list of words banned by amazon
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List of Words that Will Get Your Amazon Review Rejected

There are many banned words that are prohibited in Amazon reviews, and that will get your review rejected in a New York minute. Unhelpfully, Amazon doesn’t offer a list of forbidden words, and they don’t let you know the offending word or words in their rejection notice. So we have decided to create a list here. Below are the words that we know or suspect will get your review rejected by Amazon – please help fellow Amazon reviewers by adding to this list.

The Internet Patrol default featured image
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The Best Way to Search a Dating Site for What You Really Want

What a shame that you can’t do a Boolean or other sophisticated search on most dating sites. For example, maybe you are a man who wants to find a woman who loves snuggling, and she can be anywhere in the United States except California. Now, on or or most other dating sites, you could do a keyword search for “snuggling”, and you can search the entire United States, or you can search one particular state. But you can’t search all of the states except California. Using this example, and the power of Google, we are going to show you how you can search a dating site for exactly the criteria you want.