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How Private are Facebook Private Closed Groups Really? Not Very it Turns Out

You know that old adage, that something is only as strong as its weakest link? Well, private Facebook groups are only as private as the admins keep them. Which means that all it takes is for one admin to accidentally (or intentionally) make the group public for a period of time, during which people who aren’t members of the closed Facebook group can see both the members, and what they posted. So how safe is it to rely on the private, closed status of a Facebook group? Not very, it turns out.

twitter group messages
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How to Send Group Messages on Twitter

By now you may have heard that Twitter has added a group messaging feature, i.e. the ability to send a private direct message to a group of up to 20 people at once, and of course they can reply back to the group as well. Here’s how to use Twitter’s new group messaging function.

how to find list of all your facebook groups
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How to Stop People from Adding You to Facebook Groups without Your Permission

How frustrated are you that people can add you to Facebook groups without your permission? It’s pretty ridiculous that someone can add you to a Facebook group without asking you, and then it’s your responsibility to have to leave the group! Here’s what to do about it.