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2023’s Two Most Useful iPad Tricks

If this is your very first time using an iPad, everything may feel somewhat complicated initially. While the iPad used to feel more like a huge iPhone, Apple has altered the iPad’s operating system enough to separate both devices. But do not worry; the two ideas we’re about to show you will help you start to master your iPad in a snap.

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Simple but effective tips for your iPhone

You may know a few of, maybe even several of these tips, but we bet there’s at least one in here that will be new to you! Swipe to remove a number in Calculator When you slip up using the Calculator, you do not have to remove everything and start…

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How to Make Your iPhone Work for You

Have you ever felt the weight of minor disappointment sinking into your stomach after purchasing the newest iPhone only to find yourself more disconnected from its new fancy features? Like every step forward in the advancement of these tools leaves you still two steps behind last year’s big update?

Shopping sites are known to use tricks to make you buy more
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5 Tricks that Online Shopping Sites Use to Make You Buy More

Do you find yourself spending more than you had planned when shopping online, and end up beating yourself up a lot for it? Suppose you realized that the unplanned spending is no accident but a well-executed strategy by retailers to lure you and other customers using various tricks to make…

new amazon echo alexa tricks
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New Tricks that Amazon Echo’s Alexa has Learned in the Past year

It has been exactly a year since we first unboxed and reviewed the Amazon Echo, and Siri’s cousin, Alexa. In that year, Alexa has learned many new tricks (mostly through having acquired new “skills”), as well as having a baby (Amazon Dot) and a low-energy clone (Amazon Tap). Here are some of the new tricks that Alexa has learned in the past year.

amazon echo shopping list-1
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Amazon Echo Series – Part 3: Cool Amazon Echo Commands, Tips, Tricks and Things to Try

There are tons of Amazon Echo commands and things to try, such that building a comprehensive Amazon Echo command list or list of uses would be nearly impossible. But here are examples of our favorite features, including Amazon Echo tips and tricks, questions to ask, and Easter eggs. For example, did you know that your Amazon Echo can tell you jokes, recite quotes, track your to do list and shopping list, and even play Simon Says (sort of)?

carrying the amazon echo
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Amazon Echo Series – Part 1: Amazon Echo Unboxing, Set Up, and Initial Review

As more and more people are finally getting their Amazon Echo, and more are wanting to order one, we offer our Amazon Echo series, including the unboxing, our review of the Echo and its features and uses, a list of commands for the Echo, and some tips and tricks for the Amazon Echo. This is part 1, with the unboxing, setup, and our initial review.