Do You Have a Charge from 402-935-7733 via Paypal on Your Bank or Credit Card Statement? Here’s What’s Going On.

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Wondering “Who the hell 402-935-7733 is”? You may be wondering who or what 402-935-7733 is if you have found it unexpectedly on your credit card or bank statement. If you’ve been reviewing your bank records or credit card statement and found what you believe to be an unauthorized charge that shows “Paypal” or the phone number 402-935-7733, take a deep breath, and relax. It may not be what you think, especially if what you think is that someone has hacked your bank account, or stolen your credit card. What’s most likely is that you purchased something from someone, and Paypal is their payment processor, so even though you didn’t make a purchase through Paypal, they processed it through Paypal. And 402-935-7733 is Paypal’s merchant phone number.

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In other words, you know that you either didn’t conduct such a transaction with your Paypal account – or maybe you don’t have a Paypal account at all! But it’s ok, because almost certainly what it means is that someone with whom you did business – such as a merchant, or a seller, or maybe an eBay vendor – does have a Paypal account, and they have run your transaction through their Paypal account, even if you don’t have your own Paypal account.

This is also how it appears on your bank statement or credit card transactions when you do have a Paypal account, and when you pay for something via Paypal, or something is otherwise charged to your Paypal account (such as through an automatic transaction, or using your Paypal debit card, for example), and you don’t actually have enough in your Paypal account to cover the charge.

This has been going on for years, and people are still finding mystery charges associated with the phone number 402-935-7733. You would think that by now Paypal would have gotten the message, but hey, they didn’t ask us.

(Relatedly, here’s how you can find and cancel all of the automatic payments that come out of your Paypal account.)

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If you do have a Paypal account, remember way back when, when you signed up for Paypal, and you had to provide a bank account or credit card as a backup billing method? That’s what that charge is. It is Paypal using your backup billing method to cover the shortfall because you don’t have enough in your Paypal account.

If you don’t have a Paypal account, then the odds are very good that the charge that reads something to do with Paypal, and that has the phone number 402-935-7733 associated with it, is a charge from that vendor or merchant who uses Paypal to run their own charges through.

We agree that they do a poor job of making that clear (and to be fair, it may be out of their hands in terms of how it shows up on your statement). But that’s what that charge with the phone number 402-935-7733 is.

Now, all that said, if you don’t have a Paypal account, or have not used it during the time that the transaction occurred, and you also don’t recall making a purchase that correlates to that entry (i.e. the date and amount) on your bank statement, by all means you should contact your bank, as it’s still possible that it is a fraudulent charge. You may also find it reassuring to know that, as the overwhelming majority of comments below demonstrate, you’re not alone in having been concerned, and the odds are very good that it’s a legitimate charge.

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326 thoughts on “Do You Have a Charge from 402-935-7733 via Paypal on Your Bank or Credit Card Statement? Here’s What’s Going On.

  1. This could be fraud for some and legit for others. Mine was for $9.99 Paypal *Volk 4029357733 HKG HKG

    Before I called my credit card company, I checked Paypal which didn’t have that card linked anywhere. I checked my most recent Etsy purchase that went through another card. I thought it could have been a shipping charge from a German purchase, but nope, that was on another card. I haven’t purchased anything from Ebay since 2022. I checked all of my subscriptions and verified each one. I even looked for a confirmation of payment email for this $9.99 and nothing.

    I talked to Paypal who had no record of this transaction even though I already told them that it wasn’t showing any transactions on my Paypal account. They were useless and just locked my account.

    So I called my credit card company and they are taking care of it. I asked them if they could identify the merchant because I’ve swept all of my recent charges, checked to see if free trials were ending, etc and nowhere did I find something for $9.99.

    If it doesn’t look familiar, don’t just brush it off as some random merchant using Paypal. You should have some kind of receipt or email for this purchase. I have a new card coming and will again verify who all has authorization to charge to it.

  2. Be careful! Yes this number is associated with PayPal. But last week I had a weird charge from DoorDash. And we hadn’t ordered. After doing some research I discovered someone used my PayPal then tried to use it on DoorDash. Eventually it came to my Etsy was what was really hacked and that’s how they got my PayPal info.

  3. I’m confused!! I have 2 charges on my credit card but I DID make them. One says PAYPAL *PROMISEECOM 4029357733 HK AND THE OTHER PAYPAL *BILLIATECHN 4029357733 HK. I assume HK is Hong Kong (which was not apparent at the time of order). As with most of you, I do not have a Paypal account. I used a credit card. The problem is I ordered shoes first and later a hair topper. I have received the hair topper (after what seemed like a long wait); however, I ordered the shoes first and still have not received them. It’s going on 2 months and I’m still waiting on the shoes. I was going to try to contact somebody(??) regarding the shoes and decided to check my SPAM folder to see if I had an email there. There I found a few emails regarding my order which were very confusing!! There were 2 or 3 different ID/Order #s, one said “Fedex” was holding the packaged waiting on more information. When I tried to check what they needed the next screen said “Page not found”, and another screen said WARNING Dangerous Webpage Blocked” so I didn’t go any further on that. To not drag this out any longer, I don’t understand how/why I received one item and not the other along with these SPAM type emails. I don’t care for the fact that I may be out almost $70.00 !!!!! but I don’t know who to contact about this!!

  4. Since this in on the internet – wanted to help others from getting scammed!!!
    I recommend you contact your credit card company and they can investigate this as fraud and block future charges.

    PAYPAL *CEIPREMIERS 402-935-7733 IL The number 402-935-7733 associated the charge on my friends card goes to a PayPal recording that confirms your phone number, then last 4 of social and then last 4 of your cc number. My friend called the number and ended up talking to a David and then a Sam and he proceeded to tell her that her paypal account was compromised and that a charge of $7K would be charged to her checking if she didn’t go out and buy gift cards and then open a bitcoin account to return her gift card money to her. Unfortunately she fell for it and lost over $3300 dollars and now the hassle of closing her account and opening a new one and then dealing with all the auto pays associated with her closed account.


    Save yourself the expense – hassle and headache. The guy called using the name SAM and called from 352-388-3079 – I called it and he called me back and acted stupid and me asking about a paypal charge, I switched to text and told him he scammed my friend – his response – “who is your friend” That to me right there is admitting to calling her. Later in text he asked “who are you” The number is still good buy doesn’t answer.

    I reported this to paypal but they are no longer a human company and it is very difficult to contact them other than by filing a dispute.

  5. This blog post provides helpful information for anyone who may be confused about a mystery charge showing up on their bank or credit card account from a company called PayPal. The author does a great job of explaining what the charge is, why it might be showing up, and how to go about resolving the issue. It’s always great to see writers taking the time to help out readers who may be in a difficult or confusing situation. Well done to the author!

  6. Someone with this number in CA hit my State Farm Bank credit card for over $700. Says they are Ebay purchases via Pay Pal. Nothing suspicious shows in my Pay Pal account. Nothing shows up in Ebay purchases. I had State Farm freeze my card and they are investigating.

  7. This article is an entire lie. I received a fraudulent notification from my bank for $567. I NEVER made a purchase for that amount period! It was a wig store in California using my debit card. I don’t even live on the west coast. It showed up as PAYPAL Supenova 402-935-7733. Secondly, paypal does NOT have my debit card saved on file. Most definitely FRAUD. I changed my bank! Wells Fargo is horrible. They notified me that is it was fraudulent and still turned around and paid them!

    1. Actually, it is not a lie. Paypal does not have my debit card saved on file either, but After reading this article I realized (in my case anyway) it was an ebay purchase. Sounds like your issues are the bank-not paypal

      1. Not the case for me. I do not have a pay pal account and have close to 500 dollars spent. Last place I used my card was an atm at pilot. Right after a whole bunch of purchases were made to this number. NO ACCOUNT and did not purchase anything from ebay.

      2. It’s a lie as this isn’t a first time & when I called PayPal bc It isn’t thru my PayPal they said a PayPal account name. So yes it is fraudulent as I don’t even have my debit card and it said it’s a debit card transaction on PayPal bc I just got this card 3 months ago as my accts keep getting hacked & never added it to PayPal. So it is hacking and I’m going to assume FL stands for Florida as when I goggled the charge others were same exact one but with IN (Indiana) & CA (California). I live in the northeast states in the US. And haven’t bought anything from target in 2 months.. so this is fraudulent. All I’m saying is I’m a techie & if I can find someone to trace back to who did it? I’m coming for them & everything they own. Lawsuit ?

        1. If you do find out who it is would you please contact me. I’ll go right to them.

          1. Is the name Augustin Meza familiar to you? That’s the name associated with a PayPal transaction from a scam sale I was nailed with.

  8. A friend e-mailed me an ad for a chair cushion and I ordered it online and authorized payment out of my checking account. It was directed to PAYPAL *SMILEYHOMEY 4029357733 05/12 (…6214). When it wasn’t delivered after a reasonable amount of time, I “googled” the number and got a notification that it was fraudulent. It was only for $36. So, I am not determined to get it back, but I want to be sure that my bank account security is not compromised. What can I do?

    1. interesting. Yesterday i had a mystery 35.63 show up on my paypal account. The invoice in paypal is for jinzhou network technology. When i look on my credit card, it says Paypal Allabout and then has the paypal phone number. I don’t know what either of these things are. i am going to try and dispute the charge on my credit card b/c i agree that Paypal will not be helpful.

      1. OMG, if you use Amazon, that name is a seller I have used and now all of a sudden, I have had to replace my debit card 2x. Today I am having to do it a 3rd time as now I supposedly purchased something for Nintendo through PayPal. I’ve called PayPal and they don’t see any transactions but the number says it is through Strange Bird but yet the number I call from bank takes me to PayPal number. I’m cancelling card anyway.

  9. I know some of commenters have found your charges to be legitimate. In my case, that wasn’t true! The charge was on my credit union account statement with that phone number, but the account isn’t even connected to PayPal. Not sure how they used PayPal’s phone number. The charge was fraudulent and luckily my credit union reversed the charge.

  10. People should keep in mind that Pay Pal does not care at all if criminal organizations use their payment system to conduct criminal fraud. In fact it is the majority of their transactions. Pay Pal, despite a fraudulent scammer selling or one of the very few honest people selling, always collect their fees and commissions. Thus, why when you do file a dispute they make YOU, not the seller, go through the wringer, and 75% of the time deny your dispute and the seller keeps your money and product and Pay Pal keeps their fees and commissions.
    My last Pay Pal criminal organization transaction was with Pay Pals client SZ Technology SA a criminal outfit in Hong Kong China, and they kept the money, never again contacted me, and never sent the product. Pay Pal is silent on the matter.
    Pay Pal is just as criminal in their refusal to stop scammers for their own profit, leaving honest clients to be victimized.
    No wonder most refer to Pay Pal as Pay Piss.

    1. You are so right! I have a charge on my bank account as well. The PayPal number is listed on it. It’s $120. There was another for $10 but I guess my bank refused it or something or PayPal did initially bc it was credited (the $10 charge). The username is HIVEENDVORS out of CA. I don’t have PayPal. PayPal has given me the runaround for over 2 weeks now and I’m fed up!!! My bank said that they do not deal with PayPal. I see a class action lawsuit against them!!!

  11. I placed a deposit down for a Bed & Breakfast in a foreign country, and this is how the charge showed up on my credit card statement. I did not use PayPal, but the merchant did, and this charge was legitimate. Having said that, if the dollar amount and date did not exactly match what I was expecting, this charge would have certainly seemed suspicious. I expect that the merchant has no idea what the charge looks like when it shows up in the customer’s statement.

    1. Just a wee message for everyone, my lovely wife and family love playing POKÉMON GO, as with any game there is charges involved to move ahead.
      The charges appeared as PAYPAL *GOOGLE NIANTIC 4029357733 AU on the Westpac account. So if people are playing this game along with the children, be very aware. I had a quick look at the comments, couldn’t see any about POKÉMON GO, so this might offer some solution to peoples problems, and keep an eye on those payments.

      1. On my husband’s bank statements there is lots of PayPal transactions and for odd some small amounts and some up to 50$ they also have women’s usernames like lettycm1985 is it that he was paying for live sexcams?

  12. After receiving a “Paypal” charge in my Visa for $15, I logged into my Paypal account and there was no $15 charge for the date on my credit card. I called Paypal via their phone number on their website (not the 402-935-7733 number on the credit card) . The Paypal support person confirmed that I had no Paypal charges for that date. He also said that 402-935-7733 is NOT a Paypal phone number. The Paypal support person said that the credit card post with this phone number was definitely fraudulent, and told me to inform Visa of this fact. So it appears that this article is incorrect.

    1. Not fraudulent, support person was mistaken.
      The 402-935-7733 phone number is for PayPal’s processing center in Omaha, NE. I’ve driven by there.
      You might not have any PayPal charges on your account, but the vendor who sold you something had the purchase amount transferred from your Visa to HIS PayPal account.

      1. Incorrect jannie bc I didn’t buy anything for $20 from anyone & I still got the charge with FL after it which would mean Florida since other ones say CA (California) & IN (Indiana) when I looked up the transaction # on Google. Not to mention I’m a techie & hackers are out there excessively lately. I’ve had my Amazon hacked for the first time in 13 yrs back in August 2020. My bank accounts all of them & all my credit cards keep getting hacked .. so yes this article is incorrect.

      2. My husband said he didn’t have a PayPal account but I keep seeing PayPal transactions on his bank statements to users with female usernames like lettycm1985 or annarwannar I also called PayPal and they verified he had an account linked to his phone number and our address. In the bank statements I disputed one of the transactions and it came back as professional services does it mean he was paying for live sexcams or something?

  13. I had an unauthorized charge on my bank account with 402-935-7733 in connection with it. When i called the # it was a recording wanting the last 4 og social or information. I hung up and contacted payal to report it. With there help we figured out it was a seller on ebay that I had recently bought something from, and it was for something i had already paid for with paypal and somehow they got my bank account info and charge it for the same item. All my ebay purchases are through paypal not my bank. I think they gained access through Ebay. The charge never showed up on my PayPal it didn’t show up on my eBay account and can’t figure out how they gained access to my bank account unless it was through eBay. Beware.

