If you’re looking for new Sidekick reviews of the Sidekick 08 which do a Sidekick comparison between previous Sidekicks and the new Sidekick 2008, you’ve come to the right place! Video, stereo Bluetooth, and shells, shells, shells (you can even create your own custom shell)! The new Sidekick 08 has a lot going for it – but also a few things you need to know about that you may not appreciate so much.
Right now we’re going to post our preliminary impressions, just to get them out there for you; we’ll update this as we spend more time with our new Sidekick 08!
The first thing that you need to know, right up front, is that the Sidekick 08 is a lot smaller than previous generations of the Sidekick. It’s even smaller in some ways than the Sidekick Slide!
Now, some of you may like that the Sidekick 2008 is so much smaller than its predecessors, but the downside is that not only is the screen smaller, but the keyboard is noticeably smaller. This may make typing somewhat harder for those who are either used to the larger Sidekicks, or those who don’t have tiny hands. That said, it’s still the same kickin’ keyboard that the LX had – it’s just a bit smaller.
The screen’s smaller size is compounded by something that they have done to the email application which I find just unforgiveable: in an effort to apparently make it look more like a desktop email program (such as, say, Outlook – which makes sense given that Microsoft now owns Danger), they have fancied up the header area of each email with an image of the sender (if you have one, a generic graphic if you don’t), and a large band of text, so that most of the first screen of an email is taken up with the header! You now have to scroll down before you can even start reading an email! And, there is no apparent way to disable it!
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Now for the good news: the Sidekick 08 has video! None of the other Sidekicks to date have had video!
Now for the bad news: You can only record 20 seconds of video at a time.
Here’s a sample of the video; we filmed this and emailed it to ourself while out at coffee:
Sidekick 08 video is saved as a .3gp file. 3gp is a simplified version of MPEG4, and can be played by Quicktime, and also on most mobile phones (so you can send a video from your Sidekick 08 to someone else’s phone and it should play with no problem).
Some more good news: You can finally transfer files by Bluetooth! None of the other Sidekicks to date have allowed this.
Some more bad news: You can only do it with pictures. But still, that’s a pretty good start!
And finally, for some more good news: The Sidekick 08 supports stereo Bluetooth, unlike the other Sidekick models!
And there’s no bad news about that.
Now, no article about the Sidekick 08 would be complete without a word about the shells. The shells are basically like micro-thin armour that you slip over the outside of your Sidekick 08 to change its appearance. There are several different shells that you can buy – they are easy to change out, and they are only $15.00 each! At the T-Mobile store you can choose from several solid metallic colours (such as teal, red, orange, and blue) and also some with patterns (there’s a very pretty purple with flowers, and also a cool “digi camo” style shell).
But that doesn’t even begin to provide you with all the shell options that are truly out there. Because if you go to http://sidekickshells.skinit.com – the provider of the Sidekick 08 shells – you can order from dozens and dozens of shells, including all kinds of patterns and images. Flags of the world, urban art, Reef-branded shells, you name it, it’s there.
You can even [Page no longer available – we have linked to the archive.org version instead]! You can add your own images, your own text – whatever you want!
And it’s so incredibly easy! Check out the shell that I created in under 5 minutes!:
And it doesn’t cost anything extra to make your own custom shell! How cool is that??
You can [Page no longer available – we have linked to the archive.org version instead].
Here, by the way, is what their official press release says:
The new Sidekick will ship with two shells: black and metallic green. A variety of pre-designed shell patterns and colors also are readily available for customers to purchase at T-Mobile retail stores or online. Of course, for true individualization, customers can design a completely unique shell unlike any other using a dedicated online Sidekick site via SkinIt at www.sidekickshells.com. Doing so is as simple as uploading a personal photo or graphic design, or selecting your own text, shapes, icons or logos. The final design is custom-printed onto the shell, then shipped. Once the design is complete, customers can share their work of art in a public gallery that will be hosted on www.sidekick.com.
“There is perhaps nothing more important than someone’s individual style and personality. The new
T-Mobile Sidekick, with its customizable shells, lets our customers easily express that unique style directly on their phone,� says Sajal Sahay, director, product marketing, T-Mobile USA. “Providing our customers with options to stand out from the crowd and show a true expression of themselves is what makes this Sidekick such an intriguing, fun device.�
In addition to enhanced personalization, the T-Mobile Sidekick is sporting a slightly smaller, thinner and lighter design than previous Sidekicks. It also comes fully loaded with the latest Sidekick features including video capture and playback ability, so customers can record and watch spontaneous and memorable moments, whether at a football game or a music concert.
The new Sidekick also features an integrated Spanish user interface – the first for a Sidekick device. Other features include first-rate messaging with IM, text and e-mail, as well as stereo Bluetooth® for easy photo and file transfers and a 2.0 megapixel camera. The Sidekick also is equipped with customizable Web surfing and more internal memory for storage of ringtones and multimedia messages.
