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Online Audio of Southwest Pilot Tammie Jo Shults’ Communication with Air Traffic Control Tower

As the world mourns for Jennifer Riordan, the Southwest passenger who was partially ejected through the blown-out window of Southwest flight 1380 yesterday (April 17, 2018), the world is also lauding Southwest pilot Tammie Jo Shults for her cool, level-headed handling of the situation, saving the lives of the rest of the 149 passengers and crew on board the crippled airplane. You can listen to sound clips of that audio here.

ACLU Map of State and Local Agencies having cell site simulators
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Stingray IMSI Cell Phone Tower Emulator that Grabs All Your Cell Phone Data as You Drive By Deployed by Law Enforcement Around the Country

Stringray device phone technology tricks your cellphone into connecting to the Stingray ‘phone tower’ (your phone doesn’t realize it’s connecting to a cell phone simulator interceptor rather than your provider’s tower – it’s the ultimate in cell phishing), and then sucks down all of your International Mobile Subscriber Identity (IMSI) information, including not only your call details, but even your text messages, email, and other private information. (This is also known as an IMSI catcher.) Now being deployed by local police and sheriff departments, these cell phone interception and eavesdropping devices are not only legal, but they require no warrant, and their use is jealously protected by the Feds.