Survey Finds Teenagers and Twenty-Somethings Would Give Up Sex, Chocolate and Caffeine Before Giving Up Their Cell Phone

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In what may be some very good news for parents, a survey of more than 1200 people has revealed that teenagers and twenty-somethings below the age of twenty-five would rather give up caffeine, chocolate, and even sex, before giving up their cell phone.

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In fact, many said that they wouldn’t give up using a mobile phone even if you gave them a lot of money.

The survey, conducted by Mobile Life in conjunction with the Carphone Warehouse and the London School of Economics, found that nearly a third of all 18-24 year olds surveyed would give up caffeine (in the form of coffee or tea), chocolate and sex before they would give up their cell phone, although the 55-64 year olds surveyed would give up everything before they’d give up a nice hot cup of tea or coffee.

An equal number would turn down a million pounds (about $500,000) rather than go without their cell phone for a month.

Mobile Life claims to be “the voice of authority, an on-going forum that publishes the most comprehensive proprietary research into the impact of the mobile phone on our daily lives.”

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So, in theory, at least, parents can now keep their kids sober and chaste simply by threatening to stop paying the cell bill if their kids don’t toe the line.

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3 thoughts on “Survey Finds Teenagers and Twenty-Somethings Would Give Up Sex, Chocolate and Caffeine Before Giving Up Their Cell Phone

  1. Addicted to SMS Mary. I am definetly addicted to texting along w/ a few other things.

  2. Can I choose one of the two cell phones I have to do without for a month and still get the money?

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