    1. Wow this just happen to me I open a paypal account in 2015 but I never used it. This show’s some guy’s name that took 280.00 from my account in California. I’ve never had a paypal card or anything. I reported it fraudulent to my bank and to paypal. Evidently this is common and my bank froze my debit card as soon as the transaction came through because it was not a common transaction for me. I didn’t purchase anything through paypal and the debit card they used is one I just got last year. I don’t know how they got my information either but paypal need’s to do something. I don’t recommend anyone to use paypal. It’s this same phone number.

      1. [snip] I don’t know how they got my information either but paypal need’s to do something. I don’t recommend anyone to use paypal. It’s this same phone number. [end snip]

        Paypal can’t do anything about this. If you read the article you will see that they had nothing to do with the transaction and that is NOT their phone number. It isn’t fair to punish paypal for something a scammer is doing. Please remove those comments.

    2. On November 14,2019 I ordered 4 pair of men’s gloves I saw on FB. I paid $75.93 I paid *leBA Ti4029357733. You got your money. I want the gloves since they are for Christmas. Please respond, reporting to fraud department.

    3. Pretty much what is happening to me now. My bank took out funds for this and it states paypal Beckner. I received an email as a receipt for purchase of dog food and tooth brush $50 exactly. Pay pal has no records through my account yet it came out of my bank. How did they get my email and bank account I would like to know. It even has my shipping address yet nothing has shipped here. I believe it is an inside job with pay pal and changing my password is not going to keep them from doing it again. Pay pal is suppose to be investigating but not even that claim is showing on my account. I have sent more messages to pay pal but they are not sending any back and its 45 minute wait by phone so I turned it over to my bank and cancelled my debit card. I will more than likely cancel my paypal account.

  14. I had a $100 US charge from PayPal on my Capital One master card. I’ve been disputing it since June. Capital One initially reversed then they charged it back in August because they claimed that the vendor provided documents that the transaction was legit. They sent me copies of the documents and they’re all in a foreign language. Apparently these documents claim that I purchased virtual gold gaming coins which I never did. I’ve since cut up my credit card and am still disputing this. Capital One refuses to believe that I don’t have any PayPal accounts. I’m never dealing with them again.

  15. FRAUD!!! It was a minimum charge but i reported it to the sender, and my bank. They also charged my credit card. I am disputing ALL!

  16. Mmmmm, i have the same issue, but in reverse. I have a DEPOSIT in my account from this number. Eftpos Paypal *bada Store 4029357733

    So weird. Contacted bank to investigate.

  17. I got the same charge of $1.97 to validate my credit card, it said the money will be refunded after validating and I did that but still no refund…

  18. The seller’s eBay account name is different with the charged account name.
    Logged in my pay pal account , located the transaction record, click it to the detail page of purchase.
    recognized the difference.
    Final answer: Legitimate

    1. FRAUD!!!! I contacted paypal and some chick named ASHLEY LENTZ took $140 from me.

  19. On April 9 , 2019 I made a purchase thru Paypal . After making the purchase about 10 min. later I cancelled the purchase. Paypal still charged me $19.94 — 402 935 7733 even though I had CANCELLED the purchase. I received no product – I sent the seller no money to the seller. I’ve made previous purchases previously, this hasn’t happened and have had no problem. I feel I cannot trust Paypal in the future.

  20. Paypal Info Inst 4029357733 is a legitimate
    charge for IS 1 World Security Conference

  21. I didn’t recognize my charge on American Express account. I contacted AE by chat but they were only able to provide the same info my AE online account provided about the transaction which was DATE, AMOUNT, paid to PayPal and the phone number we are discussing 402-935-7733. I called 402-935-7733, they requested last 4 of my AE card….luckily I still had AE representative on Live Chat. I advised PayPal was asking for the last four digits of AE card. The AE representative advised to give only the last 4 digits as they need that information to look up the charge and it is OK to provide it. I provided that info and the PayPal representative found the charge and was able to tell me what was purchased and indeed it was something I had charged and was a valid charge on my American Express card!!!

  22. I also saw a charge on my Visa account that said PayPal*AlumniDevel with that phone number. Turns out that I had made a donation for which I had a receipt for that date to my alma mater Washington University in St Louis. Apparently that number can be used for many things PayPal and this was legit

  23. Our accountant at work was going through the company credit card statement with two charges on it to PayPal with the phone number mentioned in this article. One was for $3.99 to SquareTrade, which is a warranty company, and the second was $21.99 to another name. I Googled the phone number and found this page and after reading comments, checked my personal ebay account as I had recently ordered from them to include a SquareTrade charge. To my surprise, it was mine. I don’t know how it got on my boss’es credit card. I reimbursed my work and will be very careful in the future that it doesn’t happen again. So, the charges were legit, just don’t know why they ended up where they did.

  24. I thought I was scammed, but it turns out these were legitimate purchases through eBay. Apparently quite a few vendors use Paypal to process the billing. Would have been nice to have a better description.

    1. Thanks, this was my situation, too. The order doesn’t appear in my PayPal control panel, but I did have an eBay order that matches this. I’m wondering if eBay takes a credit card payment using PayPal as the gateway, then it doesn’t appear in the PayPal account. Anyway, it would be nice if the transaction detail said eBay instead of PayPal.

  25. Ebay currently still uses PayPal as their card processing company until 2020. So if you purchase something from Ebay it may show up as PayPal on your credit card statement. I just had that happen and it was a legit transaction. Confusing but still legit.

  26. Not true for me. I had a charge on my debit card, which isn’t even connected to my PayPal account. It was fraud.

  27. I want to know why there was a receipt for the original amount from Paypal on the account and also the amount also on a foreign co. amounts are being deducted twice, so your explanation is not true. this phone number seems to linked to several accounts in different states all with different names. Makes no sense at all. next step I am reporting this as fraudulent charges to my Bank. Now it seems Paypal isn’t even safe.

  28. This is legit PayPal charge for me.
    It’s the Ebay seller: Memories Pawn Shop.

  29. This Paypal 402-935-7733< was a legit charge. I think you need to be sure to talk to the human, not in the robot. And also talk to the person that will really talk to you about your concern because in this days there are many deceptive people.

  30. Definately fraud. Haven’t used my PayPal account in years. Found a suspicious charge on my debit card. $75.00.

  31. That’s not what this was – a chargeback to MY paypal account. What it was was – an actual legitimate charge from the SELLER’S paypal account. It seemed like maybe that was it when I saw the last 4 numbers of my actual credit card.

    ah yes – now I remember buying that …..

  32. I have placed an order with these people and I have not gotten the parcel and I have two things so am looking at loosing the oil and the cleaning product I have ordered,all up will loose $64.49.they have simply disappeared of the internet.How do I get my money back.

    1. I called PayPal and they said they can reverse the charge to my credit card I ordered something on November 30 have not received anything it was from a place called Kiney store I have emailed them but I get the exact same reply don’t worry your order is being processed so I am waiting PayPal says I have 180 day to get my money back.

  33. I had 5 fraudulent purchases so I called AMEX they are sending me a new card I then called Paypal and asked them what was the name that made the purchases it was my name so I asked what did I buy they said it was digital movies I did not buy any movies so it’s a new way for thieves to steal from people.

  34. Most of the stuff is fraud and why some are legitimizing it is odd.
    I had a charge show as REDTAGCAMER 402-935-7733 NY. It was not mine and my card company caught it. They are an ebay company. Someone was trying to use my card. I froze the card and contacted ebay, the seller and my credit card company. I like many others keep close tabs on my card. I am the sole user. I have alerts on my card and would tell all to do the same. They are using paypal to process cards and it has nothing to do with your Paypal account. SET ALERTS FOR all charges and watch your card. Clark Howard has even more tips on his web site.

  35. I posted in here before but it seems like people are getting different results. For me, I had purchased an online textbook for my school and the charge in my bank account showed up this way. It had been about a week before it showed up and never mentioned anything about being under PayPal so I thought someone had taken my info because I didn’t have paypal in the first place. However, after trying to remember what I purchased, I remembered that I had bought that textbook and it was a legitimate charge on my account.
    I’m not going to tell you it’s legitimate, because it can and at the same time it can’t be. Just make sure you take note of what you are purchasing, especially when buying online.
    For the person who recently commented about paying for services on Twitter, I would suggest to never do it under “friends and family” because it makes it harder to get your money back from PayPal. Nevertheless, glad you got your money back.

  36. A total scam please be aware not to fall for it like I did!!!! I was emailed a guy named Alex who was supposed to deliver on Twitter accounts. I first send $154.00 via PayPal as a service he bitched saying it would take 7-10 to get his money and wouldn’t be able to do the service right away without being paid. So I sent it as friends and family and well he never delivered anything. I emailed several times trying to get what I had paid for and heard nothing back. I am now getting a refund from American express because PayPal won’t help. Here’s his email alexriv19977 at

  37. I ordered shredder bags on Amazon. The charge posted as PAYPAL ORASAT 402-935-7733 CA. It was a mystery at first, but looking at recent charge receipts, we matched it to Amazon. I guess the seller uses Paypal to process his payments from me or Amazon. Whatever, it was a legitimate charge.

  38. I noticed a charge on Friday night for $985.99. My bank was closed but I immediatly searched the number to try and figure out what it was. Some of the information here is plain wrong but it helped. The company listed was Xoom in the debit transaction. Yes Xoom is owned by Paypal however paypal has NOTHING to do with them. It had NOTHING to do with my paypal account either. All was on my business account and I had to figure out how to correct this.

    First Xoom is a money transfer company for spanish speaking individuals according to their website. It is not based in the US but is owned by Paypal. I called PAypal looking for help and they couldnt help me as it did not come from my Paypal account. Second I called my back and asked how they got access. Someone had gotten my numbers from my Debit card and tried to make a transaction. I had to cancel my card and keep an eye on my bank account. Yes it is a pain in the butt but I did get my money back. Considering all of the business done online it is easy for this to happen.

    Reading all of the stories I was also “skeptical” of the individuals who “forgot” a transaction. I remember numbers so this was an easy catch. The company Xoom is not anything I would use today. It seems that this phone number has a large amount of clients associated with them which is a huge red flag for me! What is most concerning is that my bank didn’t catch this despite all of the “precautions” I have placed on the account. Either way all I need to do is notify my bank within 30 days of the transaction and I get the money back! I got it in 2 today.

    If you want to avoid this and other pitfalls, get used to checking all transactions on your CC every month. It shouldn’t take long but it will save you money!

  39. Guys: check your recent online purchases (you should have e-receipts). Even if you don’t have PayPal, many online vendors use PayPal and your order via credit card will be processed by PayPal. I bet most of you made a purchase on or near the date of the mysterious charge you are referring to. I also bet the total cost + tax + shipping of that windshield wiper/picture frame/sex toy, etc. matches the “fraudulent charge” in most cases.

  40. 2 Days ago I noticed a strange charge on my bank account. It was listed as “VSA PUR VPS HOST 855-570-0665 FL” I called the number. It went to a really strange automated system that had option 1 as ‘If you suspect a fraudulent charge, press 1’. That led me to another prompt asking for the last 6 digits of my card number. I’m not about to give some random company/scam that information. After confirming neither my husband nor I had made a purchase (and my last PayPal transaction was from over 1 month prior), I notified my bank. They had the charge reversed the next day as “VSA RTN VPS HOST 402-935-7733 FL” FUNNY THING THOUGH, every charge made from my bank account since has been duplicated on my account. Legitimate charges are now being taken out twice and going to God only knows where. I’m glad I checked. I’m going to be in the bank as soon as they open.

  41. I rarely use our Paypal account, so when something shows up as PayPal on my cc, it is always a red flag. I noticed a charge this morning that didn’t seem familiar, and called my husband and it didn’t seem familiar to him either. I checked Amazon, Ebay, and was ready to click the dispute button when I read on here that someone had a purchase on etsy go through that weird phone number. So I checked Etsy and realized that something I had purchased from the Ukraine was the exact same amount. So, in my case it is a legitimate charge, but it really would be so much simpler if they would put “Etsy” or “Ebay” as the explanation instead of that weird number and “ProtekTradi” as the description. It’s just a pain, especially when the seller doesn’t tell you that it will show up on your credit card as that.

  42. One post mentioned eBay. I forgot I bought something from ebay… I looked at the charge amount and that was it. It’s not a scam. We should write down on a calendar our purchases and the amount because we can’t remember and the names on the statement’s don’t usually match where we bought.

  43. I posted in here in 9/8/13, but I will post it again.

    In my case, the charge was from a software program I purchased through an employee perks program. When I made the purchase, it did not advise me how the transaction name would appear, only the amount. So naturally, when I saw the transaction with the 402 area code and no company name, I became suspicious and called PayPal.

    The employee perks program had used an outside vendor for billing, hence the 402 phone number. My transaction was not fraud, but I do see a lot of other people that posted theirs was fraud. My advise is always investigate any charges you don’t recognize.

  44. BULLSHIT. I strongly suspect that these “oh, it’s okay, I just forgot that I bought something” posts are by the scammer. I received 2 calls on my phone after midnight. I don’t HAVE a PayPal account, nothing tied to that phone number or any credit or debit card or bank account. What I encountered is 100% fraudulent and I would like to excise the testicles of those who keep saying that it’s legitimate. Read their posts. They’re as flimsy as silly putty. The scammers have dramatically improved their usage of the English language, but they’re still criminals, and I wish law enforcement would actually act upon them (and spammers, as that goes).

  45. I just got scammed by this method this morning. Whomever this person is has taken over my PayPal account and has changed my security questions, password and etc. All I get when I call PayPal is a robot. I need to talk to a person that actually works for PayPal so I can close my account. Does anyone have the REAL phone number I can call to resolve this problem other than the scam artist’s number, i.e. 402-935-7733?

