites, where you find lots of “fake” accounts. However there are chances you can find somebody on smaller dating sites like where reporterd accounts (for being fake) are being deleted.

  36. This an adendum to my previous comment.Ameture Match must monitor this site because the day I posted here I was removed from AM’s girl bot list.At least this is the assumtion I have arrived at due to the fact I have not recieved one message since my original post appeared here.

  37. All thosae site are fake as hell. What I’ve noticed is the crabby put together sites are the ones that work. All the well put together sites are linked together in some way. You want real people there are sites with real poeple of all kinds. Skinny, thick, blk, wht, str8, gay, bi, groups. I’m on a few of them. is really good and you signed up for a year and you’ll get something. c4p is a good one too. It’s a swingers site but I’m single and meet alot of single women on there. I guess it’s your taste, it’s real people so some are really hot and others are regular people. I’m sure every guy writing on here isn’t a Brad Pitt look alike making sexiest men in thier city list. But I just stopped dealing with those fake sites.

  38. Well its for sure that dating sites are bogus like hell.
    Im listed from a SMALL town.
    I know every person that lives there, and all the other cities in a wide range since that still only counts a few ppl.
    But Im every day encountering ads for dating sites that show gorgeous halfnaked girls living near my area (which pretty much doesnt have ANY girls of that caliber)
    Ive seen this on pretty much all dating sites Ive seen so far.
    Never bothered using dating sites, because the very first add I saw made me suspicious, and then after that paying attention made the same observations with every online dating service seen.

  39. My comments concern Amateur Match .com.I first submitted a legit intro and description of myself and what I was looking for.I did not provide a picture.The response was overwhelming and continues unabated as of this writting which as I will outline defies logic.The vast majority of respondents were from women located on average 2 to 4 hundred miles from myself although most said they were “excited” to find someone “local” and wanted to meet for lunch and “whatever”.I never became a paying member so I couldn’t respond within the confines of the web site.All the women claimed to be impressed by my intro so I put my email into it hoping to circumnavigate the site altogether.Not one women contacted me this way although responses thru the site continued to be brisk.Finally I changed my intro to the point of ridiculousness,claiming to be 5’2″ 376 lbs and in search of stupid toothless c**ts.Inspite of these changes hot topless women holding 24 oz. beers and making thinly vieled promises of any thing goes sex continue to hound me.If I was all that I wouldn’t have been looking for love on some website in the first place.Good for a laugh but keep your credit card out of it or your laughter could turn to feelings of pathetic embarrasment.Prostitution or masturbation is still the best option for those in search of NSA sex.Good luck to those who believe otherwise.

  40. Amaturematch is total bogus! I was a standard member and I got 5 emails a day from beautiful girls for a month straight. So I signed up for the $29 and guess what? All emails stopped! No one sent anymore, and only on girl responed, and she was 216 pounds!! Who is making all this money from the memberships? Is it a group of people who own AM? They know right away that you gave in and signed up, got your money and now don’t have to send anymore messages to you. It is so disappointing, not one site is real….:-(

  41. Matchdoctor is the worst site on the internet.
    Mods are on vacation all the time so the inmates run the asylum, with the most active and vocal members ranting in blogs and forums that are total lies aimed at getting ratings and attention.
    Very lonely people that live on MD for many hours every day – have their own clique and are proud to stomp on anyone they feel threatened by.
    Chatrooms are losers from America Singles that got the boot (and America Singles instituted a pay policy for use of their chatroom to get rid of these morons), so now they all form a little ugly gang in the chatroom with pimps and whores and talk about sex and food all day long. Can you say BORING??
    They have get togethers but shortly thereafter most get into fights and leave MD, lol!
    Puke thinks she is a writer and has a low mentality following who fall for her lame stories and made up lies. Now that old broad wants to film her blooming relationship with a goose – who the F cares about your private relationships – get a clue you old puke (as she calls herself).
    Too many morons on there that get away with name calling, back biting, bullying, stalking, harassment and more. The Florida State Atty General is supposedly looking into these things. Please write them directly if you have concerns – we need to get these idiots offline for good!

  42. Very interesting posts… I’ve just joined in the UK but found my suspicious bone tweaked at every turn. Searching for complaints led me to this page, and the many other similar reports across the net, and confirmed it! Already, I’ve had ‘winks’ from people with no picture, and who haven’t actually been online for a month, and people have made me a ‘favourite’ even though my profile was ‘pending’ and not visible! Suspicious huh.

    I haven’t used internet dating for a few years, but in the few big ones available in the UK have become much more commercial, and horribly guarded in what they will allow to be seen for three. You have to join up just to see if they have any people on their books. [Trust me, nobody will want to date the temporary profiles I set up just to investigate].

    There’s a very nasty taste of ‘scam and grab’ to them now, and I’m not sure if there’s an alternative yet. The free sites here are worth their admission – nothing.

  43. Wow! I had reservations about the personals (“only losers” turns out to be “only grafters.”) That young dark hunk with Alzheimers that kept sending “Wazup sweet thang” was not a deranged babe with dwindling intellectual capacity, but a sort of Ken doll cum live bait. There are some real people, but kind of weird and not very honest (one turned out to be unemployed,living with his mother, a religious fanatic/Jesus freak-long story.) I needed to be more savvy (adjusting expectations and looking for red flags.) The last boyfriend gave me good reviews (pretty, hot ass, funny, etc) until…. conflicts over religion, etc etc….. But I really can’t judge myself since his opinion doesn’t jive w/my own self-image/esteem. My point, and I do have one, is THANKS for the warnings and the reassurance that it’s not ALL me (but mostly me.) I won’t listen to my nagging friends to “meet nice boys online.” I’ve changed my opinion that the REAL online bachelors are not necessarily losers/sociopaths but could be as shy and socially incompetent as I am. I’m back to guiltless quirkyaloness. Thank you

  44. OMG, I am so disgusted my Match…went on a few months ago..had a couple of ok hits…some fakes…went on this week for the three day trial..70% were fake ads…so ez 2 spot…

    1. person was clearly a different age/ethnicity than the person listed.

    2. person alluded to sites in one city when they were clearly in another.

    3. One profile sent me an uniform e-mail and when I questioned, just sent the identical e-mail again..

    4. Tons of building contracters with work in Nigeria..

  45. Matchdoctor sucks and I rule! I sit in chat 24/7 and bash anyone with any integrity or morals or decency. I hold the record for being the most banned thug online. Woo hoo – I am king!

  46. Yes, I am a few online dating sites. What bothers me the most is to see the same people on the sites I am on. I have tried for 4 years and not bothering anymore. I am certain I have been tricked a few times.

  47. >Can anyone spell on this site? You >might want to gain a command of >the English language before >posting comments. Comment by Scott > 1/5/2006 @ 11:07 pm

    LMAO!! Scott, as you probably already know, most people in the porn industry are morons, as are their customers. All of the “dating” sites use fake profiles although some of the photos look real. Maybe they pay employees to send enticing emails. One site, Ashley Madison, admits that the ratio of guys to gals is about 10 to 1. In other words, the average guy doesn’t stand a chance with a hot babe on an adult dating site. If you get a “I’d love to watch you cum” from some hot blond chick, it’s fake. Keep your credit card in your wallet and your dick in your pants. I have noticed too that even if I state in my profile that I am standard member and can’t reply, I get questions emailed to me from broads. Like I said, most porn sellers and patrons are idiots who apparently can’t read. And as Scott pointed out, they can’t spell ‘neither. ;^)

  48. I used online dating service..What a ripoff that is. The woman are not for real but just bait, I have e-mailed several time to some woman and never a responce and they permote porno links on there site..I have tried to cancel and cannot and have to change my account number just to stop those charges..Unreal scam that place is

  49. I too fell for ameture match and did very quickly reliaze that something wasnt right. I know have another problem. I cannot cancel my mebership as the links they give me repots an error. I called the phone number only to discover that it did’nt work.. What a suprise. Can anyone help me so I can be sure that they don’t charge my credit card again? any information would be appreciated.

  50. I started getting contacts from amaturematch witout ever signing up. AM states in fine print that they use people they call OC’s who work for AM and may use multiple ID’s in order to encourage paticipation in their site and its programs.PAY MONEY. 12 of 14 contacts were OC’s.One said she had e-mailed me the previous week, befor they had signed me up. Rip Off.

  51. just joined There are many ads of woman (from 3rd world countries) using magazine and very profesionnal photo shoots, of absolutely gorgeous woman, as their own pic. I have also noticed an inordinate amount of ads from asian singles claiming they are from africa and elswhere. Their photo looks like they just stepped of a fashion show runway. And if you actually ym with them, they can never cam2cam. My guess is these site and probably many others have seen a thriving market of suckers and are bilking usually americans that work their asses off and have fallen into the website trap of seeking companionship.

  52. Getting ripped off for trying to get sex over the internet? what the fuck is wrong with you people. you are all pervs! these sites are intended for just that: hooking up for sex. to me it seems like a genius idea. profit off people who want “easy” sex/ hah. you should all be ashamed of yourselves.

  53. I’m currently listed on about 15 different adult sites. I have noticed the same shame on all of them except for “marriedbutplaying.” I’d get messages saying nice photo, I never hung one. I’d also get messages from ladies, once I check there profile they hadn’t logged in for months. I’d also see someone that is nice in a ad that showed them living close me. After logging to site they didn’t live close, more like the other side of USA. These are only some of the stories I can tell. If you want to know more contact me.

