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Data Broker was Selling Location-Tracking Data of People Visiting Abortion Providers

So a date broker was selling the location-tracking data of people visiting abortion providers. Data about all sorts of things holds value, and in today’s world, your data holds plenty. Like it or not, your data has almost definitely already been bought and sold. Just like mine, just like nearly every other person’s in the good ol’ US of A. Of course, it would be nice if you or I had some say in the matter. Personally, I would not freely consent to my data being bought or sold without providing me a benefit, and that is precisely the reason why I don’t have any say in the matter.

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Is Siri Pro-Life? Apple Denies that the iPhone Siren is Anti-Abortion

In the past few days the charge has been levelled that Apple’s voice-command entity, Siri, is anti-abortion. This after it was noted that when people ask Siri for guidance to abortion services, ‘she’ is “unable” to find such services, or in some instances instead directs them to pro-life organizations.

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Esther Dyson Compares Internet Anonymity to Abortion

Esther Dyson has gone on record as comparing the choice to remain anonymous on the Internet to abortion.