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How to Connect to a Starbucks AT and T Wifi Hotspot with a 3G iPad

One of the perks of getting the iPad 3G is that, in addition to the 3G, says AT and T and Apple, “you’ll have access to over 20,000 Wi-Fi hotspots, including Starbucks, Barnes and Noble, and more.” In other words, you can connect your 3G iPad, via wifi, to more than 20,000 AT and T wifi hotspots (usually named “attwifi”), at no additional charge. But how do you connect at these 20,000+ AT&T hotspots at no additional charge? How do you connect to a Starbucks AT&T wifi hotspot, for example, with your iPad 3G?

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iPhone Owners at Risk for Their iPhone Joining Fake AT and T Hotspots

iPhones will join any old hotspot so long as it claims to be an attwifi hotspot, says a researcher who discovered the security hole this week. This security hole can lead unsuspecting iPhone users to give up all sorts of personal information to anyone who knows how to change the name of their wireless access point.