  54. I hate online dating sites…It has wreaked havoc in my personal life. I met a wonderful man and thought everything was great, but he had a slightly addictive personality and therefore, he couldn’t keep away from the online dating scene, just kept going back and lyeing to every woman he was chatting with. Never met any of them, just messed with their heads and led them on. I’ve met quite a few other liars on these sites and just feel that the old fashioned way of meeting people is so much better. That’s my opinion and I’m sticking to it!!

  55. Amateur Match is a total fraud, I have been on the site for two months, I found it particularly interesting how many emails you get when expiration time is at hand! Then once you “upgrade”, nothing, no replies! Goes to show there is a sucker born every moment! Do NOT use this bogus site.

  56. I recently started using match and have noticed on many occasions that I see duplicate profiles in different towns. Each with one picture and the minimum information filled out. I’m guessing match is posting these because in that town there is none or limited profiles.

  57. Most, if not all online dating sites are scams and the few legitimate sites are overrun with FAT (I mean BBW) women. Simple rule of thumb… If a woman looks that hot, then why on earth does she need to find dates on the internet?

  58. There seems to be a large amount of people contacting me that profess to be models working in Nigeria. is where it seems the new playground is.

  59. Loads of SCAMMERS on
    MATCH.COM – – – Nigerian scammer – – there’s
    one right now trying to get money from me – – It’s a gorgeous 26y/o girl from NYC – and Screen – Name was “TRINITY1470” – – – WATCH – OUT – – – but I’ll keep playin’ dumb for a while – – and waste as much of their time as possible….
    I will post some info on this Scammer to watch out for…
    Here is a E – mail sent to me telling
    about herself:hello there handsom,
    its so nice reading from u .
    there are somethings i want u to know about me, i am a very deep person, i love to take very deep reflections on things going on around me so i wil be sure of the next thing to do or the next step to take.i love to read,also love to write poems,journals and a whole lot of different stuff.most times when i am alone, i can just pick up a pen and paper and start writing on different to learn new things but i am very shy and very emotional. i am very protective about my feelings and emotions caus i wouldnt want people to take advantage of me.i hav gone thru alot in my life and i hav also been hurt many times.
    i am originally from the US , i grew up in TEXAS with my mom. my dad is cuban (carlos montero ) but i never met him. he left mom b4 i was born. mum told me he went back to cuba wit his parents before i was born and he never came mum is half irland/english, which means i have irland,english and cuban
    i moved to the New york about one mouths ago after i lost my mom, she died of breat cancer and i couldnt stay in the texas because i miss her so much.but its ok, i have gotten over that and moved on wit my life.
    i am very independent and love to do things my self.i hate to be controlled by anyone but that doesnt mean i dont respect my man provided he is nice and good to me.i am unemployed for now .i am down to earth,not materialistic and it takes very little to impress me.
    All u have to do is be yourself and i think u will do just fine. that is about everything for now and i hope u like me and accept me for who i am
    i hope we keep in touch
    love rosario…
    – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – –
    This E – mail alone is a dead give – away.. The spelling, grammer, and the way the words are put together – – lol – – Idiots..And this Retard sent me this same exact E – mail 3 different time’s, not keeping track of what was sent to me or what was said in previous E – mails…
    – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – –
    Another E – mail::::

    hello e****,
    its really nice to from u i wish we could hang out but i can’t but right now cos right now i have ar biz deal in my
    hands which is the reason i am not in town not but any way i will be back soon u can call me on the
    hotel switch board were i stay the number is
    +2348022517510 lets talk on phone hope to hear fro u soon bye
    – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – –
    Another E – mail:::
    hello e****,
    its really nice to from u i wish we could hang out but i can’t but right now cos right now i have ar biz deal in my
    hands which is the reason i am not in town not but any way i will be back soon u can call me on the
    hotel switch board were i stay the number is
    +2348022517510 lets talk on phone hope to hear fro u soon bye
    – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – –
    The E – mails that were sent made no – sence, all out of order…
    – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – –
    Here is where the Money is Asked for – – – and all the info about where “she” is and where to send – – ETC>>>
    – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – –
    hello dear
    how ar u doing?anyway i need yr help my flight was scheduled for today but its was cancelled till new week tomorrow and i dont have any money on me and i have to stay here in the hotel till then pls can u lend me some money i will pay u back ok pls and here is my new flight information i will really appreciate it if u help out with the money i will pay back its just $370 i promise to pay back and i also want u to pick me up at the airport hope to hear from u soon bye

    Your booking code is: ZI8BLU

    Your flight selection:

    France – Important Travel Information
    All KLM flights arrive/depart at Paris CDG Terminal 2F1, Northwest Airlines flights arrive/depart at Paris CDG Terminal 2E.
    United States – Important Travel Information
    KLM, like other airlines, is obliged due to American legislation to provide the American Immigration and Homeland Security with passenger reservation information (PNR). For more information, please refer to the KLM Privacy Policy.
    From Lagos(Murtala Mohammed Airport) to Paris(Charles De Gaulle Airport)
    Flight number AF0855
    Departure/Arrival 22:50 Mon 13 Aug 2007
    Arrival time 06:05 Tue 14 Aug 2007
    Class Business
    Remarks Operated by Air France
    From Paris(Charles De Gaulle Airport) to New York(John F. Kennedy International)
    Flight number AF0010
    Departure/Arrival 15:55 Tue 14 Aug 2007
    Arrival time 18:10 Tue 14 Aug 2007
    Class Business
    Remarks Total journey time: 24 hours 20 minutes
    Operated by Air France

    Price Breakdown
    Passenger Type No. Ticket price Tax Total
    Adult(s) 1 3,640.00 413.64 2,053.64
    Price USD 2,053.64
    * Prices are listed inUSD.

    Passenger information (First )
    Name Miss. riosario dawson (Adult)
    Phone daytime 2348022517510
    Flying Blue (Air France and KLM) KL 2022218773
    Seat preference Aisle
    Meal Fruit meal
    Selected ticket type
    Selected ticket type E – Ticket with confirmation send to:
    Payment information
    Payment type Cash
    Payment details

    It was not possible to register your frequent flyer number (2022218773,Name=dawson/RIOSARIO).

    Please ensure that you are in possession of the correct and valid travel documents for your entire journey.
    Thank you for booking with KLM!
    Yours sincerely
    KLM e – Services
    – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – –
    Nigeria mobile phone prefixes (GSM):

    Econet Wireless Nigeria Ltd: +234 802

    MTN Nigeria Communications Limited: +234 803

    Nigerian Telecommunications Limited (NITEL/M – Tel): +234 804

    Globacom: +234 805
    – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – –

  60. to those who got ripped off by match, amateurmatch, or any other site and cannot find contact information:
    1) do a whois on the Domain name using a free service (i use’s cause it’s quick)
    2) lookup information on the company at and duns and bradstreet
    3) use the above gathered information to contact them. oh, and while you’re at the better business bureau website go ahead and file a complaint!!!

    another thing, i hear all these women saying that they can’t meet men online and about fake profiles, but then they elaborate into saying that they only want to meet the “hunk’s” or “phd’s”…
    i’m sorry people but if you look like brad or angelina, you’re not going to be wasting time online looking for dates… it just doesn’t make sense so maybe you should lower your expectations a bit and you’d be less disapointed…

    last but not least 90% of the women on plentyoffish are either:
    1) fat
    2) unemployed
    3) psycho
    4) all of the above

    which isn’t bad if you’re just looking for a one nighter, but if that’s the case than why not go to a bar?

    next, i’m going to try speed dating… anyone know of any good & affordable speed dating events in LA?

  61. I’m surprised that no one says anything about who seems to use softwares to send fake matches into email address. You can recieved 500 matches in 10min of registration and when you subscribe and send an email to any of the match. You get nothing.

  62. is using shills for sure. I met one who said she was paid under the table. The schemne is this.. they write to you and make plans and then suddenly have to leave town for a one or two week trip and then they hope you forget about them because other shills are contacting you. If they suddenyly leave for a trip just before you are to meet it was a shill.

  63. Yeah they are all totally bogus I tested out the free memberships on a couple of them just to see what happens. For all my info I just put a bunch of letters for instance Description (asdfl;kasfjaslfjaslfalsdfa) I did that for all the info. But surprise i was getting messages from girls saying that after reading my profile I was “Just what they were looking for in a guy” LMAO what a scam these people need to be sued like crazy they are ripping off a lot of people that have been uneducated about these sites and it is crazy.

  64. Wow many different stories and experiences here. I have been using online dating off and on for the last 10 years and in that time I’ve seen the gamut of situations. In the early days on aol, the waters were rich. The Love@aol site circa 97/98 contained real people profiles, before the hackers realized they could create bot accounts to scam folks. I am a 35 year old, fit caribbean man. I have met and dated about 20 women in total over the last 10 years, not a lot but for me it is not a numbers game (it would be a lot more if that were true) Still of the 20, I was physically attracted only to about 5. Two of which turned out into long term relationships (one 5 years a next a year and a half) these days I don’t use any dating site other than plentyoffish. I’ve gotten responses on average about once or twice a month but most times the women don’t satisfy my criteria. (I ask only that they mirror my attributes. My age or younger, childless and good looking) I once tried an experiment and put in precise detail what I was looking for, this honesty doesn’t seem to be appreciated by women however and I recieved a response by a woman that wanted to gloat about the fact that I was missing out on her simply because she had a child. (Even though from her profile she would have been off my list for several other reasons as well) Anyway , I don’t rely primarily on dating sites. I go out, I meet women in public settings and I also chat (chatrooms are actually much better if you can find good ones, these days they(aol/yahoo) are also overrun by bot accounts) I also have an account at using their “meet me” service (which is now free) this is really great because you only email people that reciprocally want to meet you. However, this site is also starting to get a bot account problem as I often get responses to “meet me” from girls who then fail to respond to messages. I’ve had other legitimate messages but I haven’t been interested in pursuing those…so over all the online dating experience can be fruitful if you are diligent and careful in your approach.

