Stop Me Before I Spam Again

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Noted “Cajun Spammer” Ronnie Scelson, responsible for 30million pieces of spam a day by his own calculations, told the United States Senate Commerce Committee during testimony today that while he has given up his wicked spamming ways, and now complies with CAN-SPAM, if people don’t stop blocking his email he is going to start spamming again.

Cry me a river.

Scelson explained to the Senate committee that large ISPs such as AOL and Hotmail were blocking his mail. Apparently he takes exception to this.

Boo hoo hoo.

Then he advised the United States Senate Commerce Committee, while under oath, during testimony, that “he stood ready to deploy a range of deceptive tactics” from the underground nuclear fall-out shelter which he calls home if those mean ISPs don’t stop picking on him during recess.

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It’s worth noting that Scelson advised the committee that he thought that CAN-SPAM “looks good but doesn’t do a whole lot” (funny, many anti-spammers said the same thing about it, except for the looks good part). He must not have read it too closely though, because one of the things which it does do is explicitly state that ISPs are not required to accept, and indeed may block, anybody’s email – even if that email complies with CAN-SPAM.

He also must not have realized that one other thing which CAN-SPAM does is allow the FTC to sue people who do things like..oh.. “deploying a range of deceptive tactics”.

Still, nice of him to give the nice men in the suits a heads up.

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One thought on “Stop Me Before I Spam Again

  1. Maybe I missed something. When did Scelson ever STOP spamming? UCE is UCE. The question of whether he is or is not in compliance with the Federal YOU-CAN-SPAM law, which was written by the DMA’s lawyers, is neither interesting nor relevant. Spam is spam.

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