  46. First, everyone needs to take a breath. Everyone is so quick to ASSUME that a charge is fraudulent just because you don’t recognize it. Here’s why this is a problem:
    1) YOU buy something from a vendor using your DEBIT card that is not linked to a PayPal account, HOWEVER the vendor accepts payments via PayPal. You do NOT need to have a PayPal account to process credit/debit card payments through PayPal. (check into it, and you will see this is FACT)
    2) Even if you do have a PayPal account that is linked to your checking account, the charge COULD still appear on your CREDIT/DEBIT card statement *IF* you also linked your credit/debit card to your PayPal account AND set the credit/debit card as the PREFERRED payment source. PayPal will automatically charge your credit/debit card for any ‘shortfall’ (in other words if you don’t have enough funds sitting in your PayPal account) to complete the payment YOU authorized.
    3) We are all fallable human beings, and even if we try hard to be precise with our transactions it is easy to forget the name of a vendor you purchased a SINGLE item from during the course of a month. I bet if you tried to remember right now all of the vendors you have purchased from VIA PayPal in the last 30 days you would probably remember 1/3 of them OR less.
    4) If in doubt, log into your PayPal account and look for a transaction on that same date. If you don’t have a PayPal account, then go through your email ‘receipts’ that the vendors sent you. If you keep all of your receipts, you should be able to find one dated within 2 days before or after the date showing on your statement that you are qeuestioning.
    5) And remember this above all else: Just because one or even a LOT of people say sommething is FRAUDULENT, do NOT assume that it is. Investigate yourself. If it was a purchase that used your debit or credit card then contact the bank, and have them research it for you. When you have the FACTS regarding that transaction, THEN and only then can you claim it is legitimate OR fraudulent.

  47. I have linked my Debit card to AirBnB to get payment & have $2 Debit put on this card under the same number as people above. Could it be AirBnB checking my card before making a payment into it? It is my 1st guests under their system & in was Dec 22 and their information says “you get payment the day after the guests check in” I am still waiting – 21st January? Anyone else having this problem please? Would be very happy to hear it is no a scam.

  48. These replies saying “oh, I forgot I purchased something” is crap. This same number showed up on my husbands account in the wee hours of the morning. First they withdrew $1 then deposited it back. Then there were TWO withdrawals for $145.00 followed by a THIRD one for $198.99. My husband doesn’t even have paypal!!! Now after seeing that paypal is aware of this and it is still ongoing is ridiculous!!! Now they say it will take 7-10 days for a refund of fraudulent charges.

  49. Many times, someone will run a credit card through Paypal because it’s the only way they have to charge the credit card. The charge that appeared on my card was:

    402-935-7733, NY 10990

    I had no idea what that was until I went back through some messages and found what it related to.

  50. The bank contacted me about a charge of almost $1,400 last May which I confirmed I had not made. My account was credited for the charge pretty much immediately. Now I have a new account number.


  51. For me, the weird purchase description ending in “402-935-7733 CA” on my credit-card statement turned out to be a legitimate charge for an eBay purchase that my credit card is linked to. Thanks to some of the comments here, I knew to check my eBay account and look at my purchase history. It was a video card I bought back in May and then forgot the date of purchase. I guess the seller is using Paypal as his merchant account, or whatever.
    Thanks for the help from others who posted that theirs were legitimate eBay purchases.

  52. This has been an ongoing problem for me for at least a couple years. DOES ABYONE FIND IT A LITTLE SUSPECT THAT PAYPAL ISNT MORE CONCERNED? What’s also suspect is HOW THE HELL IS IT POSSIBLE TO FRAUDULENTly BUY STUFF AND HAVE IT APOEAR ON. YOUR STATEMENT AS PATPAL WHEN YOU HAVE TO 1 actually have a PayPal account 2 LOG IN 3. Link a credit card
    Etc. etc.

    PayPal must have some knowledge of how this is possible at the very least.

  53. FRAUD – I had a $305.60 charge show up on a credit card I only use for paperless monthly billings.

    Did a reverse look up on the phone number and it comes up as “Cable Matters” in Marlborough, MA ~ googled them and the phone number wasn’t the same on their website.

    Called the number and it answered PayPal (hung up) so called my CC company, who said first it was entered as a “dining charge” then when they looked it up, it was for a used wedding dress from online bridal store purchase ~ not my purchase…..


  55. Legitimate transaction for something I ordered on eBay. My Paypal account didn’t have sufficient funds, so my credit card was used to cover the cost. It appeared as PAYPAL *WINGSNTHING in my account. “WINGSNTHING” is the beginning of the name of the eBay seller. This doesn’t show up in my Paypal account at first glance for some reason, but the amount and seller name match up.

  56. This was a legit charge for me. I just forgot I used paypal to make the payment. We don’t have a paypal account, but paid the vendor via their paypal account with our credit card, and this is exactly how the payment came up.

  57. Yes, it’s upsetting but take some time to think clearly. I also had a charge on my credit card showing PAYPAL *AME[snip] so I looked on the Internet. After reading the above, I realized that, yes, I had given money to an organization and they use PayPal to process payments.

    So, no, the payments are not always a case of fraud.

  58. I ordered something from a seller on Ebay yesterday and the payment (using my credit card) went through Paypal. It shows as “SETTLEMENT PAYPAL *RINAFATNAWA LOC: 402-935-7733 C.

    I watch my accounts on a daily basis so I am aware of EVERYTHING that hits.

    This is a legit charge as long as I receive the merchandise.

  59. This is Fraud I dont even have a papal and my bank called me on Friday to report suspicious activity on my account debit card 12 charges were made ranging from 2.00 to 10.00 my bank quickly canceled my card and issued me a new one and are currently refunding the charges back to me so for the ones saying it is because of your papal account they are wrong like I said I dont even have a papal account never have…

  60. This happened to me today. DONT LISTEN TO ANYONE HERE SAYING THAT IT IS A LEGIT PURCHASE and your funds run out etc….
    This is FRAUD. The transaction showed up on my account as:
    POS DEBIT PAYPAL *ZOENEMBURT 4029357733 CA for $89.50
    My paypal account is not linked to my debit card and my bank confirmed that this was used with my debit card so it is absolute Fraud. If you see this, call your bank immediately and get the amount credited. Paypal wouldn’t even let you buy something unless you have funds duh.

  61. My story goes thus: I recently got a phone call from my bank’s fraud detection contractor wanting to verify some recent charges, including one from MoneyGram for $89. I explained to the agent that no, I had not authorized any MoneyGram purchases (ever) and became concerned. The agent said she would file a fraud report on the MoneyGram purchase and get my money refunded for that, and encouraged me to review my recent statements for other possible recent fraudulent charges.

    Which I then did. And I discovered an additional 10 Lyft/ PayPal charges adding up to about $100 which I also did not authorize. I contacted Lyft, and they themselves showed no record for these supposed trips; I reviewed my PayPal account, and found nothing there. The charges had gone straight to my bank, and I had not even noticed them because the amounts were so small ($4-$12 each). But all had this 402 phone number in them, and all stated PayPal and Lyft. I have accounts with both, but I’d know if I had taken 10 rides with strangers in the past month. My bank has now reimbursed me for all of these fraudulent charges. Just wish I could nail the bastard who made them in the first place.

  62. I had this happen on my account for two amounts. 210.00 and 239.94 or something close to that. I called PayPal and they said he bought items off of ebay and they located the transactions and the person who used my number is Dustin Collins. They have his name and address but can’t give it to me but told me they could give it to law enforcement. Gave them all the info and they are having a detective working on it. Even if nothing is done (which I doubt), I know the idiot is cheap. He bought an engagement ring and a wall mirror. I would be pretty pissed if my engagement was about the same price as a wall mirror. SMH

  63. No, this is not correct information!
    It is close, but not correct.
    This just happened to me….

    Quick answer:

    Problem #1 You are out of Funds and Paid with PayPal
    If you are out of funds in your PayPal account from which you buy stuff
    You get the message at your bank…
    PAYPAL Inst Transfer (amount) ….because you lacked funds to pay for YOUR Purchase!
    This purchase was MADE from YOUR PAYPAL Account, by PP Credit Card, or with your
    PayPal email address linking to YOUR ACCOUNT


    Problem 2 You used your BANK CARD to purchase from a vendor when PAYPAL did the

    That’s when you see the words “Purchase Paypal 4029357733

    Problem Possibility 3

    If you or a crook buys something thru PayPal Both transactions will say
    “Purchase Paypal 4029357733
    That phrase is used when your bank or usually Credit Card was used.

    So if you DIDN’t buy it, or didn’t buy something for someone else….
    Then maybe someone has your CC Info…. So it’s good to figure out
    what was bough by you and not bought by you, so you can report it

    For me, I bought an item for my GF and when I mentioned this problem, she
    reminded I bought something online FOR HER! So, just before you report
    this as a stolen card, rethink if you bought something for someone else first.

    If not, then report it to your bank and get a new card etc.
    I hope this info helps someone.


  64. Just to let people know, this may be a valid charge, but not like described above.
    I couldn’t remember going through Pay Pal at all for charge that showed as “PAYPAL *REMOTE 4029357733”, but then I remembered it was around the time I bought a new fob for my truck. I purchased it online with a company that uses paypal as their payment type. I did not pay through my pay pal account, but through amazon (as one of their 3rd party sellers). I don’t have this cc linked to paypal and it is not showing on my paypal transactions.

  65. I just found a charge with this phone number on my credit card described as “PAYPAL *rpatterskc402-935-7733CA” Paypal record shows no transactions AND the card isn’t even linked to my paypal account. My cc company reversed, closed account and is sending me a new card. I would not believe the post above. This is fraud.

  66. I placed an order to an auto parts company. I do not have a paypal account, but they do. I suspect and hope that’s the reason for the charge because the amount = what I ordered. I’ll know for sure when my parts arrive in the next few days. I wish banks and merchants do a better job of describing transactions on bank accounts. All that coded entry means absolutely nothing to me. The only thing I can pick out is the date and the amount.

  67. I received an unknown charge on my credit card statement from a PP*DawCafe in Mooresville, Indiana (showing cell phone equipment/services) on my statement on a date that I was on vacation on a backpacking trip on the Appalachian Trail in Connecticut where I also live. I disputed the charge with my credit card company and they removed the charge from my account. But today, I get a notification that my Credit Card company received a response from PP*DawCafe and my credit card company said they are charging the amount back to me. I looked at the backup from this supposed business, and the backup really did not show anything, other than the last 4 digits of my credit card, date of transaction and showed PayPal. In the areas that they neglected to complete on the response form to my credit card company: Credit Card Billing Address: [blank], Tracking No.: [Blank], Shipping Address: [Blank]. Also, when I asked the Credit Card rep that I don’t see on the documentation provided by PP*DawCafe what product was ordered? The bank rep said it was office chairs. I said where these chairs purchased in-store or online. I have never been to Indiana, and if they were purchased online, where were these chairs delivered to? My credit card rep said, the form that PP*DawCafe answered, they did not show any of that information. The phone number on the documentation was 402-935-7733, which phone number upon doing a search brought me to this website. I checked my PayPal account and last transactions I had purchased were in April 22, 2017. This unknown transaction is not listed on my PayPal account as they wanted my credit card company to believe. This is a scam and I hope people make sure they check their credit card statements regularly. So the only way to get this charge off of my account, is now to file a “fraud claim” and have my account shutdown, which I am doing. So whether, a third party frauded my card or the PP*DawCafe in Mooresville, Indiana frauded my card, people beware!

  68. I recently received a purchase on credit card which wasn’t linked to my PayPal and I haven’t even uses PayPal at all: PAYPAL *WANGGELI 402-935-7733 CA
    #24492156TS1FJP8AG $6.98.
    Someone explain this to me.

  69. Just called paypal about the charge and their records showed no such charged being processed and they advised me everything shows on their records if they were involved. Going to dispute charge with credit card.

  70. The explanation from PayPal may be correct, but I personally think it’s BS. I discovered a series of fraudulent transactions in a five day period on my credit card, one of which was a $390 charge that looks like this on my bank statement:

    20170803000000[-8:PST]*-390.00*42**Withdrawal Signature POS 8/3/2017 Withdrawal Signature POS PAYPAL *NICOKESTEW 402-935-7733 CA Date 08/02/17 04492150000058610586100 5999 %% Card 16 #2642 -390.00

    The problem with this is that when this particular credit card expired, I did not update the record on PayPal. When you try to pay for something via PayPal and use a credit card associated with an existing PayPal account without logging into the account, you get an error message telling you to log into your account to complete the transaction.

    So what I want to know is how someone managed to transact a $390 debit through PayPal with a card number associated with another account which actually expired in February and was not updated with the new expiration date?

  71. On Friday, 28 July 2017 at 3:40 PM I observed a fraudulent transaction using my SBI debit card and total of INR 5,800 got debited. As the card is physically still with me I had no clue how the card’s PIN being used at POS. I only came to know about the fraud when I received 2 SMS that read, “Thank you for using xxx7869(card no.) for a purchase of worth Rs 2900.62 on POS 000980021166999 at PAYPAL *BEIJINGKUNL (txn#720910571833 and txn#720910382916)”.

    Obviously, there is some sort of security breach from Bank’s database / server, which is being utilized by these fraudsters. I don’t know what is the Bank’s responsibility in such fraudulent transactions and in returning the money I lost.

    Can anyone help me find out why and who is responsible for such Transactions – where money is literally stolen without the consent of account holder.

  72. So, everything else aside, why would all of these different stores from different countries be using this same exact phone number? It seems a little odd to me that the only thing that seems to differ is the name of the store. Mine is radiatorsrus, based in Louisiana.

  73. On 27.07.2017 (10.15 pm) three money transaction happened as mentioned below without my knowledge

    by debit card
    OTHPG 720816382338PAYPAL *BEIJINGKUNL 4029357733 for Rs 1,461.84

    by debit card
    OTHPG 720816820497PAYPAL *BEIJINGKUNL 4029357733 for Rs 1,461.84

    by debit card
    OTHPG 720816702326PAYPAL *BEIJINGKUNL 4029357733 for Rs 6,975.31

    Can anyone help me to find out the person behind this fraud transactions?

  74. I just was looking at my bank statement and found 10 charges for $20.00 each for that phone number. I’m going to my bank tomorrow to get this investigation started into this and also to get a new bank card. What a bunch of people who scam, I closed my paypal account years ago.

  75. I bought an item on eBay with a non-PayPal credit card. The number tracks back to PayPal. This mystery charge is that purchase. Totally legit … just catches people off guard … especially those who think that other people should provide them with food, Earned Income Credit, housing, cell phones, free college, free school lunches, heat, indefinite unemployment, etc.

  76. This is most definitely a fraudulently charge because it was charged to a card that doesn’t exist but was attached to my account.