    Much success to all!

  65. I’ve think I’ve been scammed by yahoo. I thought that the profiles of these women was very interesting and I messege them and they responded. with the almost the same writing tone, and they where in Africa. I too have been a victim of Yahoo and

  66. I have been on both Yahoo personals and Both times i told the truth and both times I met… wait for it…. MARRIED MEN! One told me (from Yahoo personals) that he was divorced with two kids. After being with him for a span of three months dating and then eventually doing the “deed” his WIFE CALLED ME to tell me to stop calling her HUSBAND!!!!

    The next guy was too good to be true, he took me out all the time to very expensive restaurants, wined and dined me and bought me jewelry. I decided to call his bluff (was close to doing the deed) when I said he was too good to be true, that he’s probably marrried with kids. He couldn’t get out of my house faster, he said “Well, I dont’ have kids….” I had my hand on my cell to call the cops…..

  67. As if we needed more proof that internet dating is a sham. I’m proud that I have never paid money for these sites.

    First off, I signed up with a free account on AdultFriendFinder and was flooded with e-mails, many of them asking me to write back and acting hurt that I hadn’t. Even though it said on my profile that I was a free member.

    To make it worse, I took one look at an image on a profile of one of these “girls” and saw that it was lifted straight from a porn site, they didn’t even clip out the watermark!

    I don’t know which is worse, that people actually do these things or that they get away with it.

  68. Hi, Girls who r really intrested in making Friendship may mail me any point of time, and my email address is For more entertainment pls msg and i will let u knw wat to do.

  69. i sind up to amature i could not use eney of thar serveises.i was gettng 20 messegs a day but i could not respond with out i did pay after i payd them an responded to all the messages.i did not get 1 messeg back an all messegs stoped .i feeal as i was bated to pay an respond to the messegs.i still have mot got eney rear messegs back since i payed them.i was bated to pay.what can i do.i want a refund.i was rippd of by amature

  70. PS to Rob:
    No, I’m not “47” I’m 38… however… I AM bald from pulling all the hair out of my head from the strange emails I’ve had! lol
    Hope your luck changes Rob:) Alan

  71. Dear Rob,
    No, the emails I have sent to women don’t sound “desperate” or “weak” and you can take not only my word for that but also the word of others who I’ve had read some of my emails and I’m told my emails have been very polite and well written. Yes… early on I started printing out emails I’ve sent to or received from women and also their ads for a future reference while emailing.
    I am somewhat bewildered that I sound “religious” (whatever that may mean) and even though I make no reference to ‘Religion’ in my ad, women on have accused me of being a “Christian Gentleman” perhaps for simply being a respectful man with gentlemanly values who would treat a woman well… that might be something they’ve never encountered before perhaps because they don’t care to encounter that. I’ll be happy with being called a “Christian Gentleman” which I think is as fine a compliment as any man can receive… perhaps that’s not a ‘turn on’ for dating site women since approximately 50% of women on Internet Dating Sites proclaim themselves as ‘Non-religious’ and from Udate I noticed approximately 50% list ‘Cosmopolitan’ magazine as regular reading… next time you’re in the grocery store ailse just look at the headlines… and if you’re bold enough to buy a copy as I did to see what ‘advice’ they’re reading perhaps you’ll agree being ‘Religious’ is starting to sound pretty good!
    As for EHarmony… I tried that years ago and was surprised that after they advertise they ‘reject’ 99.4% to send the .6% who are a ‘match’ for a member, some of my ‘matches’ had already ‘permanately deleted’ me without even seeing a photo or reading one word about me… seems that’s not a system that works.
    ‘Christian Sites’? I did try one but found there’s no difference.
    One last comment you might like to think about Rob: If as you wrote: “…in my years of internet dating experience…” and “…I have met typically 1-4 women a month in person on…”
    Hmmm… Maybe send one to some of the men who have never met a woman through (as a previous gentleman wrote he was on a “mission” to find one real person/woman on Match) or send one my way and perhaps this religious gentleman may be able to succeed where you haven’t through the years… after all…
    ‘Don’t forget the hungry children!’
    Hope you’ll have better luck with women in the future Rob:) Alan

  72. Robin,

    You might be surprised that even a lot of women on these sites are only looking for sex. You are going to get a variety, so please don’t assume ALL men out there are ONLY looking for sex. It might seem that way from the ‘aggressive’ messages you may receive, but there are sincere men looking for relationships too, you just have to weed through them. It really isn’t different than meeting men in a bar in person, the demographics are the same.

    be careful,

  73. Alan, it sounds to me like you sound ‘desperate’ in your communications with women. They hate that, you sound weak. You also sound religious. I’m not trying to attack you, but in my years of internet dating experience, these observations are true. Yes, there are MANY scams, stalkers, psychos, married women, etc. But I will say that I have met typically 1-4 women a month in person on I have even made a few really good friends. Maybe you should try one of the christian-leaning sites, like eHarmony. It is run by a pastor and they tend to be too over-moral and child-centric for me. It might be perfect for you. They also don’t filter out ‘body-types’, so you may get some fat women. But they are all about matching more personal triats.

    Internet dating CAN work, though you DO have to be vigilent for scams and fake profiles. If you are 47 and bald, and a 20 YO hottie writes to you, of course its some kind of scam!!!

    be careful

  74. is a horrible site. First of all your account info tells you nothing. I found out I’m on an auto renew plan only after emailing support. You get emails from the site every time somebody views your profile. It looks like the emails are coming from those people saying they are interested in you and you can reply but the site generates those emails. Myself and several of my friends got a flirt from a woman looking like a supermodel saying she would like to talk and of course once you sign up she never responds. is probably one of the worst sites I’ve used, has terrible features and lots of bait to get you to join.

  75. Not Only Match.Com and Yahoo are involved in false profiles but do not guarantee your photo protection “After Your Subscription Has Expired.” This means your photo can be recycled onto another written profile and perhaps be subject to scamming investigation on the Stop-Scammers Website. Your photo is not safe on Match.Com. Furhermore, Western Union managers and owners may be rubbing their hands when you mail your “Your Sweetheart To Be” a huge and unregulated sum of money by wire. You have no proof on who receives the cash. You have no proof that the Western Union manager or owner checked the cash receivers identification with Social Security Numbers. Also Western Union does not offer to refund your money after a scam. However, the FBI does have the abiltiy to find out who got the cash. But it is not their top prority to work for the innocent but for the big bucks. Over $100,000, then the FBI squeeks! To sum up, do not send money thru Western Union for anything but a legitimate bill that is due.

  76. Have you noticed? There never any phone #’s on the dating sites for you to contact customer support directly, only “contact site” where you type a message to them but no e-mail address. Does anyone have a contact # for I want to see if they will stand by their TV ads of “If you do not find a match in 6 months, your 2nd 6th months are feee”. These people are real hard to get a hold of! =(

  77. Don’t even bother with either. Lots of scammers, and probably false ads as well. Four days into it and I’ve had enough.

  78. I have not seen the real threat of’s members or subscribers saying, “Terrorists may be using the site for other reasons than dating! Where is the lazy FBI? Where is the FCC? Where is the CIA. Where is the integrity of the World Wide Web. There is none. The Web is a whorehouse!

  79. i joined amature befor i joined, i was gettin 3to4 mail alerts a day from them. but that all changed once i joined tha first week after i jumped on board,i got only one mail alert, then it got to where i was havin trouble just gettin to their site & login they are a fckn rip off 4 sure,my advice steer cleer.

  80. could anyone give me information on the dating site this is a free site no money ever changes hands unless you actually do take someone out

  81. After joining both Match and Yahoo, I got tired of the unresponsiveness from these dating websites. It prompted me to create this website: where it’s free to do everything. I hope it will catch on one day.

  82. I would never pay to use a dating service! Craigslist seems to be the bottom of the barrel as far as free sites go, but has been wonderful. I’ve met several nice women on there and flirted with many more via IM. It’s well-organized and you can figure out if the person’s psycho or just not for you pretty easily without giving up any personal contact info. Despite comment #54 (I have nothing to hide from any moderators), I highly recommend the site.

  83. I really enjoyed reading all of your comments. They made me feel not so frustrated!

    I have a good friend of mine who has a profile up on She has not been online in over 6 months, yet the site has mysteriously been updating her age (she had a birthday in November) and changing her “recent activity.” On the one time I visited the site, it claimed she was online “Right Now! Sign up to talk to her today!” Lo and behold, she was not online.

    The other strange thing about my friend’s profile is that when she created the profile, she listed her location as Providence, RI. Mysteriously, if you run a search for her screenname on Yahoo or Google, the search comes up with her profile, but listed under different locations…like Laurel, NY and Moriches, NY. It’s like they’re changing her location to fit cities close to or around Providence to get more customers. Speaking of which, I find it extremely disturbing that someone can run an INTERNET SEARCH on someone’s name and come up with their profile on a personals website! This friend also has a profile on under the same screenname, and never has her AFF profile come up in a search! is truly one of the worst, worst websites out there.

