What Does #hmu4atbh Mean? We Explain

what does #hmu4atbh mean
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If you’ve been seeing the #hmu4atbh hashtag in your Twitter or newsfeed, and are wondering what it means, we’re here to tell you exactly what #hmu4atbh means. But first, you need to understand a fundamental part of it, as, as you may have imagined, #hmu4atbh stands for a seven-word phrase.

In the past few years, and particularly on Facebook, there is a thing that teens (mostly) do, which is the TBH ‘game’ (for lack of a better word). TBH stands for “to be honest”, and when you are the recipient of a TBH, the person giving it to you tells you something honestly about you, their relationship to you, or something relating to you – generally something nice, and affirming.

Generally it starts with someone posting a variation of “Like for TBH”, and whomever “likes” the post gets a positive stroke about themselves from the poster.

Indeed, “Like for TBH” seems to have given rise to a whole cottage industry of images on Pinterest just for this purpose.

#hmu4atbh images

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So, now that you know what “tbh” stands for, you can probably figure out what #hmu4atbh stands for, but as you’ve read this far, we’ll tell you.

#hmu4atbh stands for “hit me up for a tbh”.

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