Amazon Offers ‘Made on Kickstarter’ Section

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Exactly a year ago, Amazon unveiled Amazon Launchpad, which is the section on Amazon where start-ups can hawk their wares. Today Amazon has announced the ‘Kickstarter Collection’, where customers can purchase products ‘as seen on Kickstarter’.

Says Amazon, in their announcement of the ‘made on Kickstarter’ section, “Customers can discover more than 300 Kickstarter products available for purchase on in one convenient location, including everything from smart herb gardens to virtual reality headsets and more.”

Explains Jim Adkins, an Amazon veep, “At Amazon, we work hard to offer the widest possible selection of products so that customers can find anything and everything they might want to buy online. Working with Kickstarter is a great way for us to hear directly from customers what products they care about, since they truly hold the power to bring these products to life. We created the Amazon Launchpad program a year ago to serve creators, inventors, and startups. Our goal is to enable them to reach Amazon’s hundreds of millions of customers and to overcome one of the biggest challenges any startup faces – bringing their product to market successfully.”

The new Kickstarter section on Amazon features product ranging from bluetooth speakers to maker kits to banana flour to cat candles, and everything in between.


A Selection of Items from the Amazon ‘As Seen on Kickstarter’ Section
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Under the ‘STEM Products’ sections we found an intriguing book entitled The Secret Loves of Geek Girls, which describes itself as “Secret Loves of Geek Girls is an exciting new nonfiction anthology of comic and prose stories from women in fandom. All the stories in this collection revolve around personal experiences and thoughts on romance, sex, and dating. Stories include personal accounts of using fanfiction to understand your sexuality, childhood crushes on Spock and Sailor Moon, heartbreak at comic conventions, and maintaining long-distance relationships using online gaming.”

Says Yancey Strickler, CEO of Kickstarter, of the new Amazon Kickstarter section, “Kickstarter helps independent creators find the resources, courage, and community they need to bring their creative projects to life. We’re thrilled to collaborate with Amazon Launchpad on creating a new path for those projects to be discovered, experienced, and loved.”

Can a Kickstarter acquisition by Amazon be far behind?

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One thought on “Amazon Offers ‘Made on Kickstarter’ Section

  1. Amazon Launchpad is really useful. But there is a lot of fraud going on in kicktarting.

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