    The other disturbing thing about is that they DO NOT list how long a member has been a member there. It’s like they don’t want you to know how old someone’s profile is. I ran into quite a dilemma when I visited the site for myself and saw how they were manipulating my friend’s profile. Like I said, she has not been online in over 6 months. Her e-mail address has been labeled as dormant and everything. She also belongs to several Yahoo Groups and they have all changed her e-mail status to “no e-mail” because their group e-mails are not getting through to her inbox, it’s so full. So I really don’t see how she could be active on with all of the above going on at the same time!

    Does anyone else have a similar story about I really don’t understand how Yahoo! Personals and can be under fire, and not It is truly one of the greater online dating-personals evils. If anyone wishes to respond to me privately, my e-mail is

  84. I joined Amature Match as a nonpaying member on a whim a few years back but never really did anything with it. I would occasionally read the messages and the profiles with the notion that it was all too good to be true. It was only recently I started to seriously consider about becoming a paying member in hopes that not all was fake and that I might actually get results. But now that I have read other people’s testimonies I’m glad that I did some research and even gladder that I didn’t go through with it. Thanks to all for shedding light on how much of a sham these websites are, you saved me 25 dollars.

  85. Yep. You need to watch these people. I met one, had a date. All he was wanting was sex. What a jerk

  86. Also to Dana…. I can’t believe how stuck up you are. You think you are better than everyone else? Love isn’t about money, cars and education. I agree with mw. Open up your eyes. Better yet get some counceling. You’ll be alone for a long time.

  87. To Dana….its women like you that make those websites the way they are! You have objectified men over and over again in your solely based on their looks, their cars, their education, their money….. so what if someone ( or you ) have a JD or a PHD….Most marraiges in the English speaking world have an inequity in the education of the spouses. But that doesn’t mean they love each other any less.. If you would open your eyes a little bit and instead try to find someone that you just like and get along with instead of expecting a fortune500 wannabe or Richard Gere, you might not be stuck in that revolving door called internet dating!

  88. I was scammed by yahoo. When I read these articles I tried to cancel twice through their email system and they kept charging me. Better Business Burueu and the University of Wisconsin Credit Union were of no help in getting my money back. I am now going to try small claims court and complain to AARP and any other agency I can find. I have already complained to my local divorce blog that serves 4,000 in my town.

  89. Well,I’ve experienced all of what these complaints are about. So far everytime i call to cancel my free account,they tell me there giving me another week or month.Funny,the day before my first free month on true ended,my profile views went from 35 to 256(LOL). Almost got sucked into,till i read this page. When i put in my about me on Match that “if your in Africa or some other third world country and want me to send money don’t contact me,none left after divorce,only love to give” match blocked my profile. Jury is out on yahoo,we’ll see how hard it is to cancel my free week. I’m off to tell my Russian friends i don’t have the money to get them here

  90. Well…I’m 30, professional and well-established, very attractive young man. I do get an extreme amount of attention for all kinds of women, anywhere for 18-40 but is obviously operates of on automatically generated fake winks and bullshit emails for fugly broads for out of state. This is a complete waste of money… profile LIFE_PERPETUAL

  91. Do NOT, I repeat NOT USE the website

    After setting up this site and barely using it, my current girlfriend informed me that her friend, a moderator on the site, gave her all my details / messages sent / date set up. Details not available to anyone but me. They also gave her details of my password and email address.

    After e-mailing the website co-ordinator, he informed me that it was all lies. This is not true, as the person was able to quote messages that were apparantly deleted and I couldnt even see any more!!!!

    DO NOT use this site if you are worried about your privacy. This site has moderators all over the world. Who knows what information they will give to people you know.

    Fortunately it was a free site. I cant imagine the situation I would be in if I had to use my credit card.

  92. this is about Amature (AM)
    i was a non paying menber of AM for several months… i was always getting at least 3 messages per day sent to my email during the week, and more on the weekends… i had noticed that something was different as i was getting the message from the same women but worded in a different way… i was even getting messages from women that were mad cuz i had not replyed to their message…
    so i became a paid member, and within 2 days i cancelled my membership and told the AM site that i would let them know if i wanted to re-up my account…. once i paid the money i never got another message sent to my email, AND i even sent out over 150 messages to different members on the site and never got any replies!!
    plus, i even got charged to my credit card for another month on AM when i requested no to re-up my account, and i have documentation showing the cancelation… i can only hope the site refunds my money, or i do plan to go after the site legally!!!
    the problen with these (sex and dating)sites is they advertise about how many members they have, which is all a lie and fraud!!!

  93. Well, my Match experience has been this. For the first 2-3 months, I had lots of E-mail…up to 150 E-mails in my inbox. I had no interest in most (they were mostly attractive professionals, but not attractive/professional enough for my liking), but I did agree to meet approx. 15 men offline during that time. A couple of weirdos, but the rest pretty nice guys. I developed a crush on one whom I dated several times. (He stopped calling after the 3rd date.) Went out with a couple of others 5 or 6 times, but quit seeing them because I wasn’t all that interested. (Good-enough-to-date types, but no real interest.) At around the 3-month mark, I found I’d burned my way through most of the men in whom I had any interest. In addition, at the same time, incoming E-mails dropped off drastically. Most likely, was an over-exposure effect. Once a profile has been up for a few months, it’s nothing new and people lose interest. That combined with my own extreme choosiness really limited the opportunities. There’s a “kid-in-a-candy-store” effect on Match. The guys do and so did I, but it burns out over time. Same old faces, no fresh blood.

    A couple of funny stories. One of the guys with whom I went out in early October wrote the morning after our 1st date to tell me what a great time he had and informed me was interested in another date. I thought he was about a 6-6.5 facially (not really my type), but he was tall, blonde, in shape, and he was 757 pilot (not exactly post-doctoral, but acceptable). Anyway, the gist is I viewed him in the good-enough-to-date-for-a-short-period category. Apparently, that’s how he viewed me too. After a couple of phone calls subsequent to our first meeting, he disappeared for a couple of weeks and then all of a sudden called with profuse apologies and said he’d like to set up another date. Being mildly interested, I agreed. He said was going to be out of town (job) for a few days and he’d call to set a time and place when he got back. Well, I didn’t hear from him again, so I dismissed the whole idea. Wouldn’t you know it, in mid-December, he called again (by now, 2 mos. later). Same profuse apologies and same story about going to be out out-of town for a few days, but he’d call when he got back. (I’m not even sure why I agreed with my lack of interest – guess it was mostly because there are so few men who come close to what I like and he seemed to more going for him than most, so I figured it worth a few dates until something better came along.) In the interim, his profile was active every 24-hours (he’s one of the guys who pops up on my match list, so I noticed). The whole irony of the thing, I wasn’t all that interested to begin with and I thought the guy was a little nervy assuming I had the hots for him because of his job (he didn’t blatantly state that, but I’m sure that’s what he thinks about women).

    Another story – couple of weeks ago. I’d seen this lawyer online. Law is OK – good enough for a while. Same thing about his looks. Tall, somewhat cute (maybe a 7-7.5), so I sent an E-mail a couple of months ago. Barely a response. Didn’t want to “stalk” the guy, so didn’t intend to contact him again. About a month later, noticed his profile again, so broke down and sent another E-mail. Luke warm response. I replied and no reply back. Tried once more a few weeks ago (no,I hadn’t been thinking about him the whole time – he just popped up on a search recently, so I gave it one last shot.) Anyway, we finally went out. This is the funniest part. When I saw him in real life, he looked older than his photos. The photos were recent (I could tell), but they didn’t show fine detail. So, I was immediately turned off. I knew I had no interest, but I figured I was out and might as well have a fun evening. (Didn’t have any other plans that evening, afterall.) As the evening progressed, he wanted to stop by his house for a short while then go elsewhere. By now, I was curious. This guy was someone who seemed really fussy about women and I wondered what exactly made him so fussy. He’d already mentioned the part of town where he lived earlier in the “date.” I didn’t say anything, but I quietly thought to myself the area where I live is much nicer, so it struck me as ironic. At any rate, I thought maybe there was some mansion tucked away in his area. (I wouldn’t have cared if he’d had 10,000 sq. ft. – but I HAD to see it). This gets even better. We had driven separately. So he told me he’d wait at a certain location in the parking lot in his “500 SL” (no less) so I could follow him to his house. Well, his SL was missing a tail light and about 10 years old. (Gee, maybe I should have driven my old 300E to the date – it’s so old they wouldn’t even take it for trade in.) Well, we finally made it to his house. About the same size as mine, not nearly as nice, and no views. A little later, I couldn’t resist baiting him. I asked him what kind of women he likes to date on Match. Of course, nothing less than a PhD (and hence, his scant responses to my earlier E-mails – I have a only a measley master’s). Naturally, I couldn’t resist asking how many PhD’s he’d met. According to him, many – and their kids were old enough to be out of the house (that tells me these women aren’t exactly young). If you search post doctoral female profiles in that age range, you’ll be lucky to find 2 pages, so I knew he wasn’t dating up a storm. I went away thinking to myself who the heck does this guy think he is. I had so much more going for me than he does. The only thing he had going for him was his JD (and, as a lawyer, he sure as heck doesn’t have my financial resources judging from his house/car). When I left that evening, I finally told him, “I’m sorry, but it’s just not a match.” (I’m the mistress of understatement…what can I say.)

