You Can Now Hum-to-Search for That Song When You Can't Remember the Lyrics
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Service Lets You Hum-to-Search for That Song When You Can’t Remember the Lyrics or Name of the Song

There is this song that is stuck in your head, you can remember the tune, even whistle or hum it, but cannot recall the lyrics or name. No need to fret. Google has you covered, as there is now a feature known as Hum-to-Search, designed to resolve such crises It…

Apps can help to get you organized
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5 Great Apps to Get You Organized

You are juggling between work, appointments, social life, and family. It’s like every day of your life has to-do lists that you can barely complete. At the end of the day, you feel exhausted, rushed, anxious, and hectic. But now technology is coming to your rescue and offering some resemblance…