complaints about twitter hearts
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Twitter Goes from Favoriting with Stars to Loving with Hearts – Not Everyone Pleased

This week Twitter removed it’s option to “Favorite” a Tweet with a star symbol, replacing it with a heart symbol to indicate a “Like” (shades of Facebook!), and not everybody hearts it.

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Internet “Traveling Cloud Museum” Shines Light on the Hart Island Dead

Hart Island in New York is a massive burial site for the poor and unclaimed. A mass grave cemetary, also known as a “Potter’s field”, Hart Island (sometimes referred to as Hart’s Island or Heart Island) is run by the New York City Department of Correction, and few living people, other than the Rikers Island inmates who dig the pauper’s graves, are allowed to set foot on Hart Island. Even for the relatives of the dead who are buried there, the New York City DoC grants visiting permission only rarely.