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Online Audio of Southwest Pilot Tammie Jo Shults’ Communication with Air Traffic Control Tower

As the world mourns for Jennifer Riordan, the Southwest passenger who was partially ejected through the blown-out window of Southwest flight 1380 yesterday (April 17, 2018), the world is also lauding Southwest pilot Tammie Jo Shults for her cool, level-headed handling of the situation, saving the lives of the rest of the 149 passengers and crew on board the crippled airplane. You can listen to sound clips of that audio here.

how brain to brain communication works
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Scientists Prove Digital Brain to Brain Thought Communication Over the Internet

Scientists in India and France have successfully transmitted a brain-to-brain thought, or communication, over the Internet. Using a non-invasive procedure, scientists in India wired a man’s head to capture and decode his brain impulses, had the man think the words “Hola” and “Ciao”, and then transmitted the impulses over the Internet to recipients that colleagues in France had wired similarly, who received the transmission as flashes of light, from which they were able to interpret the “Hola” and “Ciao”. The scientsts involved were Carles Grau, Romuald Ginhoux, Alejandro Riera, Thanh Lam Nguyen, Hubert Chauvat, Michel Berg, Julià L. Amengual, Alvaro Pascual-Leone, and Giulio Ruffini.