Starbucks Raise Number of Rewards Stars (Points) Needed for Basic Rewards the Grinch that Stole Valentine's Day
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Starbucks Raises Number of Reward Stars Points Needed for Rewards Just in Time for Valentine’s Day: Here are the New Requirements

Here are the new number of Starbucks reward points (stars) required for each Starbucks reward level. Starbucks, the Grinch that Stole Valentine’s Day, has just announced that it is raising the number of reward points that you need in the Starbucks app in order to be able to redeem your reward stars, effective February 13th, 2023. They are raising it for absolutely everything except the 25-star reward of customizing your drink.

complaints about twitter hearts
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Twitter Goes from Favoriting with Stars to Loving with Hearts – Not Everyone Pleased

This week Twitter removed it’s option to “Favorite” a Tweet with a star symbol, replacing it with a heart symbol to indicate a “Like” (shades of Facebook!), and not everybody hearts it.