  77. This was a Valid charge from Dazzling Displays. Do not be quick to do chargebacks without doing your research! This hurts legal merchants trying to make a living.

  78. sorry forgot to add that there was also 5 attempted e-bay charges but the bank killed my card so no dice for them, YEAH-I don’t have an ebay account either but like I said called paypal-no info it not even in pending transactions and they told me to call e-bay-also they have nothing.

  79. PS if a charge went thru paypal then paypal SHOULD have all information before they allow any charges-like I said earlier I nor paypal have any information-phone# account# what it was, etc, went thru my order information and all other orders I have made in the last 2 months no matches just a charge. so of course I am having the bank deny it.

  80. been charged $$$ on my card by this PAYPAL eazytrade that I know nothing about, no information(name, what it is, etc, it dosnt even show up on your regular paypal information) nor authorized it so my bank is killing the charge and I will be doing the same with my paypal card/account since they are letting people have our card information as soon as the bank is done with their investigations.

  81. I ordered something from France on ebay and paid with my Discover card but on my Discover Card statement it said Paypal PROTEKTRADI this was on my May 2nd, 2017 statement however I received my order from Ebay today and the price matches what the Discover Card has down for the cost. I just reported it to Discover yesterday I wish I had waited longer, anyway I am sure they will get it all taken care of.

  82. Some of you are crazy alarmists.


    Warr…hmm..what starts with “Warr” oh. Warranty. You bought something online – perhaps on Ebay, and you bought the warranty by Assurant.

    Seriously. Check.

  83. It was legit for me, but it was a purchase made by credit card over the phone. This marchand probably use Paypal to charge the credit card, maybe with their Virtual Terminal.

  84. So i took the time to read several of these posts and just had to make a reply about it. So there’s a lot of people saying this is fraud and several others saying it is not, i don’t believe it is at all.

    For the people stating that they don’t have a PAYPAL account and have transactions from PAYPAL on their bank statements, then yes it’s fraud to you.

    For the people stating the fact they have a PAYPAL account and made purchases are legit. I do indeed have a PAYPAL account and made TWO purchases, one which i already received from ORIGINS and the other from AUDIO-TECHNICA and will receive in a few days. The one thing that raised a RED FLAG for me was when i saw the one purchase “PAYPAL SHOPATRON 4029357733 CA” but did research and found out that AUDIO-TECHNICA is partnered with SHOPATRON when dealing with purchases.

    I also got two robot calls from my bank leaving a message about suspicious purchases on my bank account, but only because the number “4029357733” is on their suspicious fraud watch list.

  85. This is totally fraud charges for us. We don’t even have Paypal account. They charged us twice in different dates and used different merchandisers. Called Paypal and verified that we don’t have an account with them. They refunded the charges but had to go through different departments just to clear our names and finally return our money back.

  86. I ordered a computer part from a China-man on Ebay. Thought it was fraud at first, but remembered—some China vendors must use a local clearinghouse to get their $$$ and many people see this phone#.

  87. I keep a folder of email receipts for purchases made online. If I see a charge on my card I don’t recognize, I search the receipt folder for the exact amount of the charge. Unless it’s a local purchase (or one made on a trip), I’ll find the charge in the folder. If not, I didn’t make the purchase.

  88. FYI in some cases it is fraud but in others it is not as the Vendor you may have purchased through has PAYPAL NOT YOU! I thought a charge was bogus but it turns our because the company was overseas they used paypal to with draw the money from my cc for clothing I had ordered. What threw me off was that their PayPal name AKA their parent company name was different then their online store front name. Turns outafter 45 minutes of research I did make that purchase and there was nothing wrong with the transaction.

  89. I totally agree with both @AnnePMitchell and MARYLAND posting here. I came to this website to investigate a charge on my credit card that appeared on my statement as PAYPAL *CELEBRITYSO 402-935-7733 CA that looked fishy, but what I found was that although I had indeed used my card (not PayPal) to make a purchase of that exact amount, it was the vendor who had used PayPal to receive the funds, therefore the “mysterious” looking charge on my statement. Obviously, any unusual charges on any of your accounts should be scrutinized for possible fraud, but in this case I was relieved to understand how this vendor had used PayPal to receive my funds.

  90. This article is garbage. Any charge to your bank account by PayPal is FRAUD. They do NOT take money out of your checking account when you buy something online with a CREDIT CARD! Don’t be ridiculous!

    1. We don’t usually reply to point out the error of a poster’s ways, but in this case we are compelled to, as the potential for this comment to cause serious issues for someone who reads it and takes it at face value is great. Paypal works *exactly* like any other credit/debit card processor. If you are using a Visa debit card, or indeed any ATM card that works like a MasterCard or Visa, and you make a payment with that card *through* Paypal, of *course* they take the money out of your bank account. Similarly, if you have a credit card with your bank that is tied to either overdraft or a line of credit *with your bank*, that is *exactly* how Paypal will get the money – it will show up as a line item on your bank account.

  91. Legit charge here. Showed the name of the company, “Coder Foundry”, in my case.

    With that said, it is possible a thief gave your card number to paypal.

  92. I have no Pay Pal acct. and made no purchases around the time a charge of $40 appeared on my bank record. It gave this phone number followed by CA, presumably California. I live in Oregon. I will, of course, call the bank. I will also call the police.

  93. I appreciated the information and comments. Even though I did not use a Paypal account, the business I ordered from processes my credit card through Paypal. At first I could not remember what I had purchased so left a message for Paypal to call me. A person did return my call, almost within the time frame I was told. But your article was useful. Thank you.

  94. this is false. I have never had a PayPal account. Yet, I have had two charges show up. USAA did refund the two charges. My card was cancelled and they’ve sent me a new one.
    Don’t believe so-called experts just because they say they know what they’re talking about.

  95. Just an FYI, my charge to PayPal with this number associated with it was a legit purchase I made for a used book.

  96. Even if you don’t have a PayPal account of your own, this type of legitimate charge may still appear on your statement! When you make a purchase by credit card and the vendor uses PayPal behind the scenes to process the transactions, you will have a line like this on your statement and it isn’t fraudulent. If you absolutely can’t recall making a purchase of that amount around the date listed, you can call the number listed and PayPal will work with you to figure out where the charge originated from so you can see whether it is valid or not. Most of us end up forgetting one-off charges (or a spouse buys something we don’t know about) and that’s what these end up being. Occasionally, however, a stolen card number leads to fraudulent charges and PayPal and your bank will help you work through those.

  97. I just had the same experience as many others. Amount $17.10, listed as “PAYPAL *ACLUB 402-935-7733 CA”

    To track it down, I had to go through our eBay accounts (at which time eBay forced me to come up with three security Qs for my husband’s account before they would let me in), after which I discovered he bought an auto part from a vendor in China, who used Paypal as the merchant account. It did not go through our Paypal account.

    Agreed – Paypal needs to come up with a better way to describe the transaction on the credit card bills. I just devoted over 1/2 hour to make sure the a $17.10 payment was not a fraudulent charge. This purchase is something I did not know about and never would have thought about, so a merchant clue would have been helpful.

  98. Absolute CRAP !
    I received 5 charges on my credit card PAYPAL *SSL78012 4029357733 at $42.42 each.
    Paypal does not have this credit card.The explanation above is crap. THIS IS FRAUD !!!
    Cancel your credit card and get a new one.

  99. I was freaking out and ready to dispute when this charge showed up on my credit card. For me, the charge showed on my card as “PAYPAL *CYNDICKREME 402-935-7733 CA”. After some digging, I found that it was something I’d purchased on Ebay. Phew!

  100. I had this show up on my card today and I do not have a paypal account. I just figured out what it was because of the amount and date it was charged to my card, this also shows as a “paypal charge” if you paid at a vendor and they used the square to process the payment. Hope this helps because I was freaking out lol

  101. For me, this is a legit charge.

    My wife bought a yoga package in India, and this is how the charge is listed on our credit card statement:
    PAYPAL *MSGOLDENSHE 402-935-7733 CA
    “Professional Services and Membership Organizations”

    She has no PayPal account. I checked mine, and there is no charge for this. I think they are just listed as “PAYPAL…” because they do accept PayPal.

    I don’t know what the significance of the phone number is.

  102. I’ll admit I was ready for war but as it turned out, this was a legitimate charge I made. I believe the confusion is that it says Paypal. When I looked at my Paypal, it was not on that account. When I checked my e-bay purchase history, it was exact to the penny.

  103. I thought it was a scam, too — until I read the comments below — particularly:

    katie – 11/5/2016 who wrote:

    “This isn’t a fraudulent charge. It’s an ebay seller. ”

    Yep — that’s what mine was!

    Thanks, katie, whoever you are!

  104. Just because the vendor is legitimate does not mean that the charge is. My card was charged along with a few other charges in the past couple days that i did not make and luckily caught the charges, the credit card companies are good though, just call and dispute it they seem pretty happy to reverse the charges, I’ve had dozens of fraudulent charges over the years, they always make good.

  105. This isn’t a fraudulent charge. It’s an ebay seller. You bought something on ebay (or where ever) and they charged your card via their paypal payment gateway. You don’t have to log into or even have a paypal account to be charged via paypal, they just process the payment.

  106. THIS IS A SCAM!!! I called my credit card company, noticed two charges under a $100 from this “Paypal” account…….and I didn’t charge or use paypal. If you have the same, immediately call your credit card company, have them issue a new card and number. These are scammers!! The posts in here saying it’s legit is absolute bullshit. Cancel your card now!

  107. Looked up my rarely used Paypal account transactions and there are none that could account for this strange charge showing up on my credit card statement.
    This makes me doubt the comments that state the charge was a valid one.

  108. Total scam on my end. Reviewing my CC statement earlier today, found: PAYPAL SMCOA309 402 935 7733 CA. Charge:$823.50! I dont have a paypal acct. Contacted my CC company. They are sending forms in the mail for me to dispute the charges. Ruined my usual positive outlook indeed.

  109. got a $260 charge on my CC and info had pay pal and a name. Haven’t used pay pal in years. Phoned and it was to the name listed and he was in England and it had been converted to pounds. A few years ago I purchased some silver sixpence pieces (no where near that ammount) They looked into it and refunded my money. I then went online and cancelled my PayPal account.

  110. My wife, who does not have a Paypal account, paid for a campsite with our CC. It showed up as a Paypal charge, phone number in California, but since we don’t live in California I disputed it. Turned out to be legitimate but Paypal’s vendors HAVE to figure out a better way to describe their services.

  111. I bought an item through an ebay store and its charge showed up with NRGROUPINC 402-935-7733 CA via paypal.

  112. Thought it was a fraudulent charge but it was not. Made a donation to church online but forgot about it. Also the paypal thing threw me off.

  113. FRAUD through and through. I got a bizarre email about a pending charge on my PayPal account for $3742.00! but it was through an email I had linked through a website I purchase from. So I know this was fraudulent since I didn’t buy anything from this website recently. I went on Paypal and there was no such charge. I sent the email to Paypal fraud dept. and changed my Paypal password on the paypal site. But when I got my AMEX bill there it was! This phone number and some note of professional services regarding fitness. Closed that credit card number, will be closing my paypal account. Ridiculous!

  114. I had a $660 charge to my AmEx. I hadn’t used that account with PayPal for so many years the card info didn’t even have valid exp date or security code. The charge went through on May 05, 2016. I saw it on May 06 and disputed it with both AmEx and PayPal. Both told me they would take care of it and AmEx sent me a new card with different #, exp date & security code. Three weeks later, the charge is on my AmEx statement which finally shows me PP* Merchant Charge, La Vista NE, tel. 402-935-7733. Searching on the tel # brought me here. The charge did not show as disputed. I have authorized no $660 transactions nor received any corresponding goods or services. Once again I informed AmEx that this transaction is clearly fraudulent in my view. I loved using PayPal with vendors I had never dealt with before but the ease with which fraud seems to go through PayPal along with not being able to get the problem resolved despite all the comforting words that were spoken by PayPal when I called them on May 06 is going to result in me not trusting PayPal anymore I think.

  115. I purchased two cds from ebay and paypal showed up as the send the transaction to the seller as I used a Visa but I will keep my eyes open to see if they charge me further!

  116. This is AA American Airlines charging way from your credit card. Happenned to me I was worrried and checked my credit card online, It turned out they did not charge whole 4 alirline tickets at once, instead they did it separately.

  117. Fraudulent charge on a company card. Never had a PayPal account. They say their taking care of it. Didn’t have a clue what it was till I found this sight.

  118. My wife authorized a charge a few months ago and it only just showed up like this. Weird, but valid.

  119. I got this also on mt cc statement PAYPAL *GOOGLE 4029357733 but turns out it was just the Tinder subscription I did via the app on my phone. I think many people freaking out over nothing

  120. I was worried also, and I am so glad I found this website!! I checked my purchases and donations for the date this charge showed up on my Paypal and Credit card accounts, and it IS LEGITIMATE. I made a donation on that day and the organization used this phone number. I don’t know where they are actually located, I thought it was California. But this might be a “clearing house” kind of operation for small non-profits??? I am just glad my account was not hacked. It is so scary out there in the interweb, especially for us older folks!

  121. I thought this was a fraud, but after calling a Paypal number they verified that it was a legit charge my husband, who doesn’t use Paypal, had made with his card. It came through as Paypal because the person he paid uses Paypal. So if the description would have been more descriptive, we would have known what it was right away. All it said was Paypal*Administrat and this phone number. Phew, just glad to know we weren’t hacked!

  122. After doing some research on my own, I realized that I used a credit card to pay for an item instead of my PayPal credit…
    What a relief to find this out! :)
    …and then to check to see that your explanation was the same! :) :) :)

    yes, that number is there ‘generic’ code for using your credit card for the purchase.
    Too bad the purchase does not appear in the PayPal summary, BUT it does show up in our eBay purchases!

    Glad my account was not compromised as i feared… GREAT article! Thank you!

  123. Earlier today, I attempted to make a purchase from “shoeightonline” It tried to complete the purchase via paypal, however because I was using a different device, paypal actually restricted the transaction.
    Almost simultaneously I received a phone call from Nebraska the number in question and an email from paypal stating suspicious activity. I chose to google this number, came across this thread then decided to contact paypal via the number in the email.

