How and Why to Use Apple Pay Even if You Only have an iPhone 5

apple pay set up on apple watch
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Apple Pay is crazy-convenient, and in some ways more secure than using your credit card. But everybody ‘knows’ that in order to use Apple Pay you ‘have’ to have an iPhone 6. Or do you? Actually, you can use Apple Pay even if you only have an iPhone 5, if you have an Apple Watch.

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Apple says you need to have an iPhone 6 – not so!
apple pay without iphone 6


First, why do we say that using Apple Pay can be more secure than using your credit card? Because with Apple Pay you never take your card out of your wallet. That means that nobody will have an opportunity to visually scope your card number or, as is more often the case, to see you entering your PIN or zip code.

apple pay watch iphone 5


So anyways, back to how to use Apple Pay with an iPhone 5.

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The reason that Apple says that you have to have an iPhone 6 to use Apple Pay is because it’s not even an option on the iPhone 5.

BUT, it is an option on the Apple Watch, and huzzah! You can use an Apple Watch with an iPhone 5! (Sadly you can’t use either with the 4S – we loved our 4S, in part because we don’t love the biggifying trend in smartphones (iPhone and Android as well) – they are just getting too darned big. But at least the iPhone 5 is smaller than the iPhone 6, and still fits in a front pocket.)

Phones are just getting too darned big
iphone dimensions comparison height width


But we digress. The point is that you can use Apple Pay with an iPhone 5, if you have an Apple Watch (which you can also use with an iPhone 5).

So, here’s how to do it.

How to Use Apple Pay with an iPhone 5 (or 6) and an Apple Watch

The reason that people get confused or can’t figure out how to use Apple Pay with their Apple Watch (and either an iPhone 6 or 5) is because the very first thing that Apple tells you in their ‘how to set up Apple Pay’ instructions is “On your iPhone 6 or iPhone 6 Plus, open Passbook.”

Apple’s default instructions for setting up Apple Pay
how to set up apple pay apple watch


But that’s not how you set it up for the Apple Watch, and in fact Apple Pay isn’t even an option in Passbook on the iPhone 5 (which is why they say that you have to have an iPhone6).

In fact, there’s a good chance that you found this article because you have an iPhone 5, opened Passbook, and were stymied by the lack of an Apple Pay option. It’s not you, it’s them. You simply can’t use Apple Pay on the phone with an iPhone 5. But you can still set it up for your Apple Watch.

So, open your Apple Watch app on your iPhone

Apple Watch app icon
apple watch app icon


Open the Passbook and Apple Pay app on your watch (from within the Watch app on your iPhone – again, remember, you can do this on an iPhone 5)

Apple Watch app on the iPhone
iwatch apple watch passbook apple pay


Click on ‘Add Credit or Debit Card’

add card apple pay watch iphone 5 6


If your Apple Watch is locked, you will be prompted to unlock it (don’t forget that you must set a passcode on your Apple Watch in order to enable Apple Pay).

unlock apple awatch


You will then see a screen on your iPhone that looks something like this:

apple pay on iphone watch


Click on ‘Next’ at the top of the screen

Now you will be prompted to scan your credit or debit card with the iPhone camera (how cool is that?)

capture credit debit card with iphone camera apple pay


adding credit card apple pay watch


Not all credit and debit card providers yet work with Apple Pay. In fact, when we tried adding this particular card a couple of weeks ago, we couldn’t because it was not set up to work with Apple Pay. But then, just this week, we got this notice from that card’s provider:

apple pay arrives


So if your credit or debit card provider isn’t yet set up to offer Apple Pay, they may have it on board soon (and it doesn’t hurt to let them know that you want it).

Once you have scanned your card (or entered the number manually) you will be prompted to provide the expiration date and other details.

credit card expiry date apple pay


credit card expiration security code date apple pay


Then you will of course need to agree to the Terms and Conditions as agreed between your bank or other card issuer and Apple Pay

bank terms and conditions apple pay


The last step is verifying your card with your bank, credit union, or whoever issued your card. Your options for verifying your card will be determined by your card issuer.

apple pay card verification


Once you verify your card, you will get a notification on your Apple Watch that it is set up and has been activated.

apple pay set up on apple watch


To use Apple Pay with your Apple Watch, just double-press the side button

apple watch buttons

..and it will bring up Apple Pay on your watch. If you have more than one card registered with Apple Pay you can swipe through them to select the one that you want to use.

using more than one credit card with apple pay

hold watch near reader apple pay


And that’s how to use Apple Pay with an Apple Watch and an iPhone 5!


The Internet Patrol is completely free, and we don't subject you to ads or annoying video pop-ups. But it does cost us out of our pocket to keep the site going (going on 20 years now!) So your tips via CashApp, Venmo, or Paypal are appreciated!
Receipts will come from ISIPP.

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