How to Stop People from Adding You to Facebook Groups without Your Permission

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How frustrated are you that people can add you to Facebook groups without your permission? It’s pretty ridiculous that someone can add you to a Facebook group without asking you, and then it’s your responsibility to have to leave the group! Here’s what to do about it.

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First, when we say, in the title of this article, “how to stop people from adding you to Facebook groups without your permission”, we mean that we are giving you the information to convince Facebook to stop this awful practice. Because right now, as of the time of this writing, you can’t actually keep people from adding you to a Facebook group without first asking and getting your permission.

We aim to change that.

Here are the steps that you need to take in order to let Facebook know that people being able to add you to groups without your permission just isn’t cool, and we want Facebook to change it, and sooner rather than later.

Make your voice heard. If enough of us tell Facebook how we feel about this (using the steps below), and loudly – if we flood them with requests to require permission to add someone to a group – they should listen.

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So, to tell Facebook how you feel about this – to urge them to change it so that your permission has to be received before someone adds you to a group (hey Facebook, how about anybody can invite you to a group, but you have to accept the invitation?) – here’s what to do:

Follow the link at the bottom of this article. That link will take you directly to a page where you can provide feedback to Facebook specifically about Facebook Groups.

tell facebook no more groups without permission

Select the number of stars you want to give the Facebook Groups feature, and then give them your feedback. You know, really give it to them.

how to stop people from adding you to facebook groups without permission

Then press ‘Send’.

faceback groups feedback

You will receive a nice little generic email back from Facebook, confirming the submission of your feedback.


Thanks for taking the time to share your feedback. We’re constantly trying to improve Facebook, so it’s important that we hear from the people who use it. Unfortunately, we can’t respond to your emails individually, but we are paying attention to them. We appreciate you taking the time to write to us.

If you’re having any problems with your account, please visit the Help Center ( where you’ll find information about Facebook as well as the answers to many of your questions.

Thanks again for your feedback,
The Facebook Team

Here is the link to leave Facebook your own feedback about the fact that people can add you to Facebook Groups without your permission:

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Oh, and while you’re at it, here’s how to find a list of all of your Facebook groups, and how to leave them.

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11 thoughts on “How to Stop People from Adding You to Facebook Groups without Your Permission

  1. I am constantly getting new messages from groups every single day saying I have joined their groups when I had not. I then get some spam messaged posted under my name in these groups and all other groups I have actually joined. I have changed my facebook password 7 times now and reported it but still its happening. I changed my modem password today and got to new groups i was supposedly joined. I fear i have been hacked but after reporting it to facebook nothing has happened.

  2. hey Facebook, how about anybody can invite you to a group, but you have to accept the invitation?

  3. Not only annoying but potentially could cause legal issues, for example if someone was to add you to a group about something illegal or just downright nasty. Does fb also go ‘steve just joined the group xyz’ on your friends newsfeeds?

  4. I like that you encourage people using the feedback function to tell Facebook how absolutely NOT OK their system is when it comes to allowing others to add you to Facebook groups. I have referred to your blog post in my blog post that I did add today over at

  5. People should require permission to add someone to a group. I get added to at least a dozen daily and it is incredibly annoying. No one should be able to add me to their group without my permission. It is totally a time waster to have to go into the group and ‘leave the group’ when you you haven’t even added yourself to the group in the first place.

  6. I am tired of being added to groups without my permission. It’s really annoying and I’m getting angry. Please stop this. Tell me what to do and I can’t believe you don’t have a group block button. You have almost everything else. Thank you.

  7. Please, please, please! I urge you to change whatever is necessary to stop people adding others to groups without permission. In some cases it is offensive! Privacy is important and many of us have been complaining about this problem for long enough. PLEASE act!

  8. @Girlau: You are a hundred percent right. What do the Vietnamese scammers intend? It si annoying to be added to many nonsense groups?

  9. Guys, its kind a serious problem here in Facebook.
    The fb user who anonymously added his/her friends to a non-sense group did not know that their account has anonymous activities,
    I think their account is being infected by a virus.
    A Virus that adds the fb user’s friends to a non sense group.

    These groups was mostly created by Vietnamese scammers.

    Lately i just read an article about Vietnam scams,
    Vietnamese people are doing some race, a race for a number of group members or likes, every Vietnamese boost their number of group members by using some virus or infecting a certain Facebook account with a virus, that will add the friends of the infected facebook account.

    To get rid of it.
    Let your fb friend who’s account has been infected know about his account’s anonymous activity, and tell them to change their Facebook password.

  10. It is very painful that someone add me in his group without my permission.This type of practice should be banned by face book immediately.It is very pinching.

  11. Do NOT allow people to add me to groups without my permission. just isn’t cool, and I want Facebook to change it, and sooner rather than later.

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