    The paypal rep was very helpful in helping me to make sure transaction doesn’t complete. I mentioned this number 402-935-7733 to her and she was surprised and asked me where did i see that? I explained that i received a call from it and the thread i saw claims it was a paypal number. she said it was NOT PAYPAL!!

    so my conclusion, is this number is NO GOOD….I wouldn’t trust it

  124. Is there any way I can call up the items I have been charged for thru #4029357733?

  125. i found several charge with tha tnumber , amount vari from 12 to 150 , and no transaction correposnding, search on google and we saw many compliant … same number and different commercial name. I CANCELELD my credit card .

  126. Ok. Makes sense now. I purchased something on ebay. I used PayPal balance to pay, but it wasn’t enough to cover cost. The balance is what showed up on my credit card as 402-935-7733 because I used my credit card to pay balance. I forgot I did that.

  127. This telephone number is DEFINITELY a fraudulent charge. It has nothing to do with PayPal. In Feb. 2016, this charge came through on my husband’s business credit card as: PayPal *Campbell 402-935-7733. We reported it. (There was no charge in PayPal related)

    In March the *same* telephone number came through on my credit card as: PayPal *indieoutlaw 402-935-7733 (note the name: indieoutlaw !) Reported.

    This is a big scam. I hope they get these guys.

  128. Call the bank that issued your card and inform them that you dispute the charge, right away. By law you have a limited period of time to do this (60 days IIRC). Don’t waste your time trying to contact the party that committed the fraud; they’ll never give your money back.

  129. Brett, Keep trying. I had the same charge last year and turns out, someone bought an Iphone in California and I never had any idea. Took about a week and PayPal put the money back in my account. Had to call them twice so keep after them. Good Luck!

  130. The charge that shows up on my charge card is fraudulant. I have not used a pay pal account. The charge is $644.95 and we cannot get a hold of a human to get it corrected.

  131. The charge on my account was legitimate. Someone opened a return request in eBay, which I approved. This made my account negative, which caused PayPal to withdraw the necessary money from my credit card to cover the balance. At the same time I made another purchase through eBay using my credit card, so the entire transaction showed up using the name of the person I made the purchase with. When the return case was closed (they ended up keeping the item) the money stayed in my PayPal account instead of going back on my credit card. For some reason neither the initial withdrawal nor the money going back on my card were recorded in my PayPal account, and PayPal won’t show you a running balance. Something they need to fix, but everything was legitimate.

  132. It is possible that this is a legitimate charge from Paypal. If you mae any purchase from an international dealer, this would be a foreign transaction fee from that purchase. On my statement, it would show as Foreign Transaction Fee, then this “strange” phone number, then the amount of the original purchase (below which I was able to back to my statement and verify) and found the amount to be the 2.70% of the converted US dollar amount of the foreign currency change.
    Hope this may help someone.

  133. well on mine it has tooken out 6 times at .99 and 2 times at 4.99 and mine says DDA RECUR PP FACEBOOK 4029357733 and i dont understand how they would get my bank info i have ordered alot off AMAZON and never had this problem and they are all set to come out 2/8/16 and i have already recevied my things i ordered days ago so explane that

  134. This is a fraudulent Charge. I ordered an item from e-bay and paid with my debit card the money was taken from my account. E-bay sent me a letter that the order had been compromised. Thank goodness they are going to refund me. I had a very bad deal with Pay-Pal and will never use them again either.

  135. Saw a similar charge and found this post – glad I did because I was inspired to check. Turns out we have a care provider who bills through PayPal. You can be charged without using your own PayPal account when you buy something from a vendor who uses PayPal and has it set up to take credit cards. Not saying people haven’t experienced fraudulent charges but ours turned out to be legitimate.

  136. I believe what we have here is someone or some people are intercepting and using a possible legitimate phone number. The 402-935-7733 is answered as a Paypal exchange but when contacted PayPal denies it authenticity. The agent at the 7733 number asks for personal information. My particular charge was only $20 but I feel they were just testing the waters. Better to be prudent and close your accounts than be sorry.

  137. My charge turned out to be LEGIT! I didn’t recognize the name at all and here’s what I saw: 1/04/16
    Merchandise …5792 ( the last 4 numbers to my credit card )
    $29.95 I called Capital One and they gave me a phone number that was affiliated with the charge. It was 1 402 935-7733 so I knew it was from Nebraska somewhere. I HAVE a paypal account but used my Capital One Card to buy the item, which turned out to be a replica M-16 rifle that fires plastic bb’s. I had ordered it from Ebay and it arrived from California as I double checked my Ebay purchases. I just have NO idea how that Nebraska number was attached to the charge…a broker maybe? In any case….problem solved.

  138. My entry read “SABREDENTER 402-935-7733 CA”. I looked at my emails from the date of the transaction and found it was an order I placed for cat food from a shop in CA. I have no idea where the SABREDENTER came from, but it was a legit transaction.

    I recommend that you do this, also, if you find a Pay Pal charge with this phone no.

    You don’t need to have a personal Pay Pal account to incur a Pay Pal charge!!! Merchants that use Pay Pal now have the option to accept regular credit cards through Pay Pal (I am one of them.) Keep track of your online transactions. The easiest way is to NOT delete them from your mailbox.

    Does anyone know, if a legitimate transaction is later refused by a “confused” customer, who gets stuck with the bill? Hopefully not the vendor!

    Thanks Internet Patrol for this article.

  139. its a scam. Just got taken for $67.46 from paypal. Called my M/c company and they told me there are several people reporting the same thing. I don’t even have a paypal account

  140. Hi All

    I too had a suspicious $50 charge on my visa statement from Paypal 4029357733, while my PayPal account had been limited or frozen for close to a year.

    After being able to talk with PayPayl and providing my credit card information, which they already had anyway, they were able to trace the transaction to a local vendor I did business with online and who processed my visa payment through HIS paypal account. While the charge description labelling was misleading, the charge was legitimate.

    PS. The Paypal agent confirmed that the 402-935-7733 phone number was the number of their head office.

  141. This is nonsense, probably posted by the people stealing from us and using this phone number. If you see a charge on your credit card that you have not explicitly authorized, call your credit card company ASAP to report the fraud and prevent the criminals from stealing more.

    I assume I’m not the only one who noticed the stilted language that sounds just like native Russian speakers when they speak English. “This is how it appears”, my a$$.

  142. Thought it was fraud, after some checking into however, turned out to be a legit EBay purchase. Charge Read as: PAYPAL *CHENWENPING* 402-935-7733 CA

    Was OKAY after all.

  143. This article left out the fact that this phone number is not always associated with a legitimate charge via Paypal.

    This week two charges on my credit card for $200 each. This is a credit card that has never been linked to Paypal. I contacted Paypal and they verified that the charges on my card went to a foreign account. They were able to look it up using the credit card number and sent me a screenshot of the charges to use as proof with my bank. If you see this charge on your card, call Paypal.

  144. My transaction is a little different, I had a transaction for $1.95 deposited then taken right back out again. I contacted PayPal at their 800 number, and they said it was just to confirm the credit card information that I gave them was correct. The lady says it is always $1.95 that they use for this.

  145. My bank statement shows this number and payments have been sent to different paypal users. However, my main problem is that the ebay sellers have not received payment from me and ebay sent me and email saying that “We were not able to process your payment.” Clearly someone did. The charges are of the exact ammount that I was purchasing the items for. I didn’t go through paypal. I used my other credit card. Does it take a while for them to recieve payment? What do I do?

    the charge is listed as HIGHLANDLOAN 402-935-7733
    a bogus company in Nebraska, please also note the phone number.
    like others on this thread have witnessed, IT’S FRAUD!
    I just got hit for $616.00
    I do not have a PayPal.
    Call your bank immediately!

  147. To the person who said Paypal is in CA, not Nebraska….

    Uh. It’s in Omaha. Worked there briefly when it was still It’s been in Omaha since the beginning.

  148. I just found a fraudulent $6 charge to this “PayPal” account made in March. The entry on the statement reads:

    PAYPAL *M LUMLEY 402935-7733 CA

    I have two legitimate PayPal accounts that I don’t use any more since I’ve pretty much abandoned eBay. Neither account showed activity in March 2015.

    Since this is so old, I’ve written it off as a casualty loss. I’m voting with the minority that this account is used as a cover for fraud.

  149. Initially the charge looked suspicious but turned out to be from a legitimate purchase made from ebay and charged via paypal.

  150. Got the “PAYPAL *ROAE21 402-935-7733 CA” line on my statement, too. The charge of $18.95 was legit. Turns out my daughter ordered a small dinosaur planter from an online vender with the name “Ernesto Roa” out of California. No worries here.

  151. No; this is a fake phone# that lists its own name as PAYPAL when it charges your bank. AND THIS SCAMMER HAS BEEN DOING THIS FOR 3 YEARS AND NEVER BEEN CAUGHT. And is apparently making thousands of dollars a day

    I have never even linked this card to a Paypal account.

  152. I had a charge of 14.95 on my visa. It says it was a paypal ebay marktplc 402-935-7733 but the charge doesn’t show up on my paypal account or on my ebay account. So I called up Chase and they are going to remove the charge. Great card company. I also have ID theft insurance with Zander Ins which is endorsed by Dave Ramsey for like $75 a year.

  153. I freaked out when I saw the charge but on checking back it was a legit charge for a purchase that I had made.

  154. In my case it was a valid PayPal charge used to verify a new card that I had registered with them.

    Verification charge showed up like this:
    (PP*XXXXCODE 402-935-7733 CA 09-30-15 070056) where the X’s are digits that you enter on the PayPal site to verify your card.

    eBay purchase charges show up like this:

    Other PayPal charges may show up like this:
    (PAYPAL INST XFER 150930)


    PayPal is located in California, not Nebraska.

    The real number is 888-221-1161, not 402-935-7733.

    Check it our yourself!

  156. I freaked when I saw the paypal transaction on my statement. At first, I thought that maybe my information was taken from me. It was a charge of 64.99. I had linked with paypal but with an earlier card and cancelled that card so I was sure that I didn’t have a paypal account.

    But then I remembered that I had bought an ebook textbook for that amount. Lol.

  157. I just got ‘hit’ w/one of these ‘BOGUS’ charges from Paypal, via American Express! So messed up how these cards ‘link up together.’ I’m about to close them ALL!! I don’t need this garbage! And to those who seem to imply as though ‘it’s okay,’ BS! I think some of those are trolls from Paypal! So I find a charge for $50 something dollars to a ‘Mark Paypal.’ Nice name. Though I do have a PP card (only due to eBay!), I haven’t ‘mistakenly’ made any such purchase and not for that amount- to anyone, including ‘someone else who may use PP!’ That’s enough to say ‘adios, Paypal,’

    But, here’s where it really got ‘bizarre!’ Not even a month ago, I made a ‘transfer’ from my linked credit card- to Paypal, as I’ve done many, many times over the years I’ve had that same card/account linked to my same Paypal account and its never been an issue! Well, this time. Paypal ‘took’ the transfer, but placed my transfer on ‘hold!!!’ Now this was for a college tuition payment that was just under $300.00! I called to ask, ‘what’s the problem?’ The rep who acted as though I were a ‘criminal’ having committed a crime, had the nerve to ask me, “why am I transferring this money?” As though its any of his business. Plus, being a well-informed person on current events, I’ve ‘heard’ about these types of situations and the type of people asking these types of questions and why! But you don’t ever think it’ll happen to you.

    Well, upon being asked “why am I transferring this money” (moron messed with wrong person!), I told him flat out, but not rudely…”its none of your business! its my money and i’ve done this many times before without any problems!” Well, that must have burst his little ‘Homeland Security bubble,’ see they are the ones behind these idiots asking questions such as this which is ‘none of their business.’ Google that! So, he backed off, gave me a ‘line,’ on how I can ‘cancel the transfer’ and get my money back (total LIE)! But, I tried it, and there isn’t even a ‘place’ to do such a thing when you make a transfer using their little cellphone attachment thingy. BTW, after having told him ‘what business was it of his,’ he had (once again) the nerve to ‘suggest,’ not accuse, but ‘suggest,’ well, this “appear as money-laundering!” Can you believe that?!

    I just about fell out of my chair in disbelief, and laughter; when it’s those people banks (Paypal) is a bank, who are being caught ‘money-laundering ‘drug-money’ from Mexican cartels, of all people. HSBC- exhibit A! And you can ‘Google that too!’ ie ‘banks money laundering drug money!’ So after following his ‘lie,’ just for kicks, I called back, got a different rep. This time it was one of those females who wishes they were a cop and would be a ‘bully’ if they were (no offense, as most females are as decent as anyone else, maybe more so). So this one read the notes, and said, basically the same stupid line, and told me, “its like a person who speeds all the time and gets away with it, until that one time, and they get caught.” Again, it was as though I (customer using my money to transfer money from my card to another for personal reasons ie, most ppl have more than one card because they’ll use one to ‘pay bills,’ perhaps another to use for ‘misc purchases); point is its my card, my money, and I’m giving them my business! By this time I was hott, yet still maintained my composure as now I’m racing against the clock, and was now told by ‘Ms Homeland Security wannabe,’ my funds will be ‘held’ for around 180 days!!!; AND, as though that weren’t enough, and BTW, my Paypal account would now be “revoked permanently!” Can you believe this???

    I then asekd to speak to a supervisor, and was told, “my supervisor doesn’t take calls!” I’m like really? That too is news to me, just ‘which policy # is that one fall under??? Being she was ‘lecturing ME’ on Paypal’s policies! I mean totally unnecessary, needless and an overall nightmare! But, ever since 9/11 and the “Patriot act,” (talk about an oxy-moron of a name); we (Americans) are now the guilty ones, and must ‘prove our innocence after having been declared guilty’ by some snot nosed wannabe working a ‘entry-level’ job. And please do yourselves a favor and also Google ‘Patriot act, and how its taken away our rights!’ I mean you cannot make this stuff up. Not to mention I’ve heard about these things happening, and happening with more frequency as we head deeper into a ‘fascist police state!’

    Go rent a car, and get ready to be asked, ‘so where you going?’ ‘Who you going to see/do?” Of course they try to play all ‘innocent,’ yet behind the scenes- they’re taking notes!!! This is the stuff of Nazi Germany!!, folks! And do NOT fall for it, or let them get away with it. Call it for what it is, and educate them how they’re a part of the problem, ‘just doing their jobs, as they were told.’ That’s what the German’s said too. So, I demanded to speak to her supervisor. I got her on the phone!