    Last funny story: the $50 million man. This was the same week that I dated the preceding guy. This guy was a lawyer too. He wasn’t really my type facially (tall and decent body though), but he seemed super sweet, so that pushed me over the edge. Thought I’d give him a try based mostly on his extremely pleasant demeanor via phone/online. Well, it turned out to be the rudest Match date ever. (The others were anywhere from moderately to very polite.) This guy sat there drinking only water (and one glass at that) for the entire 2 hours – as though he were so disinterested he couldn’t bothered making any slight social overture as to order even a cup of coffee. I wondered why he bothered to stay for 2 hours. Once again, ironic because I wasn’t all that interested before I even met him. Another one of those “sorta good enough to date for now types.” As we were leaving, I told him I’d walk myself out to my car (instead went into the bathroom until he left and then went back into the restaurant bar and ordered a nice, juicy wedge salad and let a couple of guys hit on me). I had pretty well dismissed that guy, but the next morning, I thought about it again and possessing a somewhat firey personality, I shot off an E-mail telling him exactly what I thought. Told him, the main reason I’d agreed to the “date” was his personality and that I was totally shocked at his “absolutely obnoxious” behavior. Didn’t expect a reply (didn’t want one at that point), but he couldn’t resist one-upping me. Let me back track: prior to meeting him, I knew he owned a decent-sized company (had been a lawyer for 10 years prior to that). He’d managed to let it slip he was on the board of directors and the primary owner (prior to out meeting). Knew he was bragging (it was limited), but his personality, otherwise, superceded that (and hence the “date”). To get to the point: in his response to my “tirade,” he couldn’t resist letting me know his company was worth $50 million. Needless to say, my cousin and I are now having a field day with the notion of the $50 million dollar man!

    The one guy I did like a lot was an MD. He was low-keyed and cute. (He was only one who had both something on the ball AND cute.) He seemed a bit angry though. Wasn’t sure if that was his real personality. Was willing to try 4-6 times to find out. Well, we went out 2x…first date went fairly well…second date not so well….was surprised when he kissed me good night at the the end of the 2nd date. He tried a little more than that, so I was left wondering if his interest by then was mainly physical. Didn’t really expect to hear from him agai, but he kept calling, so didn’t know what to think. He called maybe 5 or 6 times. He wanted to set up a 3rd date, but I couldn’t go out on the that particular eveing. (Had a date set up with a different MD…wasn’t really interested in him (not cute enough…maybe a 6.5), but the date had been set up 10 days in advance and was kind of a big deal date, so I thought it would be impolite to cancel 3 or 4 days prior). The guy I did like, upon hearing I couldn’t go out on the night he was free (was working some of the days and guessing he had other dates too), asked me out for the following week. Well, he never called. Basically, got the wrong impression of me (due to a couple of E-mails I sent)…and maybe wasn’t wasn’t super interested to begin with.

    So, there you have it. at its finest.

  94. Hi! I’d like to tell the truth about my experience with Internet Dating Sites. I am a reasonably nice looking, clean cut, white male with a nice photograph who has run ads on 11 different Dating Sites, primarily Match, been on as many as 4 sites at one time and I’ve spent 2 – 9 hours per day running searches, changing my ads and sending emails. It has been a terrible experience that has disrupted my work and personal life but hasn’t yet led to even 1 date.
    On different occasions I’ve printed out my ad from Match and I, and others for an impartial viewpoint, have had neighbors, relatives, business persons, pastors and others read my Match ad and without exception they all said my ad was well written and sounded like as fine a man as any woman could find.
    I’ve tried it ALL while running my Match ad in different cities throughout VA, NC, MD, TN and the DC area (especially since I’m willing to relocate) hoping a nice lady would notice and write. In my emails I’ve tried: Let’s be pen-pals, instant message, meet at a restaurant for pleasant conversation, you can email me if you get a lonely spell, put me in touch with a lady who lives locally and my real hope: I’m hoping for a committed relationship building a happy future together… and I’ve received very few responses from my ad or emails.
    Just ONE of MANY things I tried was offering a reward to women (since they weren’t going to write) if they would put me in touch with a nice lady… $1,000… then $3,000… then $5,000 and despite complaints of women being so ‘greedy’ no woman has considered it and if they emailed they usually never even mentioned that I offered the reward in my ad or email. One woman did write: “It sounds like you’re prostituting yourself.” So with that idea in mind I put in my Match ad:
    “Since genuinely nice girls seem so hard to find if you’ll please be kind enough to put me in touch with one I’ll be happy to donate $3,000 in your honor, or anonymously if you wish, to a good Christian cause to feed hungry children.” It seems they don’t want to be helpful to a fine man, a fine lady or hungry children either.
    I also tried in my emails and had in my Match ad:
    “I’d like to know if you’re ‘real’ so as a gesture of good faith please be willing to speak on my answering machine… ID Block is OK… I’d do it for you!”
    In emails I gave my phone number along with that idea and all I got was women who would swear they were a single woman but they would NOT simply speak on my answering machine. I don’t think that’s too much to ask for but it has been.
    I receive perhaps 10 responses (at most) per year from my Match ad. From emails I’ve sent I receive perhaps 1 in 20 (or less) responses and believe me… the emails I receive are bizarre and bewildering, or a series of lies and games, and all too often I’ve received the most sarcastic, hateful, vicious emails you can imagine even though I’ve always tried to send very polite and complimantary emails. I now VERY RARELY email or send a ‘wink’ to women for fear of verbal assaults.
    Are womens dating site ads even real? One mystery is so many women’s ads say they have so many friends and go so many places doing so many things… so how do they never meet a man and end up on the Internet? especially when many 16 year old school-girls are already ‘going steady’ ‘pinned’ or even engaged to be married. I’ve asked in some of my emails:
    “…have you received many responses from your ad?”
    When I receive a reply they’ve written:
    “I get about 3 or 5 a day” and “I had 177 responses and decided to become a member” and “I’ve been on about a month and I’ve had about 300 emails from men”
    YET: The SAME women are still on by the thousands year after year… and from the best information I can find… despite all the responses women receive from men, 90% of women aren’t paying members and on Match that means they can’t even read emails (or send any emails) they’ve received… and knowing they receive so many responses from men, (they say they learn that the first few days) why do many not log in (for days or months at the time) to check men’s ads or responses? especially since they’re notified in their regular Internet mail of all the responses they’ve received… And: It just takes a simple log-in to ‘hide’ their profile or cancel if they’ve found someone or decided they don’t really want a man after all.
    Apparently they don’t like my ad or emails or ANY man’s ad or emails… that’s one consolation I have for not having one date in 5 Years of sincere effort.
    Another consolation is through the years I’ve learned in my own neighborhood of: 2 married women posing as single… 2 men posing as women… and 1 woman posing as a man on Dating Sites. Also: Please consider the following list of who may possibly be running ads on Internet Dating Sites posing as women:
    1. Married women 2. Men 3. Children running ads as a prank (that photo is of ‘Aunt Jane’ out of the family photo album and yes they know how to use a computer!) 4. Call Girls (I’ve heard the Internet is the best thing to happen to prostitution) 5. Women getting ‘revenge’ on their boyfriend 6. ‘Men-hating’ women running ads to gain access to men to send hate mail 7. Sexual ‘predators’ both men and women posing as women 8. Other ‘services’ – Russian women etc. 9. The Dating Site 10. Pornographic ‘links’ 11. The mentally disturbed 12. Criminals: Both men and women with intent to obtain money or engage in other criminal activty 13. Some ‘Group’ that has the intent of disrupting the lives of American men and causing the loss of millions of productive man-hours every day (they’ve accomplished their mission very well!)
    One thing is for certain: Whoever is ‘really’ running women’s ads is doing a great disservice to the reputation of women. Read the ads… don’t virtually all of them sound similar and as though they’re mindless sleep-arounds who are “Laughing” and having “Fun” to “Cuddle” from one “Special Someone” and going from one “Committed” “Lasting” relationship to another. And read Match’s ‘Happen Magazine’ with it’s dating advice that at least in my opinion is certain to cause any relationship to be dysfuntional and prone to failure… and if you dare read any advice of a ‘sexual’ nature it will turn your stomach (or it should) and you’ll have such a bad impression of women you’ll never even want to look at one much less date one… And perhaps saddest of all… the majority of women say they have children and they seem so apparently willing to expose their child to the wrong kind of men and the wrong things in life. How sad!
    Yes: I still have my ad on Match and probably will forever because I meet no one through work and don’t know anyone who knows of a nice girl to recommend. Dating Sites can be stressful and VERY discouraging but it’s important to me to have a nice lady in my life to love, care for and share a happy future together. God help me… I don’t think Dating Sites will.
    I could write SO MUCH MORE about Dating Sites that simply causes me to wonder if women’s ads are even real… and there’s so much about Dating Sites that doesn’t make sense.
    I hope this message has been helpful in some way to someone… and yes… I have told the truth.
    Thank you very much for your time.

  95. If you want to figure out why the dating sites are a scam go to this link

    This is a link to adult friend finder a looking for SEX site and it shows the number of men looking for women and women looking for men in British Columbia…yeah that is in Canada eh.


    MEN seeking Women … 102,861
    WOMEN seeking MEN 8,100

    This means that there are 12.7 MEN for every one Woman for this particular website for British Columbia.

    Look at the postings on Craigslist and crunch the numbers…it is the same story.

    Why can’t anyone realize that these sites are pretty much scams

  96. Yes I agree every time my account comes to and end of the subscription I get a wink of a most beautiful woman or an email. The best scam is your subscription has ended and than you receive emails that you can’t read until you subscribe again. The worst experience was I met a woman on and she died of a brain aneurism. She was to be my wife but died unexpectedly. Many, many months later I started to look again on and who’s profile do I see but my fiancé that died. I about had a heart attack. Why and how would this happen. This is recycling old profiles trick. I was so pissed off that I wrote them a nasty letter and what happened her profile disappeared but no response from Match. So word from the wise; either they are fake or recycled less than 10% are real as far as I am concerned.

