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What is the National Broadband Plan and its Impact on Individuals? Broadband in Every Home is Obama’s Version of “Chicken in Every Pot”

There’s been a lot in the news this week about the National Broadband Plan, and while it was first inserted into public awareness nearly a year ago, many were not aware of even the possibility of a National Broad band Plan, let alone the reality of it, until recently. At its broadest, the American Broadband Plan is about making sure that the U.S. has a robust, and wicked-fast, broadband infrastructure, to not only keep up with – but to keep ahead of – the rapidly changing Internet landscape and demands. It looks at allocation and reallocation of parts of the wireless spectrum, it considers redefining Federal funds currently earmarked to ensure that everybody has access to basic telephone service to include broadband access as well, and it looks at who ought to be paying for all of this broadband development and access. But it also has aspects that are much more personal, and hit much closer to home for the average American.