Category: GPS
New Service is “Google Maps for Indoors”
A new service called Micello is touting itself as the equivalent of Google maps only for indoors, such as when you get to your destination, and can’t find that store inside the mall, or that office where you’re already 10 minutes late for a meeting.
Garmin Nuvi GPS Phone in Stores Monday – Garmin Nuviphone G60 Finally a Reality
The much-awaited Garmin Nuviphone G60 – a combination Garmin GPS Nuvi + cell phone with touchscreen – is going on sale this Monday (October 4th). The combination Nuvi GPS cell phone has been in the buzz stages for nearly two years. Unlike the almost after-thought GPS features of some smart cell phones, or even the somewhat more robust GPS features of some contemporary smartphones, the Garmin Nuvi phone is truly a full-featured Nuvi GPS and a full-featured touch screen cellphone.
New Wrist Watch Allows GPS Tracking of Your Child: Lok8u Num8 is Watching You
“Now Available – the Worlds First GPS Locator that Locates Your Child… Not Just the Device” touts the ad copy. The device being referred to is the Num8 children’s wristwatch, by Lok8u (get it? “Locate You”), and it is a GPS watch that allows you to track your child wherever they are.
Man Discovers You Can Make Anyone’s iPhone Track Them and Report Back to You
David Molnar over at Ephermata had a great idea. His girlfriend was moving from Chicago to California, and he thought “Hey, let’s track her stuff as the movers take it cross-country.” He did it using a $99 iPhone and the “Find My iPhone” service included with Apple’s Mobile Me, and it worked really well. So well, in fact, that he discovered that it’s possible to track anyone using their own iPhone, and doing so is pretty trivial.
AT&T GPS Comes of Age with AT&T Navigator Global Edition
AT&T has announced the roll-out of their AT&T Navigator Global Edition. This truly global cell phone GPS system allows AT&T customers to use their GPS-enabled AT&T phones to navigate with GPS all around the world.
The Dog Gadgets Available Online that You Never Knew You Needed
Dog gadgets abound, including dog GPS, and an automatic feeder with a built-in webcam. You can also get dog sunglasses, a special doorbell door chime for your dog, an electronic dog day planner, and, I kid you not, a dog treadmill. Oh, and let’s not forget the dog pedometer to go with that treadmill.
Gang Members Tagged with GPS
Gang members in San Bernardino county are being banded with GPS tags, in an effort to track paroled gang members to make sure that they don’t go back to their old stomping ground and have contact with other members of their gang. Ah, good plan. Because we all know that there is an impermeable wall around gang territories, and the parolee’s old cronies can’t possibly leave that area to go meet them somewhere else.
Full GPS Slated for Nokia Cell Phones – Location Based Ads Pushed to Your Cell Phone Just Around the Corner?
Wow, that was fast! It was barely a week ago that we predicted the convergence of GPS and Internet on cell phones and it leading to location-based push advertising to your cell phone, and now Nokia has announced (well, leaked, really) that they plan to have full navigation GPS on all Nokia cell phones.
GPS Enabled Internet, or Internet Enabled GPS – The Next Advertising Frontier
Here is my prediction: the next big thing from the Internet advertising point of view is going to be this: the convergence of always-on Internet and GPS in one device. Internet and GPS convergence.
The Ultimate Portable GPS – The Garmin Nuvi Mobile GPS System
For my birthday this year I received the Garmin Nuvi GPS, and I have to tell you that this portable GPS is the ultimate in mobile GPS systems! This small handheld GPS navigation unit can fit in your pocket or attach to a beanbag based stand (which molds to fit any place in your car or wherever else you want to put it), has the clearest screen of any I’ve seen, fantastic maps (3d or flat view), will instantly show you a list of all of the restaurants, gas stations, and such in the area wherever you are. But the best part about the Garmin Nuvi GPS is that it’s spoken directions make sense! Now I understand why all the GPS reviews give this Garmin portable GPS system such high praise!
More Electronic Babysitters for the Kids with Verizon’s Chaperone, Tmobile kidConnect, and Disney Mobile Cell Phones and Service for Children
Verizon Chaperone, T-Mobile kidConnect, and Disney Mobile all offer cell phones for kids, and cell service for children. But are they really necessarly, or just one more way to let parents feel better about having their kids out of their view, and not with care givers they trust.
Reach Out and Track Someone – Sprint Offers the “Family Locator” Service
The Sprint Family Locator is a new service being offered by Sprint that allows you to track up to four family phones via their GPS coordinates.
Rental Car GPS Leads to Nightmare Vacation
Rental car GPS is suppose to be a perk which comes with renting certain cars. But one couple who relied on an Avis rental car GPS were lucky to survive the ordeal.
CarChip and TeenArriveAlive – Monitor Your Child’s Driving Remotely
TeenArriveAlive and CarChip are technologies designed to keep your teen safe behind the wheel by allowing you to remotely monitor their every driving move. Using GPS location in one case, and inviting strangers to report on the child’s driving in another, TeenArriveAlive and CarChip are sure to be controversial.
Wherify Wherifone – Cell Phone with GPS Locator Lets You GPS Track Your Kids
The Wherify Wherifone offers a simple pre-programmed cell phone with a built-in GPS locator, so that you can keep track of your child, grandmother, or employee.