  97. I have been on,,, and I have met a couple of ladies from matchdoctor. I have paid for a subscription on three times now for a total of nine months. To this day I have NEVER met one single lady from I am on a mission to find one real person from I can confirm all of the comments about phoney adds on all of these sites. I am not a bad looking guy at all but I have sent out litererally hundreds if not thousands of messages and most go unanswered. The ones that do answer and the phone numbers that I do get seem to want to just perpetually either email or talk on the phone but always have some excuse not to meet in person. Here is a tip: I have had a reasonable amount of success with the telephone chat lines. At least you are talking to real people on those. Judging from all of the comments on here from both males and females this site could also be a great place to meet people. Good Luck To All!!!

  98. I,ve been a member of all of the sites mentioned above i,ve joined amateur match for one month, after i email all the “girls” that had left me mail, the flood of pretty girls that were leaving me mail dropped off completely. I got fooled taking,s free trial, they make it almost impossible to cancell the trial before your card is charged. The one dating site that i have had success with is Black i met a gal in Canada that i really like and we still keep in touch, and she visited me here in Seattle once.But the same site had sent me this email from a gorgeous lady one day after my subsription ran out,in a seemingly effort to get me to join for another month.

  99. About Armature Match:
    I posted a pictures of my vacuum cleaner and got about 50 e-mails that said how much they like my profile.
    That’s SUCKS….:o))

  100. My friend who had a hard time dating told me about how she was having problems with guys not responding for in personal meetings that she was meeting on We decided to do a test to see if this was true. We posted pictures of people like pam lee and super models under fake names and ask to meet single guys in our area. Although we got responses none of the attractive guys would ever meet us in person they always had lame excuses. These sites are bogus.

  101. My friend who had a hard time dating told me about how she was having problems with guys not responding for in personal meetings that she was meeting on We decided to do a test to see if this was true. We posted pictures of people like pam lee and super models under fake names and ask to meet single guys in our area. Although we got responses none of the attractive guys would ever meet us in person they always had lame excuses. These sites are bogus.

  102. Sorry to Break it to you #14 but Dr Phil is the Biggest fraud of all. Sounds like he met his match in Match…

  103. I always wondered about Amateur Match and never subscribed to the service. I even said in my profile that they would need to send contact information since I was not a full member. Until tonight when I discovered that when I visited the site there were tons of Hotties living in my neighborhood that I had never seen on the site. Interestingly enough after I logged on to the site and searched for one of the profile names I discover that she was from the other side of the country. At least they got the picture, height, and weight correct. This was the same for over 20 profiles… hardly a coincident. Then I did a search and found several sites, including this one, which specifically listed them in a class action suit. On top of that there was no phone number to contact them and some LLC from Florida listed in the agreement.
    At least I Never paid for the site. It may have taken a while but now I am sure it is a scam.

    I have met some real girls on TRUE – however many of them don’t look anything like their pictures. I realize that is nothing new. Lately there have been a many more Russian, Yugoslavian, etc. One of which I reported three times before they removed the profile. There was even one girl “strandedâ€? in South Africa –Yes, she was asking for money. At least most of the time I spent on the site was through free – extended – trials. More recently my searches have come up with some strange results. At least they have a number to call.

    I had better luck on Match and even met my last long term girlfriend on the site. but dropped it a couple of months ago when they screwed up my renewal.

    I’d be willing to bet that at least 70% of the profiles on any site are duds. It is very different if they were put up intentionally or if the site “hiresâ€? people to send messages to get people to sign up. Of course that would be nearly impossible to prove.

    Anybody have a recommendation for a good site or had experience with Hurrydate or Singlesnet?

  104. Pleae remove my last name from comment #29, I did not expect you to use both names. Thank you, Pat

  105. Some of the comments above smack of the Russian dating scam. Here’s an interesting site that explains/exposes it all. Those of you who suspect that a beautiful 20something year old is unlikely to be contacting a 40-50 year old are absolutely right! Check it out-> I’ve had this happen to me on both Match and Yahoo! It’s good for the ego for about 5 minutes until you realize it’s just another scam!

  106. I was being hustled by yahoo personals for weeks and finally tried ther 7 day free trial. There were over 235 profiles posted in my age range and area, after joining and submitting my search criteria, they found only one match. Some old geezer who looked like my father who lived about 50 miles away. Hmmm. Not only that, they made it impossible to cancel before the 7 day trial ended. I wound up canceling my credit card so that the pending charges would not be posted.

  107. Has anyone had any trouble with I know of a law firm that is investigating them and any information would be appreciated.

  108. I have used matchmaker, matchdoctor (a good free site), adultmatchdoctor, AFF, yahoo, friendfinder and All of them have fake profiles but is the worst. If you see the word Africa (especially Nigeria) in their profile its a scammer. Sometimes they put down crazy clues like being 2 foot 5 or anything below 5′ or being Asian when they obviously aren’t. They often reuse pictures of hot girls in multiple profiles listed in different states but many have the same info in their profiles or send you their whole profile in an email. Many write as if they were 5 year old children which makes me suspect they are European scammers trying to dupe Americans into the old scam of paying for some woman’s airfaire over here (which I’ve been asked to do once).
    I have fun identifying these scammers and calling them all sorts of words that would make a sailor blush. When many of the profiles claim to have some college education that makes it more ridiculous. I never get a reply except once or twice in very broken english by the scammer. I’ll bet I’ve reported 100 phony profiles on various sites with such comments as, “Why don’t you people spot these obviously fake profiles? You sure notice if I put a comment on my profile you don’t like! Maybe its because you WANT fake profiles with pretty pictures to increase your membership levels??? You should hire me (free membership) to spot the fake ones!” They never take me up on it of course. I did the free Amateur match thing and got bombarded by a lot of phony looking emails. That site smells so bad its ridiculous so I’d never join it. I’ve met some fine ladies on many of them though so they CAN work. My matchmaker account died yesterday and some woman who kept emailing me emailed me today and asked if I’d found my girlfriend yet. I’m not renewing it to answer her, but I “expressed interest” for free ;-)

  109. I agree with most of the complaints listed above. I am a resident of the Philippines. I was ripped off several years ago by adultfriendfinders before realizing that I was paying to look at fake ads. But more flagrant is They listed 12 girls with ads in my hometown of Cebu. I paid the monthly fees and wrote to all of the girls and heard nothing. I spent 6 months tracking down the 12 girls in Cebu. They all said that their ads were over a year old. They never received any emails and quit checking the site in 2005. None of them could afford to pay their entire monthly salary to sexyads to becme VIP members and send correspondence. There were no male VIP members in the Philippines who could email them. Presently the only VIP member is me. I finally had success by using the Cebu Sun Star classifieds for less than 50 cents U.S. money.

  110. I saw one of your responders above recommending I was a member of plentyoffish until this year. Then suddenly, they changed. Whenever I tried to log in to check my mail, they rejected the attempt to log in by claiming that my computer would not accept cookies. I set the controls on my security to low and added plentyoffish as an automatic accept for cookies and still I receive the cookies rejection from plentyoffish and haven’t been able to check my mail for 7 months now.

  111. sends me emails and winks from fake women profiles several weeks before my subscription’s expiration date.. these fake profiles sre from “real good looking cover girl” women in their late twenties (I am 51) and never have children… how low has gone ?

  112. I actually wished I had found this blog before getting scammed by one of the sites that has been mentioned. Everything that everyone is saying supports my experiences too. It is sad too, because if you live a fairly solitary (or non-clubing/bar) life-style, then these sites provide a very viable alternative for meeting someone. I actually met my wife through YAHOO personals, and dated many real people through it, but that was between 2000 and 2002, when Yahoo did not charge….seems like once the money came into it, so did the scamming.

  113. Chris, I’m a member on too and I’ve “met” a few interesting people. Not in real life, but I’ve chatted with them over IM and email and they seem like genuine people. Are you sure the “flirts” you got from those attractive girls were not cupid alerts? I was confused by those cupid alerts first as well, thinking they are flirts. But after reading the FAQ it appears that the cupid alerts are simply alerts of other members who might be compatible with me.

  114. I’m now going through yet another round of using internet personals to help me in finding my true love and let me tell you the scamming has gotten a lot more crafty and prolific. I just got scammed out of $25 at the site after going against what my intuition said all along and instead going for the three very attractive, romantic, spiritual and earthy girls who were emailing and flirting with me. Since then there’s been no emails or flirts from anybody, and I replied to these three girls last week. I pretty much proved it tonight by running a search for my area. What came back was several dozen of your typical bland and/or morbidly obese Upstate NY woman who somehow believe they can even find love on the internet and most of these profiles were inactive. After the long list of inactive ones though were five mostly attractive woman, two of whom had emailed me and sucked me in to place4friends, all of whom were active within 24 hours. This broke the pattern of a list that was sorted by most to least recently active and my mind just started shouting “WEB BOT, WEB BOT, DAMN THERE GOES 25 BUCKS, could have taken one of the girls around campus (if my senior year ass had the time to participate in the inefficent dating scene up there) out to lunch with that money.”

    Oh well, lesson learned. I’ve never been scammed by a large site except for True, I narrowly escaped once I saw right through their flashy and twisted website and called at the last minute to cancel the three day trial before my debit card was charged, and boy was that Dallas dude on the other line trying to talk me out of my firm decision! Its the small sites you have to watch out for!!! All of the observations on spotting fakes people have so far posted I have found to be true and I’ll add another one. I remember this from True and confirmed it at Place4Friends: often the superhotties will use obscure villages and hamlets that lay well outside but still within a 50 or 100 mile radius of metropolitian centers.

