Amazon has many ways of getting your Amazon order to you, and one of those ways is FedEx (Federal Express). And, as Amazon has started using FedEx more often, people are starting to find more blank FedEx doortag notices on their doors. So just what does a completely blank FedEx door tag notice mean? What are you supposed to do with it? Do you need to sign it?
Amazon is always trying new ways to provide greater delivery options to their customers, including partnering with the post office for Sunday delivery, the much tauted but as not yet real Amazon drone delivery service, and Amazon delivery lockers.
For the record, Amazon delivery lockers have not been successful, and Sunday deliveries with the post office primarily resulted in headaches for the postal workers.
Anyways, speaking of headaches, back to the blank FedEx doortags that you may be receiving.
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Here’s what they mean: exactly nothing, other than that FedEx has delivered a package to your door.
Now, you may think that finding a FedEx package at your door would be adequate to alert you to the fact that FedEx has left a package at your door.
But no.
FedEx has adopted sticking a blank FedEx doortag to your door as the universal symbol of “We’ve left a package at your door. Just below this piece of paper. It’s right there. You probably tripped over it getting to the door to read this tag that you were worried meant you’d missed a delivery.”
Now, of course, you may be thinking “Well, that way if someone has stolen the package, you’ll know that it was delivered, and missing.”
But we’re pretty sure that if someone is going to steal a package off the front stoop, the odds are good that they’ll take the doortag too.
No, there really seems to be no rhyme or reason to why FedEx is leaving the blank doortags and, in fact, we spoke directly with FedEx about this, and here is what they had to say:
“Delivery people leave the blank doortag when they deliver a package.”
So there you have it. You didn’t have another package that they tried to but couldn’t deliver, they don’t need your signature, they don’t need anything, other than, apparently, to fulfill their burning desire to slap a piece of paper on your door.
The Internet Patrol is completely free, and we don't subject you to ads or annoying video pop-ups. But it does cost us out of our pocket to keep the site going (going on 20 years now!) So your tips via CashApp, Venmo, or Paypal are appreciated!
Receipts will come from ISIPP.
A package was delivered to my us email address, Fedex said that no one was there to receive it. I am wondering if the package can be sent to my St Kitts address instead.
Dear Sandra – we are not FedEx, you would need to contact FedEx with your question.
I also got a door tag along with a package but i didn’t know so i went to our local FedEx, they found a package but wouldn’t release it to us because it’s not in our name, Me and my husband is deeply confused. we weren’t expecting a package and we’ve been in this house for more then 10 years ! so now there’s an unclaimed package that we dont know who it’s from, who’s it for, or what’s gonna happened to it. we just know there’s one. and it’s for our address and they wont give it to us.
Thankfully somebody else wondered. I’ve never understood FedEx leaving Door Tag with package. One time I heard a knock on the door and by the time I got there the FedEx man was driving off and I saw the Door Tag and assumed I missed getting my package. If I hadn’t looked around the door I would not have seen the package sitting there pretty as you please. I wish they wouldn’t leave these notices advertising to folks walking down the street that I have a small package somewhere on my front porch.
I got a blank FedEx Shipment Status Door Tag Saturday. We have no door bell; Lily the dog has great ears. But we were napping. No package. I know from the Ebay supplied tracking number that the package is still in CHINA.
See the date above? I submitted the above comment on that day. I am not satisfied with your answer, because it does not explain my experience on that day. You asked today that if I liked your article to comment. I did not like your answer to someone else’s question because it did not address my observation. Please respond with at least a flippant explanation. I’d be ever so happy. really.
Thank you kindly for them explanation. Why on earth didn’t Feed Ex explain it like you!
I read it so many times and couldn’t understand it at all. Also, why is there a delivery number? All to confuse us.?
LOL! Thank you for this. My daughter found a blank door tag on the door when she got home. It happened to be a day where 1) was home all day, and 2) I got 3 different boxes in either 1 or 2 deliveries (I’m not even sure). But I didn’t notice the tag on the door when I grabbed the boxes from my stoop. I couldn’t figure out what the tag meant, and the tag number was invalid online. I also wasn’t expecting another package but, hey!, maybe there was a surprise in store! But alas, it was just the delivery guy’s need to slap a sticker on my door. You are right, though. Had I come home I would have had to fall over the delivered package in order to remove the tag from my door. If I were a mean-spirited thief, I’d steal the package but leave the tag with a notation gloating! Thanks for the article! Another little mystery in my life solved and I’ll be able to sleep tonight!
Trees are cringing all over the world for this senseless waste of paper. Thanks for the laughs though, you’re a kick!
I got one too and didn’t know what to do with it because it was blank they should sent out emails so we know whats going on so its just to let u know a package was delivered and if it isn’t there someone stole it. Thanks for the info.
Thank you for explaining this and for the good laugh!
I got a fed ex door tag that was posted on the package, leaning on the side of the house. Thank you for providing this article.
I got a blank FedEx Shipment Status Door Tag Saturday. We have no door bell; Lily the dog has great ears. But we were napping. No package. I know from the Ebay supplied tracking number that the package is still in China.
my doorbell rang I go to my door no FedEx guy. I got an empty door tag but no package
So I spent about 15 minutes on FedEx’s website trying to solve this blank doortag mystery, only to give up, Google it, and find this article.
The dang doortag is purposeless, and a waste of paper in my opinion. But I’m almost glad I got it just so I could read this article. Girl, you are too funny! Thank you for the info, but more importantly for the chuckle. : )
All is illuminated! This blank doortag was distressing and perturbing. I am glad I didn’t have to call FedEx.