The Internet Patrol’s Big Book of Spam Filters

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It floods your inbox with viruses, phishing attacks, and trojans.

It lets hackers and attackers onto your computer.

And try as you might, you can’t seem to get rid of it.

Until now.

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Spam Proof Your Inbox

That’s right. The Internet Patrol is going to show you how to spam proof your inbox.

With The Internet Patrol’s Big Book of Spam Filters, you will have all of the information you need to
take back your inbox.

The Internet Patrol’s Big Book of Spam Filters contains more than 50 pages
jam-packed with advice, tips, and recommendations for making your inbox a pleasant place to be.

And The Internet Patrol reviews of all of the leading spam filtering products available today. Just for you.

Spam filters for Windows computers.
Spam filters for Macs.
Even spam filters for computers which are neither Windows nor Mac.

Spam filters you run on your personal computer.
Spam filters that run on the spam filter company’s computers.
Email washing services.
Challenge-response systems.

You name it, it’s in The Internet Patrol’s Big Book of Spam Filters.

And The Internet Patrol doesn’t just love you and leave you, giving you just cold, impersonal reviews. Oh no. Aunty stays with you every step of the way, giving you her own personal recommendations of the spam filters she loves best. And why. And her own personal tips on how to spam proof your inbox.

From the expert.

The Internet Patrol’s Big Book of Spam Filters is a must-read for anyone who’s unsure about what to do about the piles of spam in their inbox. It’s packed with useful tips, comparisons and practical recommendations. The Internet Patrol will guide you through steps to protect yourself from spam, help you decide if you need an add-on filter, and then show you how to select the right filter for your needs. Concrete recommendations and head-to-head product comparisons… perfect!

– Leo Notenboom, Ask Leo, Answers to Tech Questions

Remember the days when you didn’t cringe before checking your email?

When you looked forward to getting your email, and hearing from friends and colleagues?

Instead of spammers?

It can be that way again.

Download The Internet Patrol’s Big Book of Spam Filters now, for only $24.97, and take back your inbox!

Don’t wait!

For only $24.97, you can be on your way to taking back your inbox today!
Download The Internet Patrol’s Big Book of Spam Filters now!

NOTE: This article was first published in 2005, which is when our Big Book of Spam Filters was first published. Now we recommend using Gmail as your spam filter!

The Internet Patrol is completely free, and we don't subject you to ads or annoying video pop-ups. But it does cost us out of our pocket to keep the site going (going on 20 years now!) So your tips via CashApp, Venmo, or Paypal are appreciated!
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One thought on “The Internet Patrol’s Big Book of Spam Filters

  1. No offense, Aunty, but if people won’t take advantage of the HOARDS of FREE information on reducing spam, what makes you think they’ll drop $25 on an e-book covering the same topic?

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