heinz ketchup qr code porn site
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Lapsed Domain Causes Heinz Ketchup to have Porn QR Code on Bottles

Heinz Ketchup recently discovered that a porn site had set up shop on a domain that Heinz had let lapse, and is their face red! You see, not only had the domain lapsed, but there were bottles of Heinz Ketchup on store shelves with a QR code that lead to the lapsed domain, which had been turned into a pornography site.

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Clickable Paper and MediaSnap App to Replace QR Codes

Hate QR Codes in ads? How about Clickable Paper, instead? Clickable Paper, and its accompanying free app, MediaSnap (“MediaSnapp”, anyone?), are Ricoh’s answer to the QR code.

how to find google qr code barcode-1
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How to Find the Google 2-Step Verification QR Barcode to Set Up the App on Your Phone

If you are asking yourself “Where is the QR code to scan to set up the Google 2-Step Verification authenticator app”, you may be fairly frustrated at this point trying to find that lousy barcode. Don’t blame yourself, it is completely inobvious. Here’s how to find the QR code to set up the Google 2-factor authentication authenticator app.

The Internet Patrol default featured image
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QR Code Fever: QR Barcodes Turning Up Everywhere: Church, Windows, Even a Tombstone!

More and more it’s becoming commonplace to see a QR code – or “QR barcode” – in all sorts of places. In part that’s because there is a free app for nearly every smart phone that includes a QR code reader (most bar code scanner apps also include a QR code scanner). Also, it’s pretty easy to make a QR code; you just go to a QR code generator website, plug in your info, and voila, you have your very own QR code.