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Facebook’s Graph Search Turns Facebook into Best Dating Site on the Internet

We have already written about the seamy underbelly of Facebook’s recently rolled-out Graph Search. Now here’s a more upbeat and interesting flip side to Facebook Graph Search: it turns Facebook into one of the best, largest, and free dating sites out there.

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All About Facebook Graph Search: An Expose in Pictures

By now you may have heard about Facebook’s Graph Search. And you may or may not already have Facebook’s Graph Search, as Facebook is rolling it out slowly across their membership. If you don’t already have it (or have it but have not yet dived into it), here is an illustrated tour – or, really, an exposé – of Facebook Graph Search (perhaps more aptly called “Facebook Graphic Search”), explained in pictures.

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Facebook Graph Search Reveals Who Likes the Ku Klux Klan, and Who Likes Some Good Old Fashioned Raping

Facebook’s new graph search feature is proving that it is good for so much more than just finding which of your friends watches The Walking Dead. You can also find out who on Facebook likes sexism, or young women with large breasts.

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The Facebook Graph is Deceptive, Offering Bad and Unreliable Data

Yesterday we mentioned that Facebook announced their new Graph Search, which is essentially a way to stalk your Facebook friends and family. In a fiery blog post, engineer and contributing Tech Crunch writer Steve Cheney went on to call it a con, saying that it is the equivalent of him yelling across an auditorium for a recommendation for a doctor to see for his cough.