Why You MUST Turn Off 2FA Before You Cancel Twitter X Premium!
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Why You MUST Turn Off 2FA Before You Cancel Twitter X Premium! And What to Do if You Didn’t (Oops)

It’s a trap! If you have Twitter Premium (X Premium) and you have two-factor authentication (2FA) turned on, turn off the 2FA before you cancel the X Premium (Twitter Premium) or you will not be able to get back into your account!

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How To Get Into Your Email When You Have Lost Access to the Recovery Codes

While multi-factor authentication is a great method of preventing unauthorized access to your account, there’s one major catch that can really, really screw up your day: losing the factor that allows you to access your account.

Biometrics such as the retinal scan is one of the ulti-factor authentication methods
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Multi-factor Authentication and Why You Need It

As the threat of cyberattacks keeps on increasing, individuals and organizations need to take the necessary steps to protect their data. One of the tried and tested ways of deterring data breaches is using multi-factor authentication, commonly known as MFA. The primary reason MFA is hailed as an effective method…

2-factor authentication
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Why to Set Up Two-Factor Authentication (“2FA”) Everywhere You Can – Here’s Where

Here is why you must set up two-factor authentication (also called 2-step verification, or simply “2FA”) wherever you can. Many places now offer it, including Facebook, Paypal, Twitter, and, of course, Gmail (Google). You may in fact remember the story of how Naoki Hiroshima lost their Twitter account, valued at $50,000, to a hacker. Basically the hacker managed to get into and redirect Hiroshima’s email domain, allowing the hacker to do password resets on some of Hiroshima’s accounts, and intercept the password reset emails. It’s very easy for someone to do a password reset on an account if they have the email address, however with 2-factor authentication is becomes a lot harder.