The Best Site for Divorce Advice for Men and Unmarried Fathers Rights Advice

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We’d like to take this opportunity to tell you about what we think is the best website that provides both advice for unmarried fathers and divorce advice for men. Whether you are looking for information about a fathers rights to child custody (and if you are unmarried child custody issues can still go either way – custody of children is not dependent on your marital status – an unmarried fathers rights of access to children is the same as if he’d been married to the mother), information about the best way to resolve custody issues (is shared custody best? Should you try to win child custody? Go for 50 50 custody of a child?), or information regarding children and divorce, such as the effect of divorce on children (how are children affected by divorce?), this should be your go-to website. Fathers, get answers to your separation and divorce questions, information about how to cope with divorce and children, and how to deal with custody of a child if never married, all in one place!

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Now, before we go any further, we have to tell you that the website to which we’re referring is written by our very own Anne Mitchell, Esq. Yes, it’s true – before she joined the good anti-spam and cyber-security fight, she was one of the few attorneys in the equally important fight to help fathers to be able to stay involved in the lives of their children.

Fathers’ rights to access to their children – and as importantly – children’s rights to have access to their fathers, remains near and dear to Anne’s heart. And so for that reason she still maintains her fathers’ rights website, and still publishes her very popular ebook, Surviving Divorce and Custody Issues: The Single Father’s Guide, which is available for free through the website (it is also available on the Amazon Kindle).

But that’s not all that’s available to you on the site! There is tons of great information and advice, all for free! Articles, advice and information on such topics as:

Move Aways
Abuse and Accusations
Parental Kidnapping
Child Support & Spousal Support
Community Property
Attachment Parenting
Arbitration & Mediation
Business Owners
Debt Management
Tax Matters
Retirement Funds

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But wait, there’s more! There are also articles to help you find family law information for every state, child support information for every state, and even to help you find a lawyer in every state.


And if that’s not enough, there is even a form you can fill out to request a confidential consultation with an attorney for free (or, in some cases, a token amount).

So what is this great site?

It’s the site!

You can check it out now, here.

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One thought on “The Best Site for Divorce Advice for Men and Unmarried Fathers Rights Advice

  1. ” A man has to be criminally insane to marry and a drooling idiot to sire a child”.
    This is family law in a nut shell. The only time a criminal is not prosecuted is when s/he happens be a member of the law industry

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