Today (Friday, 9/22) Only! Get Free Iced Coffee at Dunkin Donuts Courtesy of Yahoo!

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Yahoo is giving away free Dunkin Donuts iced coffee, today (Friday, 9/22) only! Visitors to the Yahoo website will be able to print out a coupon for a free iced coffee at Dunkin Donuts, just for having gone to the website.

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Does this mean that Yahoo didn’t learn from Starbucks having to retract an offer for free iced coffee, an Internet offer which went out of control earlier this month? Why, it was only last week that Starbucks was sued for retracting the offer, which was supposed to have a limited distribution to some friends and families of their South Eastern region, and instead the offer and coupon were plastered all over the Internet.

It may be that Yahoo doesn’t fully realize the magnitude and scope which an Internet offer for free coffee can take on, or it may be that they figure they can afford it. Or maybe they figure that not as many people will come thronging for Dunkin Donuts coffee as compared to Starbucks coffee (although goodness knows that the latter is pretty awful), but still, free coffee is free coffee.

This whole free Dunkin Donuts iced coffee from Yahoo thing is, by the way, part of a new advertising push from Yahoo, featuring radio and television ads in which they will, among other things, bring back the Yahoo yodel.

So, what do you think will be the outcome here?

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A) Yahoo will retract the offer, when they realize that it has become too expensive
B) Dunkin Donuts will stop honoring the offer, when they realize that it has become too expensive
C) Neither of the above, because Dunkin Donuts iced coffee just isn’t that good, and it’s harder to find a Dunkin Donuts than a Starbucks
D) [Insert your own clever answer]

Answer below, please, and we’ll tally this up.

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5 thoughts on “Today (Friday, 9/22) Only! Get Free Iced Coffee at Dunkin Donuts Courtesy of Yahoo!

  1. Your info on Yahoo/Dunkin Donuts is somewhat inaccurate. You do NOT get a
    coupon for a free iced coffee just for having gone to the website. FIRST
    you have to change your home page to That just ticks me off, and
    I told ’em so on the comments block. What kind of person, who is
    happy with their home page, would change it JUST for a 69 cent cup of iced
    coffee, for crying out loud? Yahoo will definitely get what they pay for!
    It gives me a very bad opinion of Dunkin Donuts and an even worse opinion of

  2. Nothing will happen, but some people with get free coffee. Yahoo was smart enough to have a one day limit, unlike starbucks!

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