Hello, there, dear reader. If you’re reading this article, I’m sure there’s a reason. Maybe you are wondering why you should use encrypted email, or maybe it’s something else. You may know it as you read these words, or it may take some time to dawn on you. Perhaps, you’re reading it for a reason now, but in several days, you’ll have an entirely new life circumstance arise, one which requires a sharpened eye for digital privacy and security.
Shoot, I hope that’s what happens! Sounds like you got an unexpected promotion, or possibly woke up in a spy type of movie. Either way, it’s exciting!
Anyways, on to the topic at hand: Encrypted email!
If you’re anything like most of us, you probably have a big name email provider. Most people have their web-mail handled by the cheerful servers over at Gmail, or a similarly soulless mail provider.
There are definitely positives and negatives to using a mail host like Gmail. We of course can’t make an exhaustive list of all, or even many of them. However, security isn’t always at the forefront of these services, and user privacy definitely isn’t.
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Enter services like protonmail.com, characterized by slightly less free storage, and fewer free integrated services, which many are gladly exchanging for heightened privacy and security features.
Proponents of ProtonMail claim it doesn’t log identifying information, end-to-end encrypts all email between ProtonMail users, stores data on the server in a manner useless to third parties, plus paid access to a stellar VPN, and many other positives.
However, these pros come with some cons. Many of Gmail’s features revolve around full and total access to your data, which simply can’t occur with a privacy-focused service like ProtonMail. However, many people are surprised with how well-refined the core featureset of ProtonMail actually is.
I personally find it quite similar to the core featureset of Gmail. At the end of the day, I don’t think you can get rid of Google services fast enough – but I know that’s not feasible, or even necessarily desirable, for the average person.
But, if you’re questioning if you would last with a service like ProtonMail?
My advice is go ahead, try it out, commitment-free! Just set up a new email account – there’s something freeing about it.
Of course, if you’re really a privacy nut, you still need to trust ProtonMail themselves not to read your mail – something that a true privacy nut is all too incapable of doing. Remember, if you want to be sure nobody is reading it besides you and the intended recipient, pgp encryption is the golden standard.
The Internet Patrol is completely free, and we don't subject you to ads or annoying video pop-ups. But it does cost us out of our pocket to keep the site going (going on 20 years now!) So your tips via CashApp, Venmo, or Paypal are appreciated!
Receipts will come from ISIPP.