You Can Now Hum-to-Search for That Song When You Can't Remember the Lyrics
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Service Lets You Hum-to-Search for That Song When You Can’t Remember the Lyrics or Name of the Song

There is this song that is stuck in your head, you can remember the tune, even whistle or hum it, but cannot recall the lyrics or name. No need to fret. Google has you covered, as there is now a feature known as Hum-to-Search, designed to resolve such crises It…

Targeted advertising can be annoying
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Stalked By Targeted Ads? Here Is How To Show Them The Door

Remember a time when you perused several websites searching for items you wanted to buy? It could have been household items, beauty products or electronics. Long after buying the products, you notice ads related to the items you searched for, or even have already bought, popping up every time you…

Apps can help to get you organized
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5 Great Apps to Get You Organized

You are juggling between work, appointments, social life, and family. It’s like every day of your life has to-do lists that you can barely complete. At the end of the day, you feel exhausted, rushed, anxious, and hectic. But now technology is coming to your rescue and offering some resemblance…

Parcel or package delivery scam
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If You Get a Text Message or Phone Call about a Package Delivery Do NOT Click on the Link!

By now you know a lot about spam emails, and if you are like the average Internet user you are quite wary about them. But now fraudsters are changing tactics and sending text and email messages that look real by posing as package delivery or shipping delivery companies. Since scammers…

amazon logo
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It’s Not Too Late to Avoid These 5 Amazon Prime Day Mistakes

You still have several hours to take advantage of Amazon Prime Day 2020! This year, Amazon Prime Day did not happen in July due to the Covid-19 pandemic, so the store announced that it will run from Tuesday, October 13 to Wednesday, October 14. Control your impulses Buying a Snicker…

Google Lens and how to use it to identify things in your daily life
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Google Lens and How To Use It To Identify Things In Your Daily Life

Hey! We have a secret to share with you. Did you know your Android and iPhone devices have the ability to pack a little known but powerful and futuristic feature that can help to bridge your world and the world of technology on your device? This feature is one of…

Reposting images on social media could soon get you in trouble
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Reposting Images on Social Media? How it Can Get You in Trouble

At a time when social media is dominating almost every area of our lives, posting pictures on social media has become a highly effective way of connecting with people, sharing with loved ones, and doing business. It is common for social media users to share other people’s images without a…

Your digital trail can haunt you
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Your Digital Trail: Can Your Online Past Haunt You?

Have you ever paused to think about what you tweet or post online and how it might affect your life in the future? if you are like most people, you hardly worry about your online activities as long as you have secured your personal information to prevent data leaking. After…

Shopping sites are known to use tricks to make you buy more
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5 Tricks that Online Shopping Sites Use to Make You Buy More

Do you find yourself spending more than you had planned when shopping online, and end up beating yourself up a lot for it? Suppose you realized that the unplanned spending is no accident but a well-executed strategy by retailers to lure you and other customers using various tricks to make…

Google Chrome has useful features waiting to be discovered
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The Pros and Cons of Using the Chrome Password Manager

When you use Google Chrome and enter a password on a site that requires you to sign up or sign in, you normally get a notification asking you to choose to save the password or not. That, right there, is Google Password Manager, commonly known as Chrome Password Manager, sending…

How to manage mutiple browser tabs in chrome
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How To Manage Mutiple Browser Tabs In Chrome

When you look at your Chrome browser, how many tabs do you have open? If you are like the average Chrome user, most likely there are several tabs open and you have a good explanation for it. There is a tab with an incomplete registration you are filling out, another…

RCS Chat is one of the Google Messages Features that are Helping People Stay Connected
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5 Cool Google Messages Features that are Helping People Stay Connected

Google Messages is messaging developed by Google for Android devices. It enables users to chat, and send MMSs and SMSs.The app has great features that are coming in handy for enhancing interactions with family and friends as the pandemic continues to bite. Here are 5 cool Google Messages features that…

Biometrics such as the retinal scan is one of the ulti-factor authentication methods
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Multi-factor Authentication and Why You Need It

As the threat of cyberattacks keeps on increasing, individuals and organizations need to take the necessary steps to protect their data. One of the tried and tested ways of deterring data breaches is using multi-factor authentication, commonly known as MFA. The primary reason MFA is hailed as an effective method…

NSA is Telling Mobile Users to Turn Off Find My Phone, WiFi, and Bluetooth
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The NSA is Telling Mobile Users to Turn Off Find My Phone, WiFi, and Bluetooth. Here’s Why

The National Security Agency (NSA) is recommending that people who are concerned about privacy turn off Wi-Fi, Find-My-Phone, and Bluetooth whenever they do not need to use those services. Yes, this is the same NSA about whom we have written in the past, including for being spanked by the court…

Remote work burnout
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How to Deal With Remote Work Burnout as The Pandemic Stretches On

Before the coronavirus pandemic hit, working remotely was often reserved for a few privileged employees. Now it is the norm, and there is nothing prestigious about it. Initially, many workers were happy working from home, but with time they started realizing that remote work came with unique challenges, including constant…