    Thanks too for the free sites, I’ll have to check those out and also add one more thing: Craigslist has free personals and I know my friend got a couple dates in his hometown over the summer via this method.

    Good Luck and keep posted on the lawsuits, specifically news on those smaller but much more fradulant websites that have now robbed me getting dragged in. If this happens I’m sure I’ll be one of a million plaintiffs :)

  115. I find it odd that no one ever calls the actual plaintiff’s credibilities into question. It’s easy to pick on Match because of course there are scammer profiles out there and people who set up fake profiles. Match can’t fully prevent credit card scammers, swindlers, etc. from joining their site. They can only act after that person has committed a crime. Same for the police. They can’t arrest a rapist until he commits his first rape. I have first hand knowledge of the credibility of two of the plaintiffs in the class action lawsuit (including the plaintiff who brought the actual suit) and let’s just say they are about as reliable as Terrell Owens after overdosing on pain killers. You all look at big corporations as some horridly evil entity and the individuals as sweet and innocent people. Just as in the Kobe Bryant case, perhaps the plaintiffs want a little attention and a little money and will say whatever they need to say to get that.

  116. OH! I forgot the best. A few months agos several beautiful women from a known dating site formed their on private site. At first they had a strict NO MEN policy. I was never a member of their site, but they decided I should join them anyway. They eventually invited a few more men, but they voted on them and decided not to except any of them.
    So now it’s just me, and 20 of the most beautiful single women in the western hemisphere.. I love That’s what I call a dating site!

  117. I have been a member of several dating sites. Plenty of fish is a must. It’s free. is the worst. Small site with few members, and loaded with Nigerian scammers.
    Virtually all of my dating comes from these sites. Of probably over 50 women I have met. Two turned out to be wanna be con artists. I never had a problem spotting a fake. The signs are obvious. So far I like Adult friend finder. Even though, it is loaded with fakes as well, I still manage to find a new pretty lady most every weekend.I have had success on every site I joined, and put any effort into. I have found 90% of the women are just in it for the sex, but I can live with that.

  118. To be fair, I don’t think & Yahoo personals are ALL bad. I’ve communicated with people I know PERSONALLY on there, so they can’t be ALL fake. I’m not saying that the unfortunate experiences that the people here wrote about DIDN’T happen. I just want to say that while there may be SOME fake ads on those sites, they’re not ALL fake. There are some real, respectable people using those sites.

  119. Thats what happens when you have to do endless emails thats why I like matchactivity because it cuts the crap because you put up an activity and if someone wants to go with you then you get to pick who you want. The date is set up already and you get to pick who you go with and when you meet them you are already doing something both of you enjoy. Right now they are giving out free one year premium memberships (i used web99 as the promo code hopefully it works for you) I dont work for them nor do I have an investment towards them I just want to let everyone know about it and since its free for a year why not try it out

  120. AmateurMatch is indeed a fraud.

    After joining for free, got bombarded with emails from gorgeous women like other members.

    So joined up to reply. The replies I got were interesting, to say the least. In fact, the replies were actually taken from various books/other websites.

    I discovered this out because some of the replies were way to “metaphysical”. so did some google searches and discovered identical phrases from various books/myspace profiles/etc…

    I also provided these “ladies” with my MSN/Yahoo Messenger info – even a link to my own personal website with detailed log statistics (which was where my pics were located).

    After replying, got back more replies how “gorgeous” and “hot” I was. Only problem was that none of these so called “women” ever bothered to take a look at the pics – as they never visited the page on my site (I can track that via my weblogs).

    So yeah, to cut to the short of it, AmateurMatch is a fraud indeed. Out $25. But guess it could be worse. Learn something new everyday I guess.

  121. I’m so glad that I found all these warnings about yahoo personals, before I actually made the mistake of becoming a member, as I was seriously considering doing so, since there is a brand new profile that Yahoo Personals placed at the top of my search list of a guy who is a 5 heart matchup for me(meaning his profile and interests are what I am looking for in someone), and also he’s kind of cute. When I attempted to send him any kind of communication, a screen came up indicating that “the machine” needed to be fed money. There was something a little auspicious on that screen that I noticed though. It contained a lesser price partly showing behind the forwardly displayed cost that was to be paid in order to become a member and susequently engage in communication with other members. I could see enough of the hidden amount to discern that it was less than the one listed in the foreground, but no matter what, I couldn’t seem to find anything on the screen in which to click to trigger the background price to come forward. I became a little curious about that, and I’m always looking for the best deal for my money, so I decided at that point to perform a web search for the most inexpensive, one month membership special with Yahoo Personals available at which point, I ran across all these stories about frauds and scams that Yahoo is engaging in. Well, my eyes are open. I’m definately not going to get that membership now nor ever… And that goes for Match as well.

  122. Well I guess I found this page too late. I was a paying member to Yahoo personals. I cancelled my membership, and after one day of being cancelled I received a reply to my reply of an icebreaker sent by a woman two days after initially joining. She stated she just ended a relationship and I thought nothing of the two month delay assuming she was working things out. Not being able to reply to her since I cancelled my membership I decided to re-new. Then I got thinking about it and wondered if Yahoo was self-engaging in scamming members to continue paying. Seems as though I was right reading what I am reading now. I am furious. People work hard for their money and we are being scammed out of it. I had no clue that this was happening. Needless to say, when my membership is over I will be on Yahoo no more! Here that Yahoo? Maybe I’ll join a lawsuit against you. Maybe I will file one.

  123. After only 7 days, I have come to realize that Yahoo is promoting a “bait and switch” type atmosphere – fake profiles, phony icebreakers to accounts that don’t exist, profiles that mysteriously vanish after initial contacts. It’s happened WAY too much for it to be a coincidence. Then, I did some research and found out that they were being sued for the very same thing that is happening to me. Another coincidence?
    I don’t think so. This Personals site
    is a complete and total fraud.

  124. I got suckered in to a amateurmatch membership i knew most members were fake but hope some wre not I now realise they have created a site that is all fake with totally automated replies .
    If there are any class action suits going on now could someone leave URL please .
    Better yet dismatle their site.
    Buyer beware

  125. been with ameture for 2 mos replied to several ladies and get these very vague answers never anything serious or concrete. I think the whole things is a rip off and how can I join the suit?

  126. ps,Re amature match:; i got hit on 18 times in the first month aft joing i replied to all and got NO responce back.
    So I then went searching through the males,Iran across
    1 of 20 that had a picture that said “this sight is a hoax!
    so i E him and asked if he had had the same expierance as me? and he replied YES YES YES.
    thanks Mezza

  127. Re “amature match .com” Have any of you had the feeling this web sight was a farce a scam and a fraud??
    I joined, as a free member, a month ago and immediately started getting hit on by beautiful women wanting to do fun things to my body. I thought it was strange
    and don’t usually join when i get that feeling in my gut . am considering E ing this to all males here
    Mezza De Fool

  128. you know all the online dating is bascally a scam nowadys, being the Microsoft of online dating fraud (ya I fell for it)they should be the ones getting sued, you know if you want the free shit just go to myspace, and be a loser like everyone else that has one they claim a place for friends, but in all reality its online dating for people in denial about it

  129. I’ve been a member of ‘Amateur Match’ for a few years now…looking for a nice Lady to date or gat more involved with {LTR}
    Over the past several months, I’ve gotten dozens of notes from other ‘members’ that ask me to write them Back…eventhough my Profile Plainly states that I CAN’T..!
    I also leave directions to clues on how to contact me Outside the site, so that we CAN chat..without the exorbitant fees that A/M charges…
    I Also suspect that the management there has allowed employees to use members access[without their knowledge] to write to other members to ‘Tease’ them into a ‘PAID’ membership…!!
    What would you suggest as a course of action…to safeguard the ‘Unsuspecting’ …???

    Thanks for your time..

    ~ JK

  130. MATCH.COM should have been SUED years ago when they DUPED hundreds of thousands of people to sign up for a FREE membership. Once they got enough SUCKERS aboard they pulled the plug on the FREE EMAIL part of the so-called FREE MEMBERSHIP and were trying to get both parties to sign up for a PAID MEMBERSHIP instead! FRAUD you say? YOU BET!!

    They immediately started hitting my MAILBOX with BOGUS replies and pressure to SIGN UP for a FREE 3 DAY TRIAL to get the SUPPOSED emails that were in my MATCH MAILBOX. No way was I falling for a CREDIT CARD scam like that in giving them all my card info! I’m not that easy.

    They recently, as of late 2005 and early 2006, were doing the same MAILBOX fraud bit with pressure on me to yet again sign up as a paying acct.

    This was right after they signed aboard this DR PHIL guy to promote their site on his TV show, as well as have him as a paid spokesperson for MATCH.

    They must have paid him dearly to endorse MATCH, as MATCH was losing money dearly as well – by existing members dropping them for said FRAUD acts!

    A big gamble if you ask me by ruining the reputation of DR PHIL as I see it. I guess PHD’s are money gullible too!

    I was being hit up by a lot of supposed female members when in actuality they were just marketing gals trying to sell you something via MATCH.COM MAIL which in itself is FRAUD!! MATCH denied this even though I knew it was 100% TRUE!

    One female sender’s addy turned out to be totally BOGUS when I reported it to none other then YAHOO.COM abuse! Another gals BOGUS email addy was from a HOTMAIL acct that again turned out to be BOGUS as well! It was never ending!