T-Mobile Sidekick Features Include:
· Exterior shells that can be personalized
· Capability to record, play and share videos: record videos using the camera; receive video attachments from e-mail, picture messaging, or side load videos to the microSD card; play video using the built-in media player; share videos via e-mail, Bluetooth or picture messaging
· Horizontal swivel screen and full QWERTY keyboard (manufactured by Sharp)
· WQVGA screen with high-definition LCD technology
· Enhanced Web surfing: PC-like, full-size layout or standard Sidekick screen-size layout to scroll and read a page; use Mini Page to zoom out on an overview of an entire Web page; save images from Web pages to the microSD card
· Customizable IM experience: create and join group chats, set custom status messages, search for friends in a buddy list and see who is logged into IM to immediately start a conversation
· Easy download capability: install and use downloads without the need to restart the device; set a theme as the device’s default instantly
· Bluetooth 2.0 with A2DP supports stereo Bluetooth and Bluetooth file transfer to other Bluetooth devices including Bluetooth photo printers
· 2.0 megapixel camera
· Included 512MB microSD memory card
· More storage: Up to 25 ringtones, add up to five slides to multimedia messages, and up to 60-second voice messages
· Quick Find to search across all applications
· T-Mobile myFaves® enabled
· Dimensions: 4.7� x 2.3� x 0.7�, 5.3 oz.
· 2.6-inch display, 400×240 pixels
· Quad-band world phone 850/900/1800/1900 MHz; GSM,GPRS,EDGE
· 1030mAh Lion battery
The Internet Patrol is completely free, and we don't subject you to ads or annoying video pop-ups. But it does cost us out of our pocket to keep the site going (going on 20 years now!) So your tips via CashApp, Venmo, or Paypal are appreciated!
Receipts will come from ISIPP.
I think this sidekick 08 kicks @$$ is just the flash player part that sucks but besides that it has everything I need and im very happy with the phone I’ve always been a sidekick fan and the 08 is way better then the lx I think…
how do I get to watch videos of the internet with my sidekick 08? please give me an answer
Ok well, the 08 is okay I guess. I was crunk getting it and when I got it I was like wtf! You can’t watch videos on the internet, you can only send the songs that you download from your computer. Meaning, all the ringtones that you download can’t be sent via email,mms,or bluetooth. Just songs that you download from your computer through your usb cord.
I can’t find an ap that can be downloaded for internet videos for the 08. They’re all “not compatible” the video quality sucks, there’s no flas for the pics, and the track ball breaks easily. The battery sucks as well.
All in all the 08 pretty cool, but I would rather have another phone than this one anytime.
da sidekick 08 is da must have shit
If anyone knows how I can get a flash player for the sidekick 2008 please let me know,thanks
Sidekick 08 sucks!!! if u got lx keep the shit!!! if u don’t got any kind of sidekick and u want a sidekick get lx!!! Sidekick o8 is shitty I have broke 2 of them!!! If I known betta I would have got the lx which my bro have..mine is like a lil gurl phone compared to his lmao!
I’ve had my O8 For a While Now , And I wish I had a lx …its 2 small …but hit me up on aim my sn: nba973quad
Da sidekick 08 iz one of da top phones matter of fact im typing on it right now with no problem i can do everything i want like aim, myspace, record vid, you name it the phones does…bottom line sidekick 08 is ppl who love to text and look cool doing it
The sidekick 08 can also transfer songs and videos through bluetooth, not just pictures like it says in the review. I am using the internet on it right now to leave this comment. And I have pretty big fingers and have no problem typing on it, its not just for small hands. I really love this phone and it is way better than the lx.
I am having problem disabling popup blockers on my cell phone.
I just got my sidekick 08 and its my first and honestly i love the hel out of it already the only tjong is si donr know how to set my own pics as wallpaper anyone with the sidekick08 kan you help me out plz and thank you!
I love my sidekick 08, even though my battery tends to die quite fast. This is probably due to the battery and not the phone, itself.
I started off with an ID and it was noticably BIG and BULKY. The change to the 08 was a difference, but I find myself typing on it really fast with very minimal errors since your fingers slide across the keyboard.
Two of my friends own LX’s and holding there’s I notice it seems to be a lot larger in my hands then when I had my ID.
Holding my ID I notice a huge change in the feel and such.
One thing I’ve noticed it my screen if kind’ve loose. It may just be my phone particular. I only know a few other people in my area with the phone.
Overall, I love it. (:
I think the Sidekick 08 is a very sophisticated phone and is usefull for anyone who uses the internet alot i have just got myself one a couple of days ago and it is brilliant so if you like the internet on the move buy one now at only £97 form T-mobile.co.uk
ty for all the info
but I wanted to know if and where I can download the newest java and flash player
Ugh, I just wish the 08 had those moodlights and flash for the camera, but overall I like taking video and the shells, and my 08 is smaller than the lx…
I love my sidekick08 but I need flash now!
hOw much is it without a plan.?
Honestly the only thing the 2008 has over the lx is that you can change the shell! I won’t be wasting money purchasing the 2008 when it does the same things as my lx!
Tmobile just wants people to spend money everytime the put out a new phone… smh!
Man yall krazy
the sidekick08 iz bomb
and yu kan also send muzic thru bluetooth
i do it wit mah friends all the time
i luv it!
tht shy tis fuckin bomb!
Is there a flash player available for the sidekick 08? If so how do I get it?
very good review, it help me…I’m an old man with a sidekick bonding with my song
How about playing video’s of the internet. How can I get my sidekick 2008 to do that?
since the lx now has all the same features its basically a smaller version .. and for true sidekickerz.. the big keypad is a must ..