Virtual Garage Sale Site ‘GTS List’ Perfect Place for Recovering Craigslist and FreeCycle Users

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Tired of having to resort to eBay or Craigslist to sell the stuff you no longer want? Or trying to give it away on FreeCycle only to have some overzealous moderator reject it? So was the creator of, the online garage sale where you can sell your stuff to friends and family, for free, and while keeping it private so you are not opening your home to random strangers. GTS List takes the idea of the online yard sale that often takes place on sites such as Craigslist, and combines it with the experience of having an old-fashioned yard sale, by making it a virtual yard sale. While a virtual garage sale is nothing new, we think they’re on to something by giving sellers the ability to keep their sale as private as they’d like.

[Website maintenance provided by Usestrict and we love them!]

The process for listing could not be easier. By signing-in with your Facebook credentials, you will immediately gain access to your free account.

From there you can list the item:

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Specify if you want to give, sell, trade or loan the item, then name your price and give a description:

Once you have saved and added that item to the list, you can send your customer link to all of your friends, family, neighbors, church members, PTA friends, or whomever you wish to see what you’re offering.

Transactions are handled on a personal level, so it is up to you to figure out how payment will be received, much like a yard sale.

To get started using GTS List and selling your stuff, visit their website! [Note: their website is now down.]

The Internet Patrol is completely free, and we don't subject you to ads or annoying video pop-ups. But it does cost us out of our pocket to keep the site going (going on 20 years now!) So your tips via CashApp, Venmo, or Paypal are appreciated!
Receipts will come from ISIPP.

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One thought on “Virtual Garage Sale Site ‘GTS List’ Perfect Place for Recovering Craigslist and FreeCycle Users

  1. Any idea why this site folded so quickly? There’s nothing but a Sedo parking page there now and this article is the only mention on Google.

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