    When I found out where MATCH.COM was home based out of, (HOUSTON) of all places, then I knew why they were giving me such a hassle.

    If you didn’t like the DALLAS COWBOYS, or you had another favorite football team like I did and stated it in my ad, they would self edit it out of your LIKES as it were! You talk about being BIASED! MATCH is the biggest bunch of BIASED BASTARDS there ever was! And YES the COWBOYS SUCK!

    Not only that – their staff has a lot of HOMOSEXUALS and homosexual loving people on it, and if you even mentioned in your ad you have HIGH RELIGIOUS MORALS & VALUES in your bio, and you don’t like homosexuals or their AGENDA, or you don’t associate with women that like or have HOMOSEXUAL types as friends, they will block your profile or try to edit your preferences as to a quality gal. That is totally BIASED!!

    They constantly try and hassle you with quotes to their silly biased TERMS OF USE, but will never put in writing what exactly they are bitching about, as then they would be leaving themselves open to a LAWSUIT for sure for violating one’s FIRST AMENDMENTS RIGHTS to FREEDOM OF SPEECH!!

    They are so BIASED it isn’t funny!! I have a blast toying with them and at one point even got an apology from one of them (I have it saved btw) saying the other ROBOT was wrong and I was right!

    I rest my case!


  131. I have to agree with most comments. I joined and posted a free profile on When a gorgeous 32 year old woman is looking for men who are 40-60, you have to wonder. On Match, in two days, I was getting emails from super hot girls, one local and one lives 1200 miles away begging me to post a photo. Obviously, you have to be a member to post a photo. Yahoo personals are a joke.. there is a 3-1 ratio of men to woman.. nobody reponds to emails, and only BBW seem to contact me. Thanks, I won’t join Match because I suspect they have date bait issues, and when Yahoo expires.. I’m done there.

  132. Well, very interesting input from everyone. I’ve had a number of online dating accounts, including Match, Yahoo, True and AFF, and I’ve not only suspected false accounts, I’ve actually documented them. For me personally, distance is not an issue for a relationship, so if a woman is truly great, then I will find a way to get to know her. So I’ve made it a point to search around the world on these various websites, not just locally. Once I started finding duplicate accounts in different locations, either based on the same pictures or even completely identical “personally written” paragraphs (even though the pictures were different), I knew there was some fraud going on. But after a while there were so many that I decided to keep track of them in a Microsoft Word document.

    On Yahoo alone I ended up with over 20 pages of false accounts, and I finally decided it just wasn’t worth tracking anymore because there were so many and the issue was ongoing. And because I used multiple web sites simultaneously I also discovered that there were even some false accounts that existed on both Yahoo and Match together at the same time. Which makes me think that there may be some kind of third party that’s been hired to help inject more “life” into these web sites, and maybe that third party has signed some kind of non-disclosure agreement.

    And yes, I’ve gotten messages from some of the false accounts. Then when I mention that I’ve seen their duplicate account in another city or on another web site at the same time, further communication is suddenly halted and sometimes the account is quickly closed (what a shock!).

    There are definitely patterns to the false accounts too, as if a particular person is managing a certain city or a different area of the nation. Unfortunately, in my vastly experienced opinion, I have zero doubt that there is widespread fraud going on in the online dating world, including within the large corporations.

    I would love to know how many people are currently actually available in my local city. Wouldn’t it be funny if there were only 10 women available but hundreds listed? Even funnier to consider would be if there are a thousand guys in my local area hitting on hundreds of false accounts when their are only 10 women available, and probably none of them are attractive. What’s not so funny is the idea that those thousand guys are pouring money into corporate manager’s pockets under the false disguise that they might have a chance to meet a beautiful woman.

    Buyer beware…there’s no way to know which accounts are actually real. And everytime you see someone legitimate or even a legitimate relationship start out of one of these web sites (which I have btw), you should consider these as being only annecdotal evidence of legitimacy for those web sites. Which is the conundrum, because you still might meet a great woman or man using them, but your impressions of what options are available are clearly not what you are being led to believe.

    It’s still fraud in every legal sense, and it would appear to be extremely substantial monetarily since these firms are generating $500 million a year. If you take this issue back over several years, we’re looking at billions of dollars worth of official fraud that our criminal institutions do not appear to be doing much about. Hopefully these civil lawsuits will be able to gain some internal documentation to break these things wide open. It wouldn’t surprise me at all if this ended up being “one” of the next large legal scandals in our currently greed-infested business management world.

  133. hey scott,this is the internet patrol,not the internet spelling patrol.and did yu ever think that some of these pepol miyght be using english as a sekond langwage.wy dont youe calm down.hope yuu liqe my spellinge,hehe!

  134. Adding to the fake profile subject – I joined yahoo personals over a year ago for one month in order to contact people through the “matches” email I receive three times a week. Though some are legit I can now spot the ones that aren’t. Tip: A very attractive, white/caucasian woman writing ridiculously broken english with no preferences filled out in the “about my match” section.

  135. I have used personal dating sites like yahoo & Match for years & have met several nice girls. I even had a couple relationships as a result of using them. But i’ve also met several bad ones as well. Women who provide false info about themselves (ie:fake phone# name, etc., don’t show up for a date or act as if they’re just bored & need a free meal but nothing else once you meet them. For a sensitive nice guy like myself, that kind of ugly, inconsiderate behavior was discouraging enough. But now you have to deal with all these con-artists as well. It seems like there are more of them than they’re used to be & their fake personal ads are getting sneekier by the day. But i’m stil pretty good at spotting them. Here are a few tips for spotting a fake ad:

    1.) If they are rediculously good looking. In other words, if they look like a porn star or like they do photo shoots for Glamour magazine, they’re most likely a fake.

    2.) If they only have one photo & it’s fuzzy. Alot of scammers send in small pics of girls and then Yahoo, Match, etc. has to enlarge them (making the pic fuzzy) to fit their profile.

    3.)If they leave most of their info empty or answer – “Any” to most of their profile, that’s a bad sign.

    4.)If a 25 year old says that she ‘s looking for a guy aged 21 – 45 yrs old, that’s also a giveaway. I’ve never in all my years of dating, EVER met a girl in her 20’s who wanted to date a guy over 40. i’m 34 & most of them
    think that even I’m too old! LOL

    5.)Finally, the most obvious one is if they have some link to another website. I’ve seen many personals where girls say that they don’t have a membership on that particular site but if just signupa t another, you’ll be talking to her in no time. Yeah right! ;)

    Hope these tips help some of you out & Good Luck in your quest to find that special someone.

  136. I suspect I may have just been “baited” by into subscribing in the first place. The details of my suspicion are posted in the comments as “Lord Z” here:

  137. I decided to try Yahoo personals. Sent ice breakers to several “hunks”. Only received replies from one of them. He saw my picture said I was “cute and hot”, but then never wrote back. All the “average guys” who see my picture, can’t wait to meet me. Three days before my paid time was up I got an “ice breaker” message from another one of the “hunks”. I didn’t bother replying to him since my friend had seen his personal on Yahoo eight months before. Either he’s a fake or he’s seriously messed up ’cause he’s too good-looking to go very long without a date.

  138. Can anyone spell on this site? You might want to gain a command of the English language before posting comments.

  139. I have paid for both Yahoo and Match. I know there are many fake profiles, spammers, and con artist. I am not convinced that Match or Yahoo would provide a date with an employee just to save a single membership. However I due think they would bait you with fake profiles and promises so that you would have to join to reply. It is also important to recognize that people are playing games online too. You can’t blame the provider for someone who needs attention or wants to take advantage of the venue to exploit you. I offer the example of the real estate agent. Who what a hoax, meet people who have just separtated or divorced to get the listing and move on to the next mark.

  140. I joined Yahoo personals for about 2 months and then decided that I couldn’t afford the money every month. I still checked my profile periodically despite that I wasn’t a paying member. One day, I had about 10 messages in my inbox, 3 of which appeared pretty interesting. I decided to give it another go, paid for another month and then emailed the three men. I checked my inbox 3 days later. There were no responses from any of them and when I checked their profiles, they had all mysteriously moved to different states. When I had read their profiles, it had said they were new to my area and suddenly their new to an entire different one? Not likely. I was so outraged but didn’t know what I should do. I’ve canceled my subscription and refuse to EVER use their service again.

  141. I suspected that the profiles were inactive, so it makes sense that many of them were just faked. is a free dating site that appears to have been started by Canadians. Skip the pay to play dating services and try plentyoffish. I don’t work for plentyoffish or have any financial interest in it, except as a participant. I have only met one or two women from plentyoffish and we were not matches.

  142. I have heard that uses employee’s to bait their customers also. There have also been a lot of problems with their so called “free trail order” They fired Dr. Jim Houran and still claim he works there and that they have a team of experts, but they don’t. True claims their Test is the only online compatibility test endorsed by Psychology Today. Turns out this is a paid endorsement. The sad part of this is True is claimimg to be a safer way to date and using background checks that don’t work. I am amazed isn’t being sued for fraud or are they?

  143. Now Match is saying that they’ve gotten the employee to sign an avidavit that she was never and employee. Yeah right.

    Isn’t that too easy. If anybody brings up an allegation against a giant like Match that seriously damages its reputation, do you really believe that all Match would do would be to get the person to sign an avidavit? No way, it’d be more like suing the pants off that woman.

    The case of her signing an avidavit just means she’s been bribed with a few millions to keep here quiet. Scams will never end. Support the free sites: and end the greed.

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