harvard covid hotspot tracking tool counties county covid-19 covid19
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Harvard Releases Online Real Time “Where are the Hotspots” Covid Tracking Tool that Shows You Which Counties to Avoid in Your State

Harvard has released for public use an online tool which tells you which counties in your state are current Covid-19 hotspots.

a lying dormant cyberpathogen
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San Bernardino DA Suggests “lying dormant cyber pathogen” on Shooter’s iPhone

In a novel twist in the FBI versus Apple iPhone case, the San Bernardino District Attorney’s office has filed a motion (full text below) to submit an Amicus Curiae brief, stating that, among other things, the phone could harbor a “lying dormant cyber pathogen.” Of course, there’s no such thing as a lying dormant cyber pathogen, but why let a little thing like the facts get in the way of a good argument?