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Latest in Apple FBI iPhone Wranglings: Just 1 Phone Turns Out to Already be at least 12 Phones (plus Full Text of FBI Motion)

As we recently reported, the FBI (and so the Federal government) is trying to force Apple to assist them in unlocking the iPhone that belonged to San Bernardino shooter Syed Farook. A Federal court ordered Apple to do so, and so far Apple has resisted. Part of the heart of the FBI’s argument is that this will affect only one phone, while Apple has insisted that it’s much larger than that – that an order to help unlock one phone will lead to a dangerous precedent of being ordered to help unlock any number of phones. The Feds have steadfastly insisted it is “just this one.” However, recent court filings have revealed that in fact there are as many as a dozen iPhones in other cases just waiting for Apple to be ordered to unlock them.

feds admit san bernadrino department of public health sbdph reset passcode on iphone
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Feds Bury New Potentially Crucial Information in Footnote in Apple Terror iPhone Dispute

In Round 2 of the Apple iPhone FBI court dispute, in which the court ordered Apple to alter the iPhone used by San Bernardino shooter Syed Farook, the Feds have filed a Motion to Compel Apple to comply with the order, in which they mention, in passing in a footnote, that the San Bernardino County Department of Public Health (SBCDPH) actually changed the password to the iCloud account to which the phone was backing up, thwarting any further backups of the phone’s data, between the time it was recovered from Farook’s vehicle, and handing it over to the FBI.

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How to Export Your Mac Photos Library

There are any number of reasons that one may want to export their Mac Photos (formerly iPhoto) library, including that they want to give it to someone else, they want to duplicate it on another machine, or they want to back their entire Photos library up to another location. But how to export your Photo library, while very simple to do, is not obvious. So, here’s how to export your entire Mac Photos library.

apple refuses fbi court order
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Full Explanation of Court Order to Apple to Unlock San Bernardino Shooters’ iPhone and Apple Refusal (Full text of court order and Tim Cook’s letter included)

Late yesterday afternoon a Federal court ordered Apple to assist the FBI in their investigation into the San Bernardino shootings by unlocking the iPhone belonging to the shooters. In response, this morning, Apple CEO Tim Cook released a public statement in which Apple refuses to comply, explaining the reasons that even if Apple can comply with the order, they will refuse to do so.

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Get Virtual Reality on Your iPhone for Under 5 Dollars!

Did you know that you can try virtual reality (VR) on your iPhone right now, for under $5? How? By using the Google Cardboard VR viewer, which does work with the iPhone (read how below), and downloading some of the fun VR apps from the iTunes app store!

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Updated to iOS 9.2 and Now Videos Make a Horrible Sound? Here’s What to Do

If you upgraded to iOS 9.2 and then your videos started having a horrible noise in them, well, you’re not alone. In fact, it happened to us when we did the update, and here is how we fixed it.

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Why New and Improved Siri Compromises Your Privacy Even More

As we mentioned in our “what’s new in iOS 9” article, the “improvements” that Apple added to Siri in iOS 9 may be a privacy nightmare (even more than previously).

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What’s New in iOS 9

When you upgrade to a new iOS, you are presented with a small window that you have to scroll through in order to learn “what’s new”. So, in an effort to make it easier to read, and more obvious, here is what Apple has to say is new in iOS 9, enhanced by us for readability, and with our comments. Pay close attention to the new Siri features, and watch for our article on why these new “features” may be a privacy nightmare! Our commentary is in italics.

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Full Text of iOS 9 User Agreement – Part 2

This is a continuation of the full text of the iOS 9 User Agreement. To read Part 1, go here.

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Full Text of iOS 9 User Agreement

Thinking of upgrading to iOS 9? Here’s what you are agreeing to? Already upgraded to iOS 9? We bet that you didn’t read the entire TOS, because, let’s face it, it was long, and in tiny chunks. Here’s what you agreed to. Be sure to stay tuned for our upcoming article on the privacy nightmare that are the ‘new and improved’ Siri search functions!

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The Best Consumer Device for Secure Calls and Text Messaging

Wired’s Joseph Cox has a brilliant idea: what is the best, most readily available consumer device to use to make completely secure calls, and to use for secure text messages and secure chat? (Well, at least as secure and locked down as the average consumer can easily make them?) An iPod Touch! Brilliant! Here’s why.

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AT&T Rolls Out Live and Streaming TV on Mobile Devices

AT&T is offering live streaming television direct to your smartphone or tablet, and even your Android or Apple Watch, through its U-Verse apps and offerings. While you do have to have an AT&T U-verse television package that includes home television (and includes giving you a DVR), there is no reason you have to use it at home or use the DVR, you can choose to access only the online streaming service.

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How to Clean Your Apple Watch Milanese Loop Watch Band

As you know if you’re a regular read of TIP, we surprised ourselves by really falling in love with the Apple Watch, to which we had added the Milanese Loop watch band. We love the band, but the Milanese Loop gets dirty looking – or discolored – pretty quickly. Here’s what’s up with that, and how to clean it.

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Why Did My iPhone Suddenly Start Making this Weird Noise? This May be Why

If you have an iPhone 5 or an iPhone 6, and it suddenly starts making this incredibly loud alert notification noise – sort of like a bell at claxon level – that you can’t find any way to turn off, because there is no app doing it, here’s one possible reason. First, ask yourself if you have an Apple Watch.

apple pay set up on apple watch
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How and Why to Use Apple Pay Even if You Only have an iPhone 5

Apple Pay is crazy-convenient, and in some ways more secure than using your credit card. But everybody ‘knows’ that in order to use Apple Pay you ‘have’ to have an iPhone 6. Or do you? Actually, you can use Apple Pay even if you only have an iPhone 5, if you have an Apple Watch.