    She took a moment, looked over my account, seen I’d been a customer for years, no problems, and was (to her credit) very nice, apologized, agreed with me that yes, I should NOT have been treated like I was. And she ‘over-rode’ the little witche’s ‘hold’ on my funds, AND ‘removed (totally) my permanently revoked account status!’ My money was at my disposal within minutes! Thank God, some people are still decent and aren’t going along with this oncoming ‘fascist police state!’ when by and large its the banks themselves and those who run them that are the biggest ‘crooks and criminals’ out there! Google that as well! It pays to be an informed citizen who knows their rights!

    Now you can understand just why I believe the comments here in this thread making ‘excuses’ for Paypal are nothing but gov’t trolls! And you can do a Google search on that one too, enter “paid gov’t trolls!” People had better wake up before its too late! Our ‘founding fathers’ went to WAR for much less than all the crap our gov’t has pulled on American citizens going back even before 9/11! 9/11 just gave ‘them’ an excuse to ‘speed things up.’

    Close your Paypal accounts, and pitch them in the garbage (after) informing them why they’ve lost your trust! Unless you do that, they’ll continue to ‘prey’ on whom they perceive to be ‘easy targets,’ ie Americans in general. You’ve been warned.

  158. I just noticed a $430 charge on my credit card bill, it shows as PAYPAL *USC 4029357733. Called card issuer company, they suggested me to call Paypal. I haven’t done any online transaction via PAYPAL for many years, and there is no transaction. I am calling CARD company again, they are transfering me to fraud department, now listening to music in queue…

  159. I did suspect fraud but found my charges to be valid; paypal is used by some of my vendors to process payments. They told me this on line when I paid via amex, but by the time I received my statement I had forgotten. :-)

  160. This is a fraudulent charge using a third party such as mine PP*amazon for 73.99. Bought something under there name and paid as a check out guest using Paypal. E-bay says they can see it, but that was bought on Amazon checked out as a guess using a paypal account. Cancelled card. Sucks

  161. First of all I DON’T have a Paypal account and I DON’T have an Ebay account as well. Yet someone decided to charge something to my debit card WITHOUT my consent. I did contact my bank when I first noticed this unauthorized charge on my bank statement on 7/25/15. Trying to get my funds returned to me has been a pain in the ass. I have since changed my bank account as well as get a new debit card.

  162. I had a $16 charge from “402-935-7733 PayPal”.
    I wracked my brain all day and finally remembered a $16 membership charge for a military organization. So, mine was a legit charge. The military organization apparently uses PayPal to process credit card payments; it has nothing to do with my personal PayPal account.
    If most folks think about it long enough, they are probably in the same boat.

    But, if you have a $750 charge that you cannot remember, you might be getting scammed…or you might need a CAT scan!

  163. Thank you! I often see Paypal charges I recognize but this one puzzled me – I did a search with the phone number and your article came up. thank you for this.


  164. Ah! THANK YOU to everyone who has taken the time to write in and leave a comment!

    After reading messages from others, I figured out that a “mystery” charge on my credit card was, indeed, a PayPal-type transaction that was legitimate. The company I bought from did use PayPal for online charges, but I was offered the option of using my credit card (alternate payment choice) instead of my bank account (default payment choice) to pay. Thus, the charge did not turn up on PayPal, and there wasn’t enough information on the credit card bill to “nudge my memory” as to what the company name was.

    I’m sorry for those who truly have been scammed. We have had to get new credit cards about four times in three years, thanks to scummy scammers who get hold of our number somehow, and make ridiculous charges. If crooks put half the effort into legitimate work that they do into trying to get something for nothing, think where our country would be!!! Seriously. If they use so much creativity in figuring out how to BILK others, why not put that creativity to a good use???

    Anyway, thanks again for the helpful information. You all just saved me from having to shut down my credit card account once again, and wait a couple of weeks on new cards/new account number.

  165. When PayPal put’s money on your debit card on send you a check they bill your card for a small amount with a code to make sure you are legit. They did this twice on my card in one day and paid back one of the small amounts but not both, so I’ll be calling the 402-935-7733 phone # to try to get the small amount reimbursed.

  166. I had 6 charges from PAYPAL *MIGUELDUC 402-935-7733 … 3 were for $69.99 1 was for $84.99 and 2 were for $74.99. I don’t even have a PAYPAL account however a couple years ago I used my DISCOVER card to purchase thru PAYPAL. Thanks to DISCOVER they are investigating the charges and eliminated the charges from my bill and issued me a new card with a new account number. I would like to know who used my card number, they got it from PAYPAL, I haven’t been on PAYPAL sites in years and I don’t share my cards with ANYONE! If PAYPAL is this lax with our credit card information I wont be buying from any site that uses PAYPAL.

  167. This happened to me and the two transactions I found in my online banking check were frauds. They were listed as “Pay Pal *Harasth 55.10, “Pay Pal *Lavein 20.16”.

    I called my bank and they gave me the 402-935-7733 phone number listed on the transaction.

    I have a Paypal Credit account that syncs with my Pay Pal Account. I contacted Pay Pal and they could not find any transactions for those amounts. On further investigation they discovered the two transactions and the name associated with them was not me.

    The launched an investigation and dispute immediately and will be crediting my bank account within seven to ten days. Also each of the transactions had an internal debit fee of $1.35 and $.60, indicating they are possibly from a foreign country other than the U.S.

    The money was taken from my bank debit card which means possibly the user had the expiration date and three digit security code. Somehow. Someway. Maybe a restaurant server, an online purchase retailer hacker…. who knows. This is the
    purpose for using Paypal… all bank account info is hidden. Makes you wonder!

    So NO.. DO NOT HESITATE if you see a debit during the DAILY CHECK of your bank account with that phone number; it could be fraudulent! For me, the next time could have been in the hundreds.

    Also fortunately one of my safety nets as a shopper is that the bank account I only use has minimal amount of cash,thereby lessening the chance for a catastrophic loss as well as against impulse purchasing.

  168. My issue is that I used paypal to buy something via FaceBook. I have yet to receive the products. If I’m not able to get a hold of the vendors, I’ll just get the charges reversed.

  169. Thank you! I saw a charge in my checking account and got a little alarmed. I came here to your site and then remembered that I ordered some shorts.(I may shop too much.)

  170. I have a charge from paypal on my bank account as PAYPAL *SONY 4029357733 CA. I was wondering once the payment is fully processed through my account if it is still going to continue to show up as PAYPAL *SONY 4029357733 CA or if the name the company actually charging my account will come up?

  171. I rcvd a bank statement showing a charge descriptions of: (PAYPAL GORDON MANY 402-935-7733 CA). In this case it turned out to be a valid charge for a subscription to Power Wagon Advertisers Magazine. I don’t know where the phone number comes from. Did reverse lookup on that number and it seems to belong to a telemarketer with lots of complaints. I find in very annoying that PAYPAL charges are listed in a such a manner that you often can not figure out what the charge is for. If I had not taken the time to Google the name I would have wasted the bank’s time by disputing the transaction.

  172. Just got hit by my wife for an $80 charge showing the same phone number. I was out of town on business and never even used my personal card or had time for online shopping using Paypal. I called Paypal and an incredibly helpful woman named Malina determined that the charge wasn’t from my PP account or the associated bank account or debit card. She asked about other debit cards so we called my wife on a conference call. Sure enough, it was her card. She had used it on an online website to give a cash wedding gift to a relative.

    So, in all fairness to PP, I think they have always been great and today proved to me that I’d rather keep using them than Google Wallet, Apple whatever, etc.

  173. I’ve got this in my statement of Citibank>>>


    And first time I shocked because I don’t know what the ‘Siamthebest’ is…


    I found it’s the price of an “E-Book” I bought from a Writer.

    And Siam the best is just “any paypal id” that the writer decided to use for collecting the money from us which there’s nothing concern with E-Book name or book store website at all.

    Have you ever buy e-book ?

  174. I’ve got this in my statement of Citibank>>>


    And first time I shocked because I don’t know what the ‘Siamthebest’ is…


    I found it’s the price of an “E-Book” I bought from a Writer.

    And Siam the best is just “any paypal id” that the writer decide to use for collect the money which there’s nothing concern with E-Book name or book store website at all.

    Have you ever buy e-book ?

  175. I checked my statement and then looked at my calender. Mine was a charge from the Texas DMV for my license plates. This doesn’t mean it is on your Paypal account. Mine was just to Texas’ Paypal account when I went to the DMV and paid my vehicle registration fee with my credit card. I just remembered my parents had the same mystery charge from California, but they live in Illinois. It turned out the Illinois Department of Natural Resources (their boat registration) does their billing through a California company. Both were legit, but confusing.

  176. I have a $595 charge listing Paypal 4099357733 Wiberlux from my Bank of America account….I called Paypal and they do NOT show this transaction being linked to my Paypal account, so in my case it is not a legitimate charge. BOA has closed my debit card and started a claim for this charge as well as another charge for ticketsnow for another $300. PLEASE double check this trasaction if you see it on your statement. I’m 99% sure my number was stolen by the gas station attendant. It’s the only place the card was used all week and he took my card and kept it for a suspicious amount of time after my tank was already filled, pump removed, and cap replaced. Be careful!

  177. To relieve the worries of others, I confirmed that the 402-935-7733 # is totally legit by calling the PayPal phone # provided on the official, secure PayPal site. I had made a purchase and received a call from that number for which I didn’t answer. So, I looked into who that number may be and found that two people had mentioned that it was legit, and at least fifty said it was a fraud scheme. Anyway, I just wanted to share what I discovered to be true. :)

  178. Mine was fine. I ended up doing a search in my email for the amount listed, and it was an order I’d placed with Republic of Tea using my Paypal account (now that they let you use Paypal).

  179. Notice what Chris said on 11/12/2014. All it means is that the merchant you bought something from uses Paypal’s virtual terminal. Could very well be a legit charge to someone not affiliated with Paypal.

    “Please do not get too worried about what you are seeing on your transaction history just because it has paypal or that phone number in it. I am a merchant and I provide a service and the customer paid me and the customer did not have a paypal account but yet when they checked their bank or credit card statement it was showing a charge from Paypal. This is because I the merchant use Paypals virtual terminal to process my payments so you can see a charge that says Paypal on it even if you do not use PayPal, it just means the merchant used Paypals virtual terminal to process your payment, I have to say that it can be very confusing to our customers that do not even use PayPal and they do need to change it so that it shows as something different in your transaction history. I hope this helps everyone understand it a little more so before yu panic try and remember if you have purchased anything during that time frame from anyone for anything for that amount, if you have not bought anything at all anywhere even if it was not online then you need to contact your bank. may not be the case always but I am sure this is what has happened in the majority of them”

  180. This freaked me out at first, but them realized it was a donation I made to a gofundm account

  181. beware of any orders through PAYPAL *FROM NY INC 402-935-7733 CA. spent 1hour on the phone to be asked what my entire CC# was because they cant find transaction. Like id give up my whole card # when i’m disputing a charge! Buyer Beware…PayPal is NOT safe!

  182. Mine turned out to be legit. I did a search of all my email looking for those particular dollar amounts, and wa-la. It came up and instantly I saw that it was for a bunch of shoes I bought. I just didn’t recognize the business name that they used for the charge on the statement, but did when I saw the paypal confirmation emails.

  183. This is not a legitimate charge. two charges from paypal of 685 two days apart. My CC is not liked to my paypal account. Perhaps Anne should do a little more research before she keeps telling people this may be a legit charge.

    1. Perhaps ‘a lie’ should read some of the other comments. The key word here is that it *may* be a legitimate charge. There are many commenters here for whom it *was* a legitimate charge, and others for whom it wasn’t.

  184. I was just looking at my checking account transactions online and noticed three separate charges similar to this example: PURCHASE AUTHORIZED ON 02/26 PAYPAL *REMIONLINE 402-935-7733 CA Two were for 11.50 and one for 11.51. Now for the strange part – within a few days there were three more transactions reversing the first ones to the penny. I have reported it to my bank and I’m not out any money at this point, but like others have said, my PayPal account shows no activity at all and I haven’t used it for anything in several years. The card in question isn’t even on file with PayPal.

  185. You people have nothing on me.. I have a charge of $3,430.45 from this number on my account! I am prosecuting!

  186. I just received my credit card statement with the ‘Paypal SarahFrance 402-935-7733CA in the mail yesterday. I don’t even have a Paypal account so I know this isn’t my charge. I called my credit card company and they were very proactive in helping me.

  187. It took me a good half hour to figure out what these charges were. I tend to do a lot of online shopping so I was 90% sure that I made the purchase but I always like to know what it was. For my situation, I bought a game on origin (the sims 4) and used my paypal account so apparently paypal used my account then used my card so it made the transaction look weird.

    I can get why people would freak out. I freaked out a little too but for me, it wasn’t a big deal.. i probably would really freak out though if I didn’t have a paypal at all.. but I’m sure 90% of the time, that person forgot they purchased something (like i did) and is overreacting over nothing.

  188. I just received a charge on my Amex from this phone #… when I called the phone number they tried to get my log in for paypal as well as my AMEX credit card#!
    Needless to say I hung up on the thief and phoned Amex who took the charge off immediately. It was only for $11.62 but once again it was a charge from Europe.
    And 11.00 times a million people adds up…. call you Bank!!!!

  189. I don’t have a paypal account and didn’t purchase anything. My card was hacked and I reported this along with several other charges to my bank and the local police.

  190. 4029357733 compromised my Visa account [through Pay Pal] to the sum of $1512.97. I
    did 2 things 1] I contacted my bank & they cancelled the Visa card [ the bank has turned this over to their “Fraud Investigators”. 2] I notified “Pay Pal” & cancelled my account with them.

  191. I too saw this and did not know what it was. I did a boost on FB and that is what I beleive it is. I realized this after remembering my boost ended on January 24th which was the date posted.

  192. Mine was research and it was a sleeper I bought my grand daughter. A Zippidy something I saw on Shark Tank. So, I’m paying it!

