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Kickstarter Apologizes for Allowing the “Above the Game” How to Pick Up Girls Book to Be Funded

Last week we told you about the Kickstarter scandal, in which the book Above the Game was allowed as a Kickstarter project. Some people called the ‘how to pick up and treat women’ book a “rape manual”, objecting to some of the advice in the book as being about ‘forcing a woman to have sex’.

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Teen Accidentally Shot Gets Apology from Shooter by Text Message

We’re not sure what Miss Manners would have to say about the correct way to apologize to someone whom you’ve just shot, but we’re pretty sure that she would not say that it’s ok to apologize by text message. Then again, given that the victim might not want to see your mug – except on a ‘wanted’ posted with “apprehended” stamped over it – maybe she would. While this may sound like an “only in the movies” scenario, it actually played out in real life in Orange County, California.