What do EUC, GUC, VGC, and Others on eBay, Craigslist, and Elsewhere Mean?

what euc guc nwt vguc abbreviations on ebay mean
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There are a dizzying array of abbreviations on sites on which you can purchase used clothing and other used goods, such as eBay, Craigslist, and Poshmark, just to name a few. Abbreviations such as EUC, VGUC, GUC, EU, NIB and NIP can be confusing, while other abbreviations are more readily recognized, such as NWT and OEM. Here is a guide to all of those abbreviations, be they on eBay, Craigslist, thredUP, Swap, or wherever you may see them.

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Of course, everybody has heard of eBay and Craigslist, but there have also been a proliferation of fashion sites where you can buy used clothing. We think that some of the best such sites are Poshmark and thredUP, but there are also Snob Swap, Shop Hers, Bib + Tuck, Refashioner, The Real Real, Attic, Walk in My Closet, and many more. If you want knock-offs of what your favorite celebrity wore, you’ll like ASOS Marketplace (ASOS stands for As Seen on Screen).

Anyways, below is a list of the most common, and most frequently used uncommon, abbrevations used on Internet selling sites where you can buy used clothing and other items.

List of Abbreviations Used on eBay, Craiglist, and Other Internet Selling Sites

BIN: Buy It Now
BOHO: Bohemian Hippie Style
BTS: Back To School
CC: Credit Card
COA: Certificate of Authenticity
EMB: Embroidered
EU: Excellent Used
EUC: Excellent Used Condition
HB: Hardback book
MO: Money Order
NIB: New in Box
NIP: New in Package
NR: No Reserve
N/R: No Reserve
NOS: New Old Stock
NWOT: New Without Tags
NWT: New with Tags
OEM: Original Equipment Manufacturer
ON: Old Navy
OOAK: One of A Kind
OOP: Out of Print
ORP: Original Retail Price
PB: Paperback book
PP: Paypal
SB: Softback book
TCP: The Children’s Place
VGC: Very Good Condition
VGUC: Very Good Used Condition

If you come across other abbreviations, please add them in a comment!

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