  193. hi. u don’t have to have a paypal acct to see this on your bank statement. if u purchased something online the seller maybe using paypal to handle their transactions even if u didn’t see a paypal link to pay for your purchase.

  194. I see comments about how this is a legit charge from paypal for not having funds on a paypal account for a purchase… I DO NOT use paypal for anything (why i have a account I don’t know)… This is a fraud charge. I keep ALLLL receipts of anything I purchase online. Nothing was authorized to be taken off my cc from this venue.

  195. I defiantly know what the charge is now, and in **my case in particular- [don’t jump to this conclusion until I finish my investigation].. Specifically it is for a data-increase for the app [Airdroid /] I will follow up as soon as I determine whether or not they charged the extra money AND OR whether or not it’s related to online purchases. I use Airdroid on my phone for Android Developer purposes but it’s capable of well more than that, which I found out later.. update coming-I Promise

  196. This is what showed up on my fiance’s account and I assure, I will get to the bottom of it.. I’m an ex-hacker and if it’s fraudulent, I Feel bad for the person responsible. Ask the guy that picked up my dad’s debit card in a parking lot like 8-9 years ago.. He thought he’d get by with using it online, sike…. I just hope it’s some bull crap related to an online purchase for something she needed for school, could have possibly been one of those things people use in their IPhone’s to charge a credit-card for something.. That’s 1 of 2 only things in mind so far, will update asap =] .. 5186613966 Sat Nov 29 10:27:17 EST 2014 PAYPAL *LAWMANCOLLE 402-935-7733 US $6.85 $0.00

  197. Just reconciling my bank statement and noticed a debit card charge for $9.19 for PAYPAL XIANGGANGSH 402-935-7733 CA. Our PayPal account only has a VISA credit card. Bogus charge. Over a month ago we received a small package from ZHENGHU GONGRENXILU JINGDONGOU JINHUASHI ZHEJIANG CHINA 1-845-795-2280. Inside were two disposable face masks. Not ordered. My husband thought he had ordered a tripod which he never got. I had told him never to use our bank debit card on the internet. Now I’ll have to report this on Monday and cancel his card. Nothing has showed up on my PayPal account.

  198. I got one for 4 dollars with this phone number. Thank you Chris. Because of your input, I checked the amount of sale for what I bought at Ebay. It shows up as 2 charges 4 + 12.24. They total the amount of the item(s). I don’t have a Paypal account either. :(

    Anyway, thanks for the comment yesterday.

  199. Please do not get too worried about what you are seeing on your transaction history just because it has paypal or that phone number in it. I am a merchant and I provide a service and the customer paid me and the customer did not have a paypal account but yet when they checked their bank or credit card statement it was showing a charge from Paypal. This is because I the merchant use Paypals virtual terminal to process my payments so you can see a charge that says Paypal on it even if you do not use PayPal, it just means the merchant used Paypals virtual terminal to process your payment, I have to say that it can be very confusing to our customers that do not even use PayPal and they do need to change it so that it shows as something different in your transaction history. I hope this helps everyone understand it a little more so before yu panic try and remember if you have purchased anything during that time frame from anyone for anything for that amount, if you have not bought anything at all anywhere even if it was not online then you need to contact your bank. may not be the case always but I am sure this is what has happened in the majority of them

  200. Just found a charge from Paypal – PAYPAL *LCCASAG 4029357733 CA – $101.85. I don’t have a paypal account, and didn’t make any charges like this. Just called the bank to report it. Taking care of it now.

  201. I had $19.99 show up on my credit card statement with phone #402-935-7733, STRATEGICMA, PROFESSIONAL SERVIC. I went to my ebay account and I forgot I had ordered an iPhone case, so my charge was legitimate and it was delivered.

  202. Definitely a scam. I don’t have a PayPal account (and NOW never ever will). Though the description for my fraudulent charges were from New York, not California. Anyone know anybody in Nebraska? Cause that is where the 402 area code is.

  203. Wife got hit with this too. Just under $400. Under the name ‘MarekSutt’. Same as with others…she’s never used PayPal or even set up an account with them.

  204. The person who said this came from someone buying an iphone has the one TRUE CLUE to how this is happening!

    It derives from hacking of iphone with cc number that is on file in appstore via Apple Itunes. I found this out the hard way with one breached card cancelled, and I then switched to another card that I never use, don’t buy anything with it, to put in my Itunes record to replace the cancelled card. 2 months later, that card had two charges totaling $9000 appearing to be from paypal, but weren’t.

  205. I just got dinged for $7,553,81. Paypal sent the regular email detailing a transaction, but I had not done any transactions. I logged in to Paypal and lodged a dispute within 2 minutes of the transaction happening. I got an email back that they are investigating. I removed my CC and my bank card from my Paypal, then called my credit card company. They said that if Paypal cannot resolve then their own fraud department will look into it.

    What a freaking pain.

  206. I noticed fraudulent activity on my credit card…one of them being I noticed 4029357733 on my credit card statement with a paypal credit, then debit on my credit card statement For Oct 1st.. I checked my Paypal account and noticed there was no transaction noted for the date, and after having called paypal they did say that it is an attempt at a fraudulent sale. The agent did mention that whomever had done this had my billing address and security digits on the back of the card, and had asked if I had an email account listed with……which I do not. Total fraud, have the credit card removed from your paypal account. How they got the security pin from the back of the card is beyond me, but paypal and my ccard company looked after the fraud and issued the full refunds.

  207. Well obviously if you don’t have a paypal or didn’t buy anything it’s fraudulent.

    I think the point of the article is this is how some paypal transactions show up.

    In my case that turned out to be the case. I forgot I ordered something that was on backorder and I haven’t received yet.

  208. Just got another charge from paypal, “researchcom.” I called Discover to dispute, and since my last bill there were another 2 charges, all from paypal phone# . I had contacted Paypal and have not heard back. But now I can’t even log into my paypal account! Big problem for them it would seem. Paypal has always been kind of a junky service, but the most popular. I have tried to use them to accept payments in my business, and it is really a big hassle. Anyhow, Discover didn’t even bother with a dispute, but just canceled my card as it was obvious fraud. Discover it great. How paypal continues to allow this to happen I don’t get. Whoever is doing this has to have access to the customer accounts at their end. You can’t pay with paypal without logging in, so someone has stolen that info from their end. Discover verified that the charges are in fact coming from Paypal, but I still question even that as my charges appeared on a credit card I had never used with paypal! What a mess. I can’t log onto paypay to even cancel my account! And their phone number rings BUSY! YES BUSY! Who has heard of that in ages.

  209. I got this from my bank statement.

    4029357733,ON M4T2T5

    MCC Description

    I was thinking if I have bought such item/ services… but no way, I am sure this is a fraud after reading all the comments below. Report immediately to the bank for dispute.

  210. Yes, it can be a variety of things, check your PayPal account. I looked at mine because the charge said Optroictec which didn’t ring any bells and come up blank on Google searches. I looked at my PayPal Bill and it was a charge to Orion Telescopes for something I bought. So, in this case it was ordering something and for some reason Orion gives Paypal a different name.

  211. Had a $300 even charge on my credit card. It says LC Graphics “Commercial Photography Art and Graphics” with this phone number. This is insane. I thought maybe I just forgot about a larger purchase until I called the credit card company and googled the phone number.

  212. Complete scam! I don’t have a PayPal account, and never have. Yet somehow my Mastercard was billed on 12th Sept ’14 for $1146.57 Australian (around the $1000 mark US), with reference of PayPal*JonathanLQD 4029357733. No idea who they are, didn’t make any sort of purchase, and as mentioned I don’t even have a PayPal account. The # shown in the reference, when Googled pops up with a heap of fraudulent transactions/disputes worldwide, going back over a number of years. Someone somewhere is likely making a killing off this. Have had to do the usual, call my bank, have the card cancelled and reissued etc, and still waiting on the funds to be re-deposited to my account (as my bank is apparently obligated to do). Not happy.

  213. Why do you say don’t worry about it and it’s not what you think? It’s FRAUD! I was just hit 2 days ago for $837 and I don’t even HAVE a paypal account. This is fraud through and through. My bank is acting quickly and has blocked further purchases. Hoping these losers don’t get them product mailed out (assuming someone hacked and made a purchase waiting for a product to arrive).


    PAYPAL *PITYAMBULA – 402-935-7733, CA


  215. I just got took for $100.00 from my checking account by “Paypal-Iamwierd”. Never bought anything for this amount. Called bank yesterday, they closed my debit cards and stopped processing of the debt. This morning, same charge, same “person.” I hope someone is pursuing this crook and prosecuting them.

  216. While this “transaction” or phone # used is associated with PayPal, the scammers have figured a way to use it anyhow. I just got scammed for only $7.99. BUT it was on a credit card # that I never used with PayPal. My thought is that it really has nothing to do with paypal, but is some type of scam independent of them, and the scammers simply use that long number to make you think it is PayPal. Mine was:

    PayPal *zzz Comics 4029357733 CA $7.99. When I check my paypal account, there is no transaction listed at all. Can’t be, since it appears on a credit card not even know to paypal! I think PayPal will not help me much, I filed, but they are going to find nothing on this transaction at their end. Bank will tell me to contact Paypal.

  217. My wife got her statement tonight and there were two charges for $711.52 & $679.70. Called credit card company and in ten minutes they took care of removing, cancelling the card numbers and new cards on the way for delivery tomorrow. It helped that I did google search using phone number and found the comments here.

  218. Got me today for $606.35. Haven’t purchased anything through PayPal. Talked to PayPal this morning and he was able to trace it to someone 3000 miles away buying a Iphone 5. Wasn’t me so they are giving me all the money back and calling the seller to tell them it’s a fraudulent charge. Way to go PayPal.

  219. Same thing just happened to me. There is no way I made the purchase currently pending in my account “09/06/2014 Paypal *lyashushche 4029357733 Ca 1 (last four # of credit card) $129.82” Total fraud… I just called my bank and they put the money back in my account for availability, and are sending me a fraud claim to fill out. Paypal has been emailed about it because the transaction is not showing up in that account yet and their office is closed. I will be call on Monday morning. The bank closed my card for me.

  220. I ordered/rec’d an .049 gas engine for my model airplane. While it was my error, there is NO way to contact the seller to discuss a swap. No one at the return address. No one in CA with that name (Velocity Hobbies, LLC) where it used to be. And yes, it was charged to my credit card noting that same ph. no.
    Now, what?

  221. At least all you guys got dinged for small amounts. I was nailed for $770.85 on 8-26-14. my account was pinged for $0.00 and then one minute later for the $770.85. I have disputed the charges with paypal and they opened a file and said I should receive a refund with in 10 days. I am canceling my debit card that was linked my checking account through PP. BUT then this messes up all my online real banking stuff.. second time in a year first was the Target fraud deal at Thanksgiving now this..

  222. Likewise, I was scammed with the Paypal GEORGEAPANE GEO 402-935-7733 CA 95131.
    $256.52 FOR professional services (Leon Fleming CMD 106 323-801-8007 He started to get nasty when I began to question. This was a big mistake…. Don’t get caught up by these characters.

  223. I’m seeing a $2.22 Macbeth charge every month and haven’t used my Paypal account for at least a year. Explain that?

  224. I recently placed several orders on Ebay which I used PayPal to pay for my purchases. I didn’t use my card on the internet for anything else or to purchase anything outside of Ebay and PayPal. Yet, my card was used in California at a Target for $889.00 & $30.70 at a gas station in California. I am in Smithsburg, MD and have not left the state nor purchased anything in those amounts at either Target or Texaco in California. This is a fraudulent charge and I would like to be reimbursed. I don’t know who got hold of my card number in California but it had to be through either Ebay or PayPal. As I’ve stated before, I didn’t use it except for the few purchases I made on Ebay. Would someone please check into this for me and advise me when I can expect my money back as I have bills. This happened on August 3rd right after I added the funds to PayPal to pay for my purchases.

    1. Heidi, you will need to contact the bank or institution that issued your credit card; you should also contact both eBay and Paypal. The Internet Patrol can’t do anything, as the Internet Patrol is a news site that reports on things – the Internet Patrol has no connection to eBay, Paypal, or your financial institution.

  225. I to have been billed a charge of $575.00 on my bank visa card on 7/26/14 with the payment being made to MikebrownNJI with a phone # 402-935-7733CA for a supposed donation. Called PayPal and they opened up a fraud case,and was told to contact bank and cancel card and open a dispute . Told PayPal and Bank that I would not be making a donation to anyone for $ 575.00. What a scam.

  226. Anne – In your case it may have been legit. Not in my case. Confimred with paypal that there was not an authorized charge through them, but shows up on my bank account. So its not paypal, its either my debit card or my bank account! Certainly don’t ignore this!

  227. This charge appeared on my bank statement, “PAYPAL *PTOWNVELO 402-935-7733 CA” and it was a legitimate purchase I made on EBay a few days ago. I do check my accounts almost daily and nothing suspicious.

  228. Today I found a charge from paypal and this number, I rang paypal and they found out it was a guest account someone had used using my credit card details. They were so friendly they credited me back the money. Rang the bank and they cancelled my card. please if you see this number or an unauthorized charge you contact bank and paypal immediately!

  229. Got a call from this number asking me to verify a purchase I had just made. It is PayPal’s fraud department.

  230. Just today I discovered that the same phone number “402-935-7733 ” on my bank statment account and they used my credit card for 3 transactions for a total of $355, and I am in the US and my card related to a bank in Jordan. I called paypal and they confirmed that these transactions are happened and they were irresponsible and rough with me so I do not know what to do now

  231. My husband’s credit card was charged many times around by OASISGAMESL 4029357733 until it’s cut because it’s full limit. They are charged around 45 TL every time around the same times, we contacted to PayPal and got replied email like it is not their problem. This is disappointed, irresponsible.

  232. What happened on mine… I got a $184.66 charge from my bank that didn’t show on PayPal. When I called, someone had opened a new account under my name and used my debit card as backup funding to order something from a Chinese website. If they had just used my card, my bank would have declined it, as I am not in China, but by using it through PP, they successfully purchased something. I am being refunded in a few days, but the merchant will likely be out that money.

  233. Fraud. I had two transactions on same day 4.15.14 for $99 & $98 dollars on a credit card never registered or used with PayPal. Description of charge, “PayPal *GOIMPRESS 4029357733”.
    Spoke to PayPal and they said a Nancy Powell had set up a recurring payment on my account.They said they had got my card information and are using PayPal as the cover to process the theft.

  234. if it would be,that amount would have been shown in paypal account.moreover,my that account is not associated with paypal

  235. They charge my PayPal account for the amount of $14.46 w/o my knowledge as a COPPERLAMIN. As soon as I find their address, I visit and execute them. This is not a joke.

  236. I posted an issue i had here as well on 3/29/2014, my case was legitimate.
    i had added my cell number to paypal which activated “paypal mobile”.
    the charge to my bank account was in fact a test to make sure “paypal mobile”
    was working, it was refunded back to my account.
    they neglected to mention they would do that.
    i have also personally checked out 402-935-7733 it is a customer service number
    the support called me back from.

  237. I don’t have a paypal account either. I was told that there are several entities that use paypal to make payments. I still think it’s fraud because I don’t remember ordering anything for this amount and I always print out my confirmation numbers of all of my orders. Has anyone had any luck getting their money back? Mine was listed as “jasmineflo” what ever that is.

  238. i seen many different claims here. but nothing relates to mine.

    Ok, here is what happened,
    I added my cell phone number to my pay-pal account on march 19th.
    there was no transactions made or received using pay-pal account around this day.
    nothing at all until the 27th of march. i even had a $4 + in my pay-pal account.

    then mysteriously after adding my cell number to my pay-pay account,
    i received a call on my cell from 402-935-7733 i didn’t pay much attention to it.
    (i don’t recall answering it)

    Then i got my bank statement and i see on march 19th there was a payment made
    for the amount of $1.14 to -PAYPAL. (for what i have no clue)
    IF it was pay-pal, why did it not come from my $4 + in my pay-pal instead of my bank.?
    and why would so many people say 402-935-7733 is a fraud or scam ?

  239. I thought it was fraud too. I had the same number on my credit card statement. I forgot I had purchased something from ebay and that was the same amount. It’s legit! Whew.

  240. I got an email from PayPal saying that I had ordered a $100.00 Thank you banner from Starbucks. I have never ordered anything from Starbucks more or less a Thank you banner. I sent the email to paypal’s email address as requested where to send fraudulent emails. A couple of days later, it showed up on my bank statement with this phone number. I disputed the charges with PayPal as with my bank since the card that PayPal had been replaced. I don’t know how the charge could have even made it through. If they don’t remove it, I will be closing my PayPal account.

  241. Saw a charge on my statement that I didn’t recognize..After reviewing on Paypal, I relaized it was something I had ordered and had forgotten about..better to check it out than unknowingly pay for something I didn’t purchase

    After reading all the comments here, I was ALMOST convinced it was fraud. Then I searched for the total charged to my credit card in my Yahoo email account and wha-la! I bought some software for the exact amount on the same day.

  243. “Take a deep breath, and relax,” Whaaat??? There was a charge of over $500 that recently appeared on my credit card statement listed as: “PAYPAL *AGENNERT912 402-935-7733 CA 95131 US.” This is complete fraud. It is not Paypal charging a secondary account. The transaction does not appear on my PayPal account. I contacted the Paypal fraud department and verified someone (not me) had opened a Paypal account with an email address that is not mine, and used their Paypal account to fraudulently purchase an I-Pad with my credit card information, and had it shipped to an address in Ohio that is hundreds of miles from my home. The fraud rep was able to block my card from being used on any Paypal account (thank you!). I contacted my bank and had the card cancelled and am currently dealing with their fraud department to have the charge reversed.

  244. I just found a $325 charge on my credit card. The vendor description was:

    83002117 402-935-7733

    Doing Business As: Mark Paypal
    San Jose, CA

    I checked my Paypal account and there was NO transaction made. I’m assuming they just had my credit card number and used ‘Paypal’ as a diversion??

    Very frustrating to think these people get away with it !!

  245. Fraudulent charge on my bank statement showing my debit card was used for purchase of $85.13 from COMPU something. I reported to bank, filed dispute charge, reported to PayPal as fraudulent use of their site. Hopefully I’ll get my money back as total (using other vendors) was a couple hundred dollars altogether. So far only one bounced check…

  246. I found this phone number on a credit card purchase. I looked up what I bought that month and it was a legitimate charge on eBay. It was not a Paypal charge.

  247. Found a fraudulent charge on my bank account today from 402-935-7733…with a notating ‘Plans for You’ via Paypal (funny thing is, there is no paypal attached to this account)……..$4.51. I am going to report this to my bank, as I did not authorize this and don’t want them hitting the account for any more money.

  248. I had a charge on my credit card for $247 that I did not recognize. It listed PAYPAL along with my husband’s name, but he doesn’t have a Paypal account. It also listed the phone 402-935-7733 which is the number for Paypal. I called Paypal’s 800 number and they were able to give me a name and email address associated with the charge (that I did not recognize) You must talk to someone in their fraud department to get any specific details about a charge. Apparently, someone used my husband’s name and set up a fake Paypal account and linked it to our credit card. They “gifted” themselves $247. The scary thing is they had our credit card number and mailing address so I had to call my credit card company too. They had to cancel that card and re-issue new cards. Even though I wasn’t held responsible for the charge, I am sick that the thief took the cash and will most likely never get caught. Just beware.

  249. I also had a charge come up yesterday with this phone number for 299.99… It is fraud

  250. I don’t have Paypal either. It’s just the usual internet fraudsters stealing card numbers and taking advantage of sites that accept credit card via paypal (Paypal have fewer fraud controls than Chase / Globalpayments). The article really should be updated.

  251. just checked my account and saw this number, charged me $299.99 for a camera, the thing is i dont have a paypal account and didnt buy any camera. called my bank and confirmed its a fraud. good thing i found it sooner and got my money back

  252. Be very watchful of this stuff. It turns out someone without an account, a different email address simply tied it to my credit card on file with paypal. Thank God I caught it in time and launched an investigation. The charges didn’t show up on my paypal account at all only on my bank statement. I guess there’s something to be said for gathering documents for tax time. I might not have noticed this otherwise. Creeps

  253. This was a $28.86 partial charge to my credit card because the paypal balance was not enough to cover the purchase. Check the date of the charge with your paypal account to figure it out. It was a few months back. It was an international purchase and takes a while to ship.

  254. I had one of these recently. It was a legitimate, but older charge. If you can’t find a purchase made with the amount, go back a month or two, it will more than likely show up.

  255. This morning I discovered an unauthorized debit 110.25 from my checking acct. It was processed through Paypal, but did NOT appear on my paypal statement. It only showed on my creit union statement as a debit card withdrawl. After calling the number listed abouve ( Paypal) it was confirmed to be a fraudulent charge, listed only as “Asiaunlock” Someone had used my numbers to debit 110.25 for a service to unlock a smart phone. Paypal guy told me that the thief used my paypal acct signed in a “Guest” (allowable one time only) used my name as the email address and my debit card number. Apparently they are now using Paypal as a clearing house of sorts to steal your stuff ! Paypal is returning my stolen funds and my credit union closed and reissued my debit card. Paypal guy said there really is no way to tell how/where they got my number. Any time you swipe your card in person or online you are vunerable. Thiefs are everywhere.
    Lucky for me they didn’t clean out my entire checking account.

  256. The thing is, I have 4 credit cards, and only two of them have ever been linked to PayPal. The one the this charge is on ($1.34 in this case) is a Chase Ink card NEVER linked to PayPal (and in fact the place it was usually used was Amazon for business expenses).

    Also, I have NO confirmation from PayPal for this date. In case they did a bunch of these around the same time, so this may be of help to someone, here are the details: Trans Date: 10/16/2013, Post Date: 10/18/2013, Amount: $1.34; Description: PAYPAL *EBAY INC, 4029357733, CA

  257. In my case it was for a beautiful wool felt fedora hat purchased as a gift. I just didn’t know ComfyDirect until I looked it up in Paypal after reading these messages … Ha!

  258. I have a mystery charge on my credit card also, but I’m going to call the number tomorrow to find out what it’s all about.

  259. I saw this charge and immediately thought is was fraudulent. However, it was legitimate. It didn’t even resemble the name of the company I ordered from. It was a company, E.J. Welch Co. Inc. (so it looked like EJWELCHCOIN on my statement) And I knew I hadn’t bought any coins. When I looked up the phone number it took me to this site. That company was a dba for Tools for Flooring.

  260. A $1350 charge/PAYPAL showed up with this 402… number. No other information on the line of the credit card bill. Turns out to be a legit airline tickets purchase for a date far into the future (hence, I forgot about the big purchase). A little anxiety and research resolved the problem. Wish there was a better way.

  261. we’ve got calls again and again from this number. It leave message saying we are eligible for received coupons, bonus something like that. Also, received emails from who claimed as PayPal staff. We already replied, and told DO NOT CALL, but still keep calling.

    What’s going, PayPal?

  262. Mine is a fraud for sure — $200 for a photographer on our Health Savings Acct — I don’t think so! Not to mention, the photographer’s website was scantily clad women — yuck!

  263. This thing is ridiculous… If they, paypal did it, then why would they do it without saying anything or notice. I just got an unauthorized transaction on my bank account as PAYPAL *CHARTERAMGL 4029357733 TX, but doesnt show anything up on my paypal account. Im going to close my paypal account very soon.

  264. This was a fraud charge. My card was used in a tip scam after I used it at a local Thai restaurant. I had to cancel my card, and the charge I still went through. I have reported it and put it in dispute.

    It is someone using paypal to run illegally obtained credit card numbers, at least in my case.

  265. Glad I found this page. Mine was a purchase I made through Amazon and vendor charged my card. This number showed up.

  266. The merchant description was very vague, but it is not fraud in my case. I was able to purchase an expensive software using my employee discount and I did use my paypal account for that purchase. Normally you will know how it will read on your statement, this was puzzling at first.

  267. Yes – Vivian is correct – I had purchased a textbook using my credit card. The charge on my credit card statement shows Paypal, the 402 phone # and the book’s title/author. Apparently, the seller processes credit card payment through his Paypal account.

  268. I just noticed a charge on husband’s credit card. Says Paypal then the company’s name. He doesn’t have a PP account. The legit company must have processed his purchase through their PP account.

  269. On my August credit card statement I discovered this same phone number. I checked my Paypal account and there were equivalent purchases, 5 international and 1 domestic. I always change my payment method from the Paypal bank account to my credit card held by Paypal as the backup method. I assume Paypal now lists this phone number for some reason to identify that it was paid using a credit card instead of automatic bank account withdrawal. All is OK. You know you’ve been hacked when unauthorized charges are on your credit card and no Paypal cross-reference.

  270. The comments by Scott on 5/20 and Bob on 7/8 were true for my case. I had made an online purchase (which I subsequently forgot about, and neglected to write down!) from a Colorado company. Apparently they processed it through PayPal on their end. The entry on my bank statement was PAYPAL *COLORADO. Combining that with Paypal’s CA phone number really confuses things, and it took some digging on my part but the charge was legit.

    Having said all that, there is always the chance that someone has hacked something and/or even spoofed an entry. Always good to follow up in any way possible. But yeah, don’t panic. Doesn’t help anyway…

  271. This number 402-935-7733 was on my statement, but it was because I ordered clothing from and paid for it on my debity card and this ios the number that showed up on my statement it is all on record in my account with the clothes store I just ordered it on Aug 5, 2013 for $57.95, If anyone has any info for me please inform me at

  272. The charge was fradulent. I called my credit card company, as I stated on 06/23/13 and it has been confirmed. Someone got my charge card numbers and charged a $700 phone.

  273. For me it was a charge from Paypal for a refund that we had issued. It was the fee for that refund, for some reason being charged to the card and not the Paypal account.

  274. The information here was a big help. A charge from PayPal showed up on my company charge account. We can’t use PayPal without prior authorization. The charge didn’t show up on my PayPal account either so I called the number–which is, indeed, PayPal. The agent researched the charge and it was a legitimate charge. I had ordered a book directly from a publisher. I did not use PayPal. The merchant must have made it through some sort of guest account. I didn’t know that was least, the charge was legitimate.

  275. This explanation is not entirely correct. The charge could be an overdraft from your paypal account. Or it is possible that you have purchased something from a merchant who processes payments through PayPal. There will be an identifier on your statement, but it could be cryptic. For example, I received a charge from “PAYPAL *ABC”. It turns out that “ABC” was the initials of store, but that was not immediately obvious.

  276. I was just looking at my debit report and I have a reaccuring EBay payment being taken out. I haven’t bought anything like that. Has this happend to anyone else? How do I deal with it?

  277. When you make certain PayPal purchases that you pay for with a credit card, a temporary test charge of $1 is sent, basically to make sure the credit card attached to the PayPal account is legit. The real charge then goes through. That temporary authorization charge of $1 should then fall off and never actually be billed. Check your account and see if that’s not the case.

  278. For us, it’s a legit charge and it’s monthly. It’s for our business website to have a Paypal account. It allows us to accept payments through Paypal.

  279. I am in agreement with Wayno. I have a paypal account but the card charged is not connected to Paypal and the Paypal site does not even list the transaction. I reported it as fraud.

  280. While this is through PayPal, it doesn’t HAVE to be associated with your own PayPal account. The card that received the charge wasn’t associated with my account, however my wife confirmed that the small business she made a purchase from did use PayPal on their side but went to her/my credit card. It was a legit charge for me, but again not from my PayPal account. So ask your spouse/kids about the charge amount before assuming it is fraudulent.

  281. I had this charge and it was from a legitimate purchase I made from another site (

  282. What complete twaddle. This was recently (March 2013) used to post a load of charges on my paypal account. Paypal reversed the charges but did not inform me about the activity. Pretty sneaky of them not to admit what had happened up front. I’m closing my PayPal account — clearly it’s no where near as secure as they like to pretend.

  283. It’s a fraud charge. Believe it. Don’t waste your time. Call your bank immediately, and report the fraud.

  284. I don’t have a PayPal account.
    So this explanation cannot be correct for the charge that showed up on my account.

  285. It can be something else too. I had one this month and it occurred because I didn’t login to my PayPal account when I purchased something last month. I used guest so it didn’t show up in my PayPal account (and, of course, I didn’t remember what it was).

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