How To Remember All Of The Keyboard Shortcuts On Your Macbook

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Will Young

Keyboard shortcuts aren’t something I’ve ever had to struggle with too much. I was born into a house with a computer in it, and my writing is much, much prettier when typed than it is when hand-written (I’m not sure I should even call what I can do with a pen “writing”). Hitting command+V or control+left feels just as natural to me as driving does, and I thought everyone was like that, but after I’d had the experience of watching other people use their computers, and other people watching me use my computer, I learned that not everyone is like that! In fact, most people type below 100wpm and in fact many of them move the mouse up to the menu bar, to click on “Edit”, and then “Copy”. If you’re one of these people, well, I’m sorry. I’m sorry you didn’t know about this app sooner. Hopefully you’ll be well soon.

CheatSheet, is a lifesaver for me. It does the work that I don’t want to do as the young tech-savvy guy. If you’re wondering how to get away from grandma, who can’t remember how to copy a file, this might save you hours. Days even.

CheatSheet is a small downloaded app that, well, the developer/s at media atelierput it better than I could hope to:

“Just hold the ⌘-Key a bit longer to get a list of all active shortcuts of the current application. It’s as simple as that.”

“Just hold the ⌘-Key a bit longer to get a list of all active shortcuts of the current application. It’s as simple as that? It certainly is as simple as that! It’s even simpler, if you ask me.

Usage really is that simple: Hold down the command key, and a graphic overlay will, without fail present, itself across your screen, with all the different keyboard commands clearly and concisely being displayed to you. They’re even grouped by type, each of which is cleverly sourced from the menu bar.

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With this app, well, you may not exactly be living in the matrix or eating bugs anytime soon (or vill you?), but you will be feeling proud of yourself for learning to save yourself time, whether it’s saving yourself time throughout the workday, or saving yourself time teaching your great aunt Susan how to hit the same two damn keys. On your day off. For nearly seven full hours. Susan, it’s two